ch 21

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  Jiang Tang naturally didn't know what the two furries in the family had reached a consensus behind their backs.

He is still in the excitement of being a winner in life, and suddenly he wants to eat the "junk food" that was very popular in his previous life.

"What I bring to you today is a happy 'fat house package'."

Jiang Tang's holographic live broadcasts in the past few times have attracted a lot of attention on, resulting in a sharp increase in the number of fans in the live broadcast room, and the number of online viewers for each live broadcast. Also reached an exaggerated figure.

The gourmet anchor "Jingtang" has become a new small internet celebrity on StarNet.

Fortunately, Jiang Tang had already wisely turned off the private message function, otherwise it would have been too much trouble now. But also because he closed the private message, Jiang Tang missed a few very important messages, so let's not talk about this for now.

"What is a 'fat house'?" Jiang Tang rubbed his chin and thought, for this group of interstellar people, this is indeed a very old and unfamiliar word.

Interstellar people pay attention to energy intake in terms of eating, and with the improvement of technology, the energy needed by each person can be precisely controlled through nutrient solution, so now there are no obese people in Interstellar, and no one will suffer from obesity bothered by.

Low EQ: A fat house is a dead fat boy who stays at home.

High EQ: "Fat house is a person who likes to stay at home by himself, doesn't like to go out, and doesn't like to exercise. It means laughing at himself for being lazy."

Jiang Tang explained.

[So it's like this...]

[Isn't this about me? I just like to stay at home and don't want to go out at all! ]

[Plus one, now that express delivery is so convenient, who wants to go out! I can not go out for a month! ]

[Then we are all fat houses]

[Yes, I am also a fat house~]

Jiang Tang looked at the bullet screen and claimed the title of fat house one after another, without a trace of guilt in his heart.

He coughed and started making tomato sauce.

As always, Jiang Tang made a cross on the surface of the tomato and scalded it with hot water so that the skin of the tomato could be easily peeled off.

Chop the tomatoes into small pieces and grind them in a food processor, the finer the better.

Then pour the crushed "tomato pulp" into the pot and cook, then add sugar according to personal taste.

Jiang Tang prefers the sweeter tomato sauce, so he added a little more sugar, and don't forget to keep stirring to prevent sticking to the pan.

The light red tomato pulp becomes darker and darker as it boils in the pot, and the tomato flavor becomes stronger and stronger.

Finally, add a little salt and white vinegar into it, and cook for a while, the tomato sauce is finished.

As soon as Jiang Tang turned around, he saw two furries squatting on two high stools next to the bar behind him, obediently watching him make tomato sauce.

Jiang Tang smiled, bent his eyes, dipped some ketchup with his chopsticks and brought it to Wen Renyuan first.

Wen Renyuan didn't expect Jiang Tang's actions at all, and was a little dazed at this moment.

Jiang Tang sent the chopsticks forward again, motioning for Wen Renyuan to have a taste.

From the corner of Wen Renyuan's eyes, he glanced at Lin Yucang next to him, straightened his chest and raised his head, and couldn't help showing a trace of air on his face. He felt that the boredom in his heart in recent days had been swept away, and he even felt a little relieved.

The little milk cat condescendingly stretched out its tender tongue and licked it on the chopsticks. The taste was sour and sweet, and Wen Renyuan nodded at Jiang Tang. This person finally had some insight and made a Give food to yourself first, not to the fox next to you.

As for what Jiang Tang was thinking in his heart, what could he do if the cat at home was so narrow-minded, he could only pamper her, alas, and worry about the second child.

Lin Yucang naturally also tasted the tomato sauce, and liked the sweet and sour taste very much.

The other tomato sauces were put into jars for later use. Jiang Tang took out the potatoes, peeled the potatoes and cut them into thin strips of uniform thickness.

[No matter how many times you watch it, Tangtang's knife skills are really good! ]

[The anchor's movements are neat and good-looking, this strip looks like it was cut by a machine, and it's too powerful]

Jiang Tang smiled and cut a few thin potato chips, which is really nothing, maybe there will be a chance later Waiting for him to show off his sword skills to this group of ignorant interstellar people.

The cut thin potato strips are coated with a layer of starch and fried in oil. The French fries are fried in a short while.

Jiang Tang drained the fried French fries slightly and served them out, and put a small dish of fresh tomato sauce next to the French fries.

Jiang Tang picked up a French fries that had been deep-fried until golden, dipped it in the bright red tomato sauce, "Try it, everyone, although the French fries are a bit high in calories, it's delicious to eat once in a while." The surface of the French

fries Fried crispy, the innermost potato still maintains a soft texture, coupled with a sweet and sour tomato sauce.

Fans in the studio:! ! !

I don't know why, but it's really fun to eat!

Jiang Tang wrapped the pre-marinated chicken nuggets in flour, dipped in a layer of egg wash, then wrapped in a layer of flour, and finally fried them in oil.

Simple fried chicken is done when the chicken pieces are fried to an attractive golden brown.

There are French fries and fried chicken, how can there be less happy water in the fat house.

Ginger candy Add homemade brown sugar and a little baking soda to a glass, pour in water and stir.

Finally, add an appropriate amount of white vinegar to make a simple fat house happy water - Coke.

Jiang Tang picked up the cup and took a big sip. The familiar taste and texture of carbonated drinks made Jiang Tang sigh comfortably.

The interstellar people have never seen this kind of "happy water" except for nutrient solution and those terrible pastes made of natural food.

After only one sip, they were immediately overwhelmed by this drink called Coke.

[Woooooo what did I drink before, I fell into deep thought looking at the unopened nutrient solution in my hand]

[Damn it! This Coke is really good! ]

[Suddenly understand why it is called Happy Water! I feel so happy now too! ]

[Wait, am I the only one drinking this hiccup...]

Jiang Tang was sitting next to the bar with a glass of Coke. From time to time, he picked up French fries and dipped them in some ketchup to eat. Naturally, he felt very refreshed.

Regardless of whether he has high calories or not, being a fat house is the happiest!

{MTL}✅I rely on delicious food to rub the furries in the interstellarWhere stories live. Discover now