"Henderson, what are you doing here?" Steve asked, curious. "I'm waiting for my soldiers." She said giving him a smile.

"Your soldiers?"

"Yes, Mike, Lucas and Dustin."

Now that Steve thought about it he has never seen Hailey hang out with anybody at school. "You here to see the princess?" Hailey asked him, her eyes shining with curiosity.

"Yeah, but she's kind of acting weird." Steve said. Hailey looked at him shaking her head, "Sorry I won't be able to tell you if that's true, because I find Nancy acting weirdly all the time." She told him chuckling.

"Hailey! Come on! We have to go!" Dustin yelled out to his sister. Steve saw the four younger kids waiting for her, "If you'll excuse me, I have a road trip to go on, but if you ever need someone to talk too, I'm all ears." Hailey said, waving at him running to the boys. Steve found her even more enchanting than the last.


Hailey was glad she did decide to put on other shoes, because this walk felt like an eternity. "How much further?" Lucas asked exhausted. "I don't know, these only tell direction, not distance. You really need to learn more about compasses." Dustin said looking down at the compass.

"I'm just saying. How do we know when we get to the gate?" Lucas asked, "Uh, I think a portal to another dimension is gonna be pretty obvious." Dustin pointed out.

Lucas looked at the teenager walking in-between him and Dustin, she was staring straight ahead of them. "Hailey, what did Harrington want?" he asked her, she quickly looked at the two boys staring up at her curiously. "He was only really complaining about Nancy." She said.

"Do you like him?" Dustin asked his sister with a raised eyebrow. Hailey started laughing like he just told the joke of the year. "Yeah... No. He's good looking and all, but he's not that likeable." Hailey denied, she looked back at Mike and Eleven, seeing the girl wiping her nose, Lucas saw it too.

"Do you think she's acting weird?" Lucas asked, refering to Eleven, Dustin took a look behind them, "You're asking if the weirdo is acting weird?" Dustin asked confused. Hailey also thought the girl was acting stranger than usual.

"I mean weirder than normal?"

"I don't know. Who cares?"

Hailey only kept an eye on the girl for now.

At some point they ended up at the junkyard, Hailey found it strange, "Dustin is this right?" she asked him. "Oh, no." Dustin said. " 'Oh no' ? What's 'oh no' ?" Lucas asked. "We're headed back home." Dustin said.


"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'm sure. Setting sun, right there. We looped right back around." Dustin explained. "And you're just realizing this now?" Lucas asked in disbelief. "Come on, you guys, this can't be all on Dustin." Hailey said.

"But he's the compass genius!" Lucas snapped. "What do yours say?" Dustin asked.


"Makes no damn sense."

"Maybe the gate moved." Mike suggested. "No. I don't think it's the gate. I think it's something else screwing with the compasses." Dustin said looking around the junkyard. "Maybe it's something here." Mike said.

"No, it has to be like a super magnetic."

Lucas and Hailey was staring at Eleven, who seemed very nervous. "It's not a magnet. She's been acting weirder than normal, if she can slam doors with her mind, she can definitely screw up a compass." Lucas said, Hailey had to agree with the Sinclair boy, it was the only logical explanation.

"Why would she do that?" Mike asked. "Because she's trying to sabotage our mission, because she's a traitor!" Lucas snapped, Lucas walked closer to Eleven. "Lucas, what are you doing?" Mike asked.

"You did it, didn't you? You don't want us to reach the gate, you don't want us to find Will." Lucas said in her face. "Lucas, come on, seriously, just leave her alone." Mike told him.

"Admit it!"


"Admit it!"

Lucas grabbed her arm to see the fresh blood.

"Fresh blood. I knew it."

"Lucas, Come on."

"Hailey and I saw her wiping her nose on the tracks. She was using her powers." Lucas told Mike. "Bull! That's old blood. Right, El?" Mike asked, but she didn't answer him.

"Right El?"

"It's... not... It's not safe." Eleven told them. "What did I tell you? She's been playing us from the beginning." Lucas snapped in betrayal. "That's not true, she helped us find Will!" Dustin and Hailey didn't know what to do. "Find Will? Where is he then? Huh? I don't see him." Lucas indicated looking around.

"Guys, calm down please." Hailey spoke up, but was ignored. "Yeah, you know what I mean." Mike said, "No, I actually don't. Just think about it Mike, she could've just told us where the upside down was right away, but she didn't. She just made us run around like headless chickens." Lucas frustratedly said.

"All right, calm down!" Dustin was trying to get between them, Lucas pushed him away. "No! She used us, all of us! She helped just enough so she could get what she wants, food and a bed. She's like a stray dog." Lucas said, worked up.

"Screw you Lucas."

"No! Screw you, Mike. You're blind... Blind, because you like that a girl's not grossed out by you, but wake up, man! Wake the hell up! She know where Will is, and now she's just letting him die in the upside down." Lucas said to him, Hailey wasn't sure what she could do.

"Shut up!" Mike yelled. "For all we know, it's her fault." Lucas said pointing at Eleven.

"Shut up!"

"We're looking for some stupid monster...but did you ever stop to think that maybe she's the monster?" Lucas asked.

"I said shut up!" Mike yelled tackling Lucas to the ground. Hailey thought it's best she stepped in now.


"Knock it off, you idiots!"

"Mike, get off!"

"Stop it!"

When Hailey tried getting Lucas off of Mike the two of them got pushed backwards, Hailey hit her head hard, getting knocked out, as she held onto Lucas to protect him from getting hurt.


"Hailey! Are you all right?" Dustin asked kneeling next to his sister. "Come on, Hailey, wake up!" Lucas begged shaking her shoulder.


"Come on, Hailey!"

"Why would you do that?" Mike asked Eleven. She hurt the one person that has always been there for them, that took care of them. "What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?" Mike kept asking the girl.

Hailey finally came too, touching her head, to see there was blood. "Hailey, you okay?" Mike asked worried. "Hailey... How many fingers am I holding up? Hai, how many fingers?" Dustin asked his sister. "Boys calm down, I'm okay." She reassured him.

After Lucas was sure Hailey was okay, he started walking away. "Lucas, where are you going?" Mike called out. "Let him go. Man let him go." Dustin told Mike. "Mikey just give him some time to cool down." Hailey told the Wheeler boy.

"You sure your okay?" Dustin asked still concerned seeing her head bleed. "I'm peachy." Mike looked around seeing Eleven nowhere in sight. "Where's El?" Mike asked. "El?" Hailey got to her feet as they looked around for her.



"El! Eleven!"



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