Chapter 27 - Artificial Blood

Start from the beginning

"Great, we have come to a compromise." Steele turned to the auditorium. "In regards to the very first international "Artificial" policy, due to Artificials beginning to turn 18 years old, we have decided to give Artificials the same voting rights as regular humans. They will also receive the rest of the same civil liberties and rights that a human does. This means that in the near future, we may see Artificials in positions of power. But I must stress something above all else." He pointed at the middle of the crowd, yet Omega felt like he was pointing at him.

"You, the people of this world, must come to accept the upcoming of Artificials. It's unfortunate I have to remind you that you will never have more children. That familial blood you hold so dear means nothing anymore, understand? Without Artificials, there may be no future. Now answer me this question..." He threw his hands out to the crowd, "Given this, what pride is left to have in your humanity?"

Omega felt the ominous feeling he experienced when he first met Steele again, but to feel it from this far away meant Steele's dominance of the auditorium was immense. The leaders looked at him in helplessness, except Gael, who looked unbothered. Omega looked over to Enjō, who's skin was beet red, his fists clenched. But his gaze didn't fall on Steele, he was looking at Dawa. Machida sat with composure, while Kitt shook in his seat.

Steele's tone and posture relaxed, "Oh, yes, an announcement before it slips my mind, I brought a special guest with me today. It's someone very important to the security of Hatchery facilities across the world."
Steele bowed to the audience, which was eerily silent. "I introduce to you, a dear friend of mine, the 'Angel of Artificials', and protector of Hatchery facilities..." Steele extended his hand to the right side of the crowd, where a person stood up among the rest. As the light enveloped him, his well-kept, beige hair shined. He was lean in build, dressed in a white blazer. His face was blank, nearly void of emotion, but his silver eyes hid something beneath them. Omega looked up at him, inspecting him closely. Where have I seen him before?

"Ael is an Alpha who I've designated the position of Protector of the Future. Any attempts to halt Hatchery production or even destroy the facility itself will be ceased by him. This goes for all facilities." Without a word, Ael sat down, blending back into the crowd.
Machida sat with composure, while Kitt shook in place.

"Thank you, everyone, for your attention. I hope that you'll heed my words, as that'll be all from me." Steele bowed to the auditorium and turned around, whispering into Dawa's ear, "Do you remember the 'way of the world', Dawa?" A sly grin crawled its way up his face.

"It's me. I'm the 'way of the world'."

Steele stood up and walked out of the conference room, his clanking shoes echoing throughout the building. A whimper sounded in the auditorium, followed by a metallic bang on the floor.

"He dropped a gun, I'm assuming." Uyama spoke for the first time in the conference. Omega looked up at him, analyzing his uncomplicated face. "An assassination that failed before a single bullet was shot, just like usual."

Guards ran toward the man who dropped the gun in the auditorium and detained him as he struggled in their grasp. Steele chuckled as he closed the door behind him.

Just like usual? Who is Steele, really? Rather, what is he? Omega thought as the man disappeared. I guess I'll find out soon enough.


Rubble still lingered at the site of the parking garage. Iseri was dressed in a suit, avoiding the dirt as she looked around for clues.

White gloves, shiny white skin, black cloak. Iseri repeated in her head as she searched the site. Here and there were people who noticed the abnormality of a demolished building in the middle of the city due to them being from the suburbs. She even tried showing the urban people the building by forcing them to look at it, but none of them seemed to care. Iseri sat down on a bench and placed her head on her palms. Her phone vibrated in her pocket.

"Ugh, it's Kitt." She groaned and picked it up.

"Iseri, how ya been?" Kitt mumbled. Iseri looked at her phone, making sure that it was him.

"Hey...are you feeling okay? You don't sound normal."
"It's uh— it's complicated, but anyway, how's your investigation?" He started to "chipper up".

"No, tell me what's wrong, Kitt. Now."
Kitt didn't respond for a while, making sure he worded what he was about to say correctly.

"...You know how Omegas have a short life span?" Kitt finally asked, "This is just a theory, but..." He groans, "Shit, I can't tell you on the phone. Just never mind that."

Iseri sighed, "If you're going to call me sounding like that, there should at least be an explanation. How was the conference?"

She could only hear static for a moment.

"It was weird. Steele was weird." He replied blankly.

"Anything that could make him seem like a criminal?"
Silence again, but this time even longer.
"Not yet."

Acting weird ever since I mentioned the conference. I hope nothing bad happened, she thought.

"Well if anything goes wrong while you're there, just let me know. I'm busy right now, bye." Iseri hung up the phone and resumed her search. After turning over the rubble, she eventually found a singed piece of white cloth wedged between a broken wall that looked like the same material of the cloaked being's gloves. As she reached for it, another hand from the other side touched hers. Iseri yelped and snatched her hand away from the cloth, "Hey! Who's there?!" She ran around the wall, only catching a glimpse of the masked person running away from the demolished site. Iseri didn't bother trying to chase them in her suit.

Dang it, if I knew I was going to chase people, I wouldn't have worn such a tight suit, she thought, trying to catch her breath. Black gas mask, a thick coat and worn boots. How can they run so fast in that get-up?

Iseri sat back down on the bench and documented her findings, sealing the singed cloth in a bag. "Just one step closer."

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