Moseying around the room, she fixed everything back inside her suitcase and started dragging it out of the room and to the living room where the three air hostesses from the jet were lazing around with pancakes and waffles. Madina gritted her teeth.

When she was told she was going to share a room with one of the air hostesses, she thought that one would be following them to their own room right next door since she is the only one here with her. If she finds out how boring she is, she'd want to be with her friends instead.

But nooo! They all are here with their cheap wigs clasped to their heads and sweats that has seen better days. Doesn't he pay them all well?

When they noticed her standing by the doorway, one of them waved, the other gave a tentative smile while her roommate nodded at the pancakes in front of them as if asking her to join. Join them? Sit down there on the floor and have waffles with syrup along with them?

Giving a curt shake of her head, Madina made her way out of the room with her suitcase behind her. She despise them all for giggling and loving that beast clad in suit because he's faked a few charming smiles at them.

She heard them gossiping about her right before the door closes.

"She's so arrogant. And look at her fashion sense, ew. I wonder how she became a pilot." One of them, probably the one that waved at her with too much enthusiasm.

"Maybe she thinks she's better than us because she's a pilot. At least, we've been working for Mr. Hashem for two years."

"I think she's just cranky from jet lag." Aww, that was her roommate.

She brushed all they say off because it doesn't matter. What they think of her is the last thing to disturb her time here away from chaos.

Keeping her suitcase outside the corridor, she went down to the receptionist and took the keys from her. She's already booked a room before she showered so she made her way to the elevator that took her to the floor immediately before the penthouse.

Opening the door to a State Room Suite King, she gave a large breath. Finally, privacy!

The suite consists of large flat screen tv, air conditioning, sound proof walls and doors, refrigerator, dining area, free Wi-Fi, living room with complete set of sofas. All the electronics are Apple.

She threw the suitcase on the floor and land on the king bed face first while thanking God she wasn't wearing any makeup. She rolled around on the bed for several hours before hunger started chirping from her lower belly to her back. Not happening. That is a sign that her ulcer might just make an appearance.

Rising from the bed, Madina made her way out to the elevator where she waited for a few seconds before it stopped and opened for her. What she didn't expect was to see Bilal inside looking all professional and freaking handsome stroke suave in navy blue suit and pants.

What she wanted to do was ignore him but from the devilish smile that got smeared across his face at the sight of her, she knew that was infeasible. He's seen right through her with those eyes filled with unsettling intensity. Like he is removing the layers from each tier of her secrets.

He made his way towards her in the small rectangular box, expression not giving anything away so she made hers the same. Two can play.

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