He reached the door and looked at the door camera on the wall and saw that it was Jennifer. She had a bunch of files in her hands and he remembered that he had asked her to bring him some work files so he could work from home.

He opened the door to let her in and was left a bit flustered when he saw her outfit. She was wearing a long tight black blouse with a very low neckline that revealed her firm and well-rounded boobs. Her net stockings could be seen making their way from her high-heeled shoes to her legs and up her thighs which were very exposed because of the short length of her skirt. Her hair was packed in a bun so it didn't cover her neck which made her show a lot of extra skin and she had this look on her face that was predatory and yet, innocent at the same time.

Her attire wasn't as revealing as what a stripper would wear but it was definitely not appropriate for a workplace but Josh just felt that that was her style of dressing and she didn't have any ulterior reasons for wearing it.

"Good morning, Sir. I'm here with the files just like you asked," she said in a formal tone.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about that," he said and took the files from her.

That was it. She'd brought what he asked for and he'd collected it. There was no reason to invite her in, he thought to himself, so he was about to say goodbye to her when he noticed her tugging at her heels.

"Are you okay there?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My feet just really hurt because I sprained it on my way here when I stepped on a banana peel and almost fell," she claimed.

Josh felt like that story was highly unlikely but he kept his thoughts to himself. He couldn't call her out about it and he also couldn't just send her on her way just like that so he had no choice but to be the gentleman.

"You could put some ice on it so it doesn't get worse. I have some in my fridge," he said.

"That would be a big help. Thanks, Sir," she said and walked into the apartment.

"Please, have a seat while I get you that ice. Would you also like something to drink?" He asked politely.

"Some juice if you have," she answered.

Josh took the files and placed them on his desk while Jennifer waited for him on his couch. He came back out and went to the fridge. He took an ice pack and a bottle of orange juice and took them to her.

"Here you go," he said and handed her the items.

"Thank you, Sir," she said and took them from him.

"Well, I'll leave you to it and get started on those files," he told her and went into his office.

He went back into his office and sat down to begin. He opened the files and his laptop as well and began going through them. He did so for a few minutes and sighed when he felt his shoulders ache. He didn't understand why he felt so weak but he really was tensed up and as if he willed it, he felt a pair of soft hands on his shoulders massaging them and boy, did it feel good.

"Sir, you seem a bit tense," Jennifer said to him as she massaged his back and shoulders.

"Yeah, I...um, I had a weird night," he said.

"Maybe I can help you relax a bit," she said as she hit some really tense muscles on his shoulder.

It felt so satisfying and Josh was enjoying it too much to realise that she was trying to seduce him.

Jennifer's hands were on his shoulders but they slowly started moving to his chest and his abs and then, even lower. As she reached the bulge in his trousers, Josh's eyes shot open and they were red.

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