ch 38

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  "Aquaman's meaning, cough cough..." There is obviously no "Sea King" here, which is a well-known online vocabulary before he crossed, Jiang Tang explained in a low voice, "It's a scumbag whose guiding ideology is to cast a wide net for fishing, They will row suitable partners into their own fish pond, and then have an affair with every fish in the fish pond..."

[I understand! My ex's scumbag is Aquaman! He also lied to me that the girl was his sister, I am! ]

[I rely on sisters! So did my ex! My brain is full of contact information of various younger sisters. Fortunately, I kicked him long ago~]

[Me too...]

[Everyone is a person with a story/in a daze]

[The one in front, you will not be the same Ex...]


Jiang Tang was still looking at the barrage with relish, suddenly felt that the furry eyes on his body were a bit strange, and somehow felt guilty, Jiang Tang's eyes began to wander, and he just wanted to say something else Get over this topic quickly.

Help! What is he guilty of? He is not Aquaman!

The climate of Desolate Star is similar to that of Jiang Tang's former residence. Although it's autumn now, the temperature is still high during the day, and it doesn't drop slowly until nightfall.

The sea surface suddenly calmed down, without any waves, only birds that looked like seagulls flew close to the sea surface, they flew very low, occasionally touching the sea surface, breaking the mirror-like golden afterglow.

Jiang Tang walked slowly on the beach, leaving a series of crooked footprints behind him.

He wore a straw hat made of huge grass leaves on his head, and his exposed cheeks were flushed red by the setting sun, making him look extremely cute.

Jiang Tang likes the sea, so he was naturally in a very happy mood. He turned his body and asked Mao Furry for advice: "Let me sing for you~" Little did he know that Jiang Tang, who had the title of "Mai Ba" in his previous life, actually didn't wait for Mao Furry to give his advice

. No matter what the reaction was, he sang directly——

"Evening breeze blows Penghu Bay, white waves chase the beach, there is no coconut grove to decorate the setting sun, just a piece of sea blue ~"

Jiang Tang thought of an old song he had heard before, and saw him closing his eyes, shaking his head slightly, his face With a peaceful smile, coupled with the golden sandy beach under your feet, the sunset that is about to fall into the sea behind you, and the calm sea, everything is as beautiful as an oil painting.

But all of this was ruined by the song Jiang Tang sang.

You must know that there will be such a kind of person in KTV, as long as he touches the microphone, he will not put it down easily, and he will directly become Pavarotti and sing loudly, and even invite others to sing with him. No matter how high a person's musical literacy is, he will be abducted halfway by his "magic sound".

This kind of people is honored as an alternative "Maiba", and there is no doubt that Jiang Tang is one of them.

But he didn't realize it yet.

Hearing the singing of "sunshine, beach, sea waves, cactus, and an old captain~", Lin Yucang turned his gaze from Jiang Tang to Wen Renyuan with a complicated expression.

...Why didn't this person respond?

"Is there any problem?" Wen Renyuan noticed Lin Yucang's eyes.

The singing sounded full of emotion, and it was no different from the songs he heard others sing in the army before.

Lin Yucang: "...Although I haven't heard the original singing of this song, it's obviously out of tune, isn't it?"

Looking at Wen Renyuan who was obviously a little dazed, Lin Yucang: "..."

"Brother! Look what I found !" Qin Fei's voice came from a distance, and finally saved Lin Yucang's ears from the terrible singing.

Qin Fei pointed at the gray and gray strange creature in the shallow cement sand, and didn't dare to go forward. Jiang Tang took a closer look. Isn't this mantis shrimp holding its pincers high at them? !

Of course it has another more well-known name - Pippi Shrimp.

Jiang Tang suddenly became excited: "Hey! Be careful!"

Hearing Jiang Tang's anxious voice, Qin Fei couldn't help being moved: "Brother, I'm fine..."

"Be careful not to step on it, Pippi shrimp It's delicious!"

Qin Fei: ...

In Jiang Tang's eyes, this is clearly a pot of Spicy Pipi Shrimp holding up the tongs to say hello to him!

"Why are you still standing there, hurry up and pick up Pippi Shrimp, those who pick up less won't have to eat at night!"

Qin Fei: "...Oh!"

Jiang Tang washed off all the dirt and sand on Pippi Shrimp, and drained it. Set dry water aside.

Lu Rongming set up a fire and a pot by the sea. After the oil in the pot was hot, Jiang Tang added green onion, ginger, and garlic to fry until fragrant, then poured in dried red chili and Chinese prickly ash one by one, and the pungent aroma came out immediately. Tang dodged to the side with great experience, Qin Fei and the others were a step slower in reacting, and were choked to sneezes several times.

[Ah, this familiar taste! I love chili! ! 】

【Me too! Although the smell is very stimulating, it's almost like an addiction~]

[Is it just me who still don't get used to this smell no matter how many times I smell it? 】

Jiang Tang also added a little of the hot pot bottom material he made before to the pot this time, and when the red oil was fried, the color of the pot made people salivate. Then add Pippi shrimp to the pot and stir-fry, the shrimp shell changes color quickly, and then wrapped in red sauce, even Lin Yucang, who can't eat spicy food, is a little bit tempted.

