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Jisung woke up way before Minho, so he trudged downstairs after refreshing himself in the shower. He was just in a white hoodie with comfy sweatpants, looking for painkillers to give to Minho once he woke up. He tried rummaging through the cabinets as quietly as he could, but when he saw her mother's approaching form, he knew he failed.

"What are you looking for?"

"Just.. painkillers."

"Is it for you or Minho?" - she stood in the doorframe, her posture resembling a strict mother, ready to discipline his son.

"For Minho." - he gulped, and for a second, he felt like a kid getting caught something he shouldn't do, but when her mother stepped beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder, he knew it was nothing like that.

"It's in here." - she pulled another cabinet open, taking out a little white box.

"Oh.. thank you, and sorry for waking you up."

"You didn't, I was already up. Do you want something for breakfast?"

"Hmm, not yet, maybe when Min is up too."

"Alright, tell me and I will make you guys something." - Mrs. Han took down a glass, filled it up with water and put it in front of Jisung.

"Okay Mom." - Jisung turned around, going up the stairs with a glass of water and the pills. He was glad his mother didn't start questioning what'd happened to Minho. He got back into bed, curling beside his boyfriend, after putting the glass of water and meds on the nightstand. He admired him for a few minutes, before taking out his phone to pass the time.


Minho began to stir awake, but his eyes were still shut. His mind was still a bit hazy, so he did nothing else than let himself melt into the sheets. His hands moved around until they met something soft, so he wanted to pull it closer. 

Maybe a pillow?

But why won't it come closer...? 

His hands tugged on it, but the pillow didn't move so his hand moved downwards, to see if he could pull the pillow closer from another angle. This angle seemed more promising, it was fairly softer, warmer even?? Minho didn't really think about it so he decided why not try to grab it?

His eyes snapped open when he heard someone moan next to him, his hand frozen in place. Minho's face turned horrified, when he first saw where his hand was, then spun his head to Jisung. The younger was undeniably red, eyes widened as well, the phone in his hand clutched securely, even quivering a little. He had an equally stunned face, biting on his lips to - assumably - not emit another sound of pleasure.

"I- I-" - Minho choked, feeling his ears burn. He saw Jisung smile awkwardly at him, while the redness on his face only darkened. Minho quickly yanked his hand away, still gaping at Jisung, having no idea how to get out of this situation.

"S-sorry! I didn't mean to!" - his morning voice was husky, a few octaves lower than usual, and that didn't help Jisung in the slightest. Minho's pouty face and his low voice were inexplicably seductive for the latter.

"I-it's nothing- I just didn't expect it..."

"I- I thought you were a pillow.." - his eyes were now downcast, not brave enough to look in his eyes. Jisung chuckled, caressing Minho's hair, telling him not to worry about it before calling him cute. Minho didn't know what was cute in that, but he leaned into Jisung's head, desperate for his delicate touch.

"Are you hungry?" - Jisung questioned, switching the topic as he saw Minho's embarrassment.

"Uhm, no."

Frozen smile || MinsungOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora