Chapter Forty-Eight: Stuck with You

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I was already feeling antsy when I stepped into the elevator with Ricky

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I was already feeling antsy when I stepped into the elevator with Ricky. He called me "trouble" as a nickname, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. The doors of the elevator slid shut behind us, and I took a deep breath, trying to push down the panic rising in my chest. I hated small spaces, yet I was running late for training so I didn't want to descend twenty sets of stairs and lose practice time.

"So, Trouble, what's the plan for today?" Ricky asked, leaning against the back wall of the elevator.

"I don't know, maybe actually make it to practice on time for once?" I said, trying to keep my voice light.

I take a deep breath as the elevator doors close, and we start our descent from the dorms to the training hall. This is it, just a short ride down, and I'll be on time for my practice. But, just as the elevator starts moving, there's a loud screech and it jolts to a halt.

"What the hell?" I mutter to myself, pressing the button repeatedly, but nothing happens. I'm stuck in here with Ricky, the one guy who never takes anything seriously. "This can't be happening to me," I say, shaking my head.

"What's wrong, Trouble? You look like you've seen a ghost," Ricky says, grinning at me.

"I'm just scared of small spaces, okay?" I say, crossing my arms over my chest. "And we're stuck in this damn elevator."

"Don't worry, I'll protect you," he says, flashing me another smile.

I roll my eyes, but I can't help but feel a little relieved. Ricky might be a goofball, but he's always been there for me. "Thanks, Ricky," I say, smiling back.

We sit in silence for a moment, waiting for someone to come rescue us. But as the minutes tick by, I start to feel more and more anxious. "What if we're stuck in here all day?" I say, my voice trembling a little.

"Looks like we're stuck here for a while, Trouble," he said with a chuckle. "At least we'll have some time to catch up."

I couldn't help but feel grateful for Ricky's company, even though the situation wasn't ideal. We passed the time with some funny banter, and I found myself relaxing a little bit. But the tight space was starting to get to me, and I could feel my heart racing.

"Hey, you okay?" Ricky asked, noticing my distress. "Don't worry, we'll be out of here soon enough."

I nodded, grateful for his reassurance. Despite the cramped quarters, I was glad to have Ricky there with me.

But just as he asked another question, the elevator jolts again, and we both lurch forward. "Oh god, I think I'm going to be sick," I say, pressing my hand to my stomach.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Ricky says, grabbing my other hand. "Just breathe. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Like this." He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly, and I follow his lead.

We continue like that for a while, breathing in unison, until I start to feel calmer. "Thanks, Ricky," I say again, smiling weakly.

"Anytime, Trouble," he says, squeezing my hand before letting go.

I nodded, grateful for his help but still feeling like the walls were closing in on me. "How do you deal with this?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"What, being stuck in an elevator?" Ricky asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, just...fear, I guess. How do you deal with it?"

Ricky shrugged. "I don't know, I guess I just try to focus on something else. Like, for example, I could tell you about the time I got stuck in an elevator with my ex-girlfriend's parents. That was pretty awkward."

I couldn't help but laugh at his story, and I felt some of the tension in my body start to ease. "That's one way to distract yourself, I guess."

Ricky grinned. "Hey, whatever works, right?"

We spent the next hour talking, joking, and sharing stories, and I found myself forgetting about my fear of being trapped in the elevator. By the time the doors finally opened and we were able to step out into the hallway, I felt like I had a new friend.

"Thanks for keeping me company, Trouble," Ricky said, clapping me on the back as we finally walked to the training hall.

I grinned up at him. "Anytime, Ricky. Anytime."

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