Summer 1993 - 2/2

Start from the beginning

As I entered Flourish and Blotts, the manager came hurrying towards me. "Hogwarts?" he said abruptly. "Come to get your new books?" 

"Yes," I replied. "I need --"

"Get out of the way," said the manager impatiently, brushing me aside. He drew on a pair of very thick gloves, picked up a large, knobby walking stick, and proceeded toward the door of the Monster Book's cage. 

"Hang on," said I quickly. "I'm a second year. I know I'm tall now, but sheesh." 

A look of enormous relief spread over the manager's face. "Thank heavens for that. I've been bitten five times already this morning --"A loud ripping noise rent the air; two of the Monster Books had seized a third and were pulling it apart. "Stop it! Stop it!" the manager cried, poking the walking stick through the bars and knocking the books apart. "I'm never stocking them again, never! It's been bedlam! I thought we'd seen the worst when we bought two hundred copies of the Invisible Book of Invisibility -cost a fortune, and we never found them.... Well... is there anything else I can help you with?" 

"Yes," I looked down at my booklist, "I need The Standard Book of Spells, Grade Two, Magical Drafts and Potions,  A History of Magic, Magical Theory, One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, A Beginner's guide to Transfiguration, Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them, and the dark forces; a guide to self protection." 

I emerged from Flourish and Blotts ten minutes later with my new books in my bag, and made my way back to the Leaky Cauldron. I tramped up the stairs to my room, went inside, and tipped my books onto my bed. Somebody had been in to tidy; the windows were open and the sun was pouring inside. I could hear the buses rolling by in the unseen Muggle street behind me and the sound of the invisible crowd below in Diagon Alley. Errol was lying on the bed looking dead with a letter attached to his leg, while Malia was snoozing on the bed. I untie it the letter and place Errol in Minerva's cage, letting the tired bird drink and regenerate.

Dear Peyton
I am so envious! Mum says you are staying in the Leaky Cauldron with Harry, and is a bit annoyed you haven't reached out, but I wouldn't either. We are coming to visit Diagon Alley on the last day of the holidays, and from what I've heard so are Aubrey and Matilda, but I haven't heard from the others. I hope you are enjoying yourself and haven't blown all your money. See you on the 31st!

I smiled at her words. I probably should've reached out to my friends, I'll do that later. I place her letter on my desk and start sorting out my suitcase. If magic wasn't possible, I wouldn't be able to fit everything, but luckily, it is. With a handy Extension charm, all my stuff and more fit in the small suitcase

As the days slipped by, I started looking wherever I went for asign of any of my friends. Plenty of Hogwarts students were arriving inDiagon Alley now, with the start of term so near. I woke on the last day of the holidays, looking forward to seeing my family. I got up and dressed into green shirt and jeans, running downstairs and went to go find my family. 


I turned to hear a yell and saw Kella, Aubrey and Candace running over. "Hey!" I squeal, hugging them. 

"How are you?" Kella asked as she lead me to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor, where Aubrey, Matilda and Ginny were chatting. 

"TONI!" Matilda ran to me, and we embraced. She smelt like grass. 

"Laying the perfume on thick, aren't you Tillie," I coughed, and we laughed. 

"How are your holidays going?" Aubrey asked me, her eyes flickering to the side. I looked to see two posh looking wizards eyeing us. They were with two girls, both blonde and holding their heads high. Aubrey tilted her chin up and rolled her shoulders back.

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