Inