Chapter 2: The Drama Lesson

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The bell rang for first period. Me, Amelia and Abbie rushed to our two hour drama lesson.

Filled with excitement, as we approached the door I could smell a stench that was almost killing the whole school; it was Sebastian.

He had extremely greasy hair and his armpits sopped with sweat. He had dirty blue eyes and his uniform smelled like it hadn't been washed in six weeks. But we just got my so spray out and drowned him in it. He was screaming the whole time the wet wipe. It's not like we were spraying acid, although he may need acid to get the stench off him.

We entered the drama studio and Mr Beebery tells us today we have to do a drama performance based in a high school with an argument. Me and abbie are gonna smash this as we have experience. We get into our normal group me , Amelia, abigail , connie and millie. We create a performance where Abigail the emo has a massive argument with the sexy popular girl caitlyn because caitlyn has gotten pregnant and emo abigail has spread the rumour.

After drama we begin to walk to maths and midway there we bump into Jeffrey Sway. Abbie has a mega crush on him but he is extremely popular and not to be rude or anything but Abigail is slightly emo .

As we walk past him, Abbie's face turns into the same colour as the shrimp I had for my tea. The cool boy Jeffery winks at her. She is in shock, so much shock that she falls over herself on the stairs. Our other friends, Lily, Hollie and Holly rush over to help her, while me and Amelia can't help but howl at Abigail but Hollie tells us off and we walk to maths.

As we get to maths, Mr Foot gave us the dirtiest of looks, but we explain the situation to him and he brushes it off as it was probably just a coincidence.

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