Jiang Tang served out the spicy pipi shrimp. Considering the viewers who can't eat spicy food and Furry, he changed to another pot to cook seafood porridge.

Just now, they harvested a few swimming crabs and some unknown shellfish beside the reef where the Pippi shrimps were picked. Add water to boil the rice in the pot to make the rice flower. When it is thick, add a little oil to the pot, and then add the processed swimming crabs, etc. Seafood, and stir well.

When the seafood is cooked until it changes color and is fully cooked, add shredded ginger and chopped green onion, then add some salt and white pepper, and stir well.

Jiang Tang slowly stirred the porridge in the pot with a spoon. The seafood porridge retained the original "freshness" of the seafood to the greatest extent, and the added shredded ginger neutralized the fishy smell of the seafood. Silk is also a hot food. But it's a pity that Jiang Tang doesn't have Huadiao wine now, otherwise all the gluttons would know that seafood and Huadiao wine are a perfect match.

Take a sip of seafood porridge, the taste is smooth and delicious, it is completely different from the spicy pipi shrimp and the previous grilled oysters.

【Ahhh! I am in love with this porridge! ]

[This is too delicious, I almost bit my tongue/crying while drinking the nutrient solution just now while smelling the taste]

[I have to find a way to go to Tangtang's to get some food, woo woo woo! ]

[I feel so sad when I think that I won't be able to smell this porridge tomorrow! /Cracked]

Jiang Tang was used to watching the fans playing tricks in the live broadcast room, he picked up a Pippi shrimp, "Try this?" The

impatient fans took a bite - it tastes delicious! It's just a bit hard...

Jiang Tang:...

"Don't worry, this is for peeling and eating~"

Jiang Tang likes seafood very much, and he is naturally good at peeling shrimp. He demonstrated it to the fans, and saw his white fingers pinch, buckle, and peel again, and then the shell of the shrimp was completely peeled off.

Fan: Wait, how did you peel it off?

No matter how he peels it, it will be over when it is eaten in the mouth.

Qin Fei and the fans in the live broadcast room began to peel the shells in a strange way. The shrimp shells were also delicious during the frying. After peeling off the shrimp shells, they stuffed the shrimp meat into their mouths. Some fresh fragrance blooms in the mouth, the taste of the shrimp meat is still very soft, and finally take a sip of the red oil on the fingers, perfect!

[To tell you the truth, my mother scolded me just now when she saw me suddenly start licking my fingers, I shared the live broadcast room with her, and now she is sitting here rubbing her fingers with me...] Jiang Tang saw that they had no teacher at

all After thoroughly understanding the mystery of eating spicy pipi shrimp - "Shuo shrimp", I felt very relieved at once.

Although this action is not so elegant, it is very enjoyable to eat, and soon there is a pile of shrimp skins on the side of the table.

When the food is too spicy, have a sip of the warm and delicious seafood porridge. Such a night is simply not too good.

The last few people really finished all the shrimp and porridge. After Lu Rongming cleaned up the leftovers, he straightened up and suddenly felt that the air became a little dull.

Years of military experience made him vigilant reflexively.

He looked up and looked around, the sea was calm and abnormal, but Jiang Tang was nowhere to be seen.

"Xiao Fei, where's your brother?"

Qin Fei pointed to the distance, "My brother said he was bored, so go for a walk over there."

Lu Rongming frowned. For some reason, he always had a bad feeling, "We Pack up your things, let's go back tonight."

"Hey? Okay, Uncle Lu, I'll help you." Qin Fei looked at Jiang Tang in the distance, and lowered his head to help Lu Rongming pack up.

Jiang Tang walked far away, feeling a bit bored, the moon had already risen, and the moonlight sprinkled a thin layer on the sea. Looking at the clear water, he suddenly had the idea of ​​swimming. Jiang Tang put the shell in his hand aside, kicked his shoes aside, and after doing a few simple warm-up moves, he walked a few steps into the sea.

When Jiang Tang got used to it, he bent down and dived into the water. The sea water was not cold. Jiang Tang stretched his limbs like seaweed. His posture was graceful. The moonlight shone on his white arms, and the black hair on his forehead was also beaten It was wet and soft on his delicate side face.

If there were really mermaids and sea monsters in the sea, they should look like Jiang Tang, because Wen Renyuan, who was worried that Jiang Tang followed him, suddenly had this idea in his heart when he saw him.

Jiang Tang swam happily, unknowingly getting farther and farther away from the coast.

At this moment, a large dark cloud from nowhere blocked the moon, like a signal, the sea suddenly tore away its calm mask.

A gust of wind blew up in the sea, and huge waves surged, Wen Renyuan's pupils suddenly dilated, and he hurriedly looked for him, but he couldn't see Jiang Tang's figure anywhere!


Wen Renyuan didn't hesitate for a moment, plunged into the sea, and swam vigorously in the direction Jiang Tang had just left

{MTL}✅I rely on delicious food to rub the furries in the interstellarWhere stories live. Discover now