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The rest of the night went by in a blink of an eye. Jisung took care of Minho, patching up the older, putting different creams and lotions on him, even when Minho told him that it was more than enough. He helped him back into bed, tucking him in, almost as if he was taking care of a baby; his baby.

In the morning, Jisung's parenting nature continued, helping his boyfriend without a word. Jisung followed him everywhere, except the bathroom; he gave him privacy of course. While Minho was inside, Jisung thought of his mother. He should tell her about Minho's situation at one point. It was no question that he could stay, but his mother deserved an explanation. Oh, and he would have to tell her about this boy, who he wants to shower with his love all day, his Minho.

"How are you darling?" - Jisung sprung up from his bed, making his way over to Minho with quick steps.

Minho felt out of this world. The amount of care and love he was getting, made him feel all fuzzy inside. Jisung's protective and caring personality was truly a blessing for Minho. He was a real angel.

"I'm fine Jisungie, what about you?"

"If you are fine, I'm fine too." - he gently smiled at Minho who did the same as a light pink shade appeared on his cheeks.

Minho went to his side of the bed and arranged his clothes, not forgetting to check his phone after. His father probably didn't even notice his absence, so he was not surprised that he didn't find a text from him. But he found Chan's instead, and quickly texted him back, filling him in about his sleepover at Jisung's.

Luckily Wonshik was silent, so he didn't have to deal with his nasty face right now. He would eventually have to tell Jisung about him. He didn't know if he would be able to look Jisung in the eyes if he had an "encounter" with Wosnhik again. Maybe he should just let Wonshik expose him to everyone, that he's gay because that way he wouldn't be able to threaten him anymore. He had Jisung now, he had a home, and he wouldn't have to stay with his father anymore!

That's right, he's Jisung's now, and he wouldn't have to endure this all alone.
The intense amount of happiness that surged through him was unbelievable. He hopped up from his seated position and tackled Jisung in a hug. He was finally free! Jisung didn't understand Minho's sudden energy but didn't mind it one bit. He just grinned and let Minho hug him as tightly as he desired.

"What's up with you baby?" - he chuckled as Minho buried his head in his chest like a cat.

"I'm free Sungie, because of you!" - His voice was full of life, surprising Jisung most pleasantly.

"What?" - Minho's voice was a bit muffled, making it more difficult to properly hear. He shrugged it off and was just happy for Minho overall.

"Thank you"

"Anything for you Min." - smiled Jisung, ruffling Minho's chocolate brown locks.

Minho leaned away just a bit, still keeping his arms around Jisung. He gazed up at the boy in front of him, his smile being the widest it had ever been, and his eyes almost welling up with tears from how delighted he was. He pressed little kisses to Jisung's neck, to his face, grinning into all of them. Jisung kissed back, taking control, resting his hands on Minho's hips. Their short pecks shifted into longer ones - their lips finally finding each other in the process - long enough to make out in the middle of Jisung's room.

"Aren't you hungry?" - Jisung said gasping, his face flushed just like Minho's.

"For you" - Minho teased with a smirk and pulled back Jisung by his shirt.

"Oh wow" - Jisung thought out loud. He didn't know Minho could be like that.

The poor guy was wrapped around Minho's finger, loving Minho more every second. Jisung's hands then slipped under Minho's shirt wanting to explore his boyfriend's hidden body. His cold fingers made Minho gasp, giving Jisung just enough time to slip his tongue inside Minho's wet cavern. They barely pulled away to catch their breath, before sticking together again. Minho had never experienced something this intense before, yet it came so naturally with Jisung.

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