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Começar do início

"Are you serious right now?"

He said while crossing his arms.

The brunette had a cigarette in-between her fingers smoking away her boredom, while laying on one of the tables. Her lazy eyes glanced at his figure for a second before looking back at the ceiling.

"Since when do you smoke?"

"About a year." She answered shortly, not wanting to continue the conversation.

After a few moment of silence he spoke again. "You gonna start cleaning or what?"

"I don't see you doing anything." Mira sent a glare in his direction causing him to sigh. Rin got up and started collecting the trash on the floor. Eventually the girl got up and helped him.

The tension was slowly building up. Non of them even glanced in each other's way and minded their business. After a few hours of cleaning the boy checked the time.


"We should get going, it's getting late."

He said making her nod. The brunette tried opening the door, but it wouldn't budge. She raised a brow in confusion and glanced at Rin.

"It's locked."

He signaled her to get away as he tried kicking the door down. After a few failed attempts he placed his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

"Just give up already, we're stuck here till tomorrow." Mira said somehow not bothered by the situation.

"Damn it."

Rin cursed annoyed and sat down beside her. The silence was loud and after a few minutes the boy noticed his hands were getting cold.

Is the temperature dropping? Shit, my hands are freezing. He tried warming them with his breath but it didn't work. He noticed the girl searching for something on the shelves.

"What are you doing?"

She came back with pieces of paper and placed them on the floor. "Making a fire, hopefully."

The brunette took out her lighter and flicked it. Don't tell me it stopped working. Thankfully on the third try the flame appeared. She lit the papers on fire and warmed her hands.

"You're not cold?"

She asked after noticing him staring. He slowly bent down and sighed shakily. This still wasn't enough to get them through the night.

Mira lit up another cigarette and started smoking. She exhaled the smoke, making Rin's face twist in disgust. "Now's really not the time for you to be smoking." He said and looked away.

"It helps me warm up. You want one?" She offered but got declined.

"I don't smoke."

"Suit yourself."

A few minutes later she noticed him shivering. The girl leaned closer to him and blew the smoke at his freezing hands.

The boy cringed at the smell, but it did warm his hands a bit. Her face was close to his as he admired her features.

Why'd you cut your hair? Was the first question he wanted to ask her, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.


Mira sighed in defeat and just let her eardrums burst. "Yes, now can you come down and help?"

"Sorry i'm not on campus right now." Sarah said with an apologetic voice.

"Where are you?"

"Kenji's taking me on a date." The blonde said as the brunette groaned in annoyance and disgust. "Don't worry, I'll send someone over." Sarah said and hung up.

At this point she was freezing, it was hard to even move around. Her lungs felt like they weren't working properly. Rin was in much worse state. His head was down, taking slow and steady breaths.

He looked like he was about to pass out. The cold was his weakness and it definetly showed. Suddenly Mira threw a jacket at him.

He raised a brow in confusion. "It's yours isn't it?" She said and motioned him to put it on.

"You put it on." He argued back.

"I'm not the one about to pass out from the cold. Just put it on." The brunette said as he finally gave in. Rin glanced at the girl a few times with worry.

"Now you're the one who looks like they're about to pass out." He joked making her scoff.

"I'm not exactly in the best condition right now. I wish I brought some weed." Mira mumbled the last part, making his eyes widen.

"Weed too? You've really changed." He said with a small 'tch' sound.

The brunette looked at him in disbelief and chucked. "I know you're not the one talking, don't pry into my business." She said and rolled her eyes.

"Well since we're stuck here, yeah it is my business."

Before she could argue back further there was a loud bang at the door.

"THAT'S NOT HOW YOU DO IT DUMBASS." A familiar voice yelled from the outside as another winced. "Why'd you hit me?"

The two inside mentally facepalmed as the door finally opened. "There." The green-streaked boy said and slightly shivered at the cold air.

"Jeez it's cold in here." Akari said with a concered tone. "Are you guys alright in there?"

"Obviously they're not alright, Can't you tell they're freezing. Let's get outta here." Makio said as they exited the basement.

The two girls took Mira to their dorm, while Rin refused to follow Otoya to the nurse's office. "I'm fine damn it, I'm going to my dorm." He said and walked off on his own.

Eita sighed in defeat. He seemed more irritated than usual, Did something happen in there?

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G R E Y  E Y E S Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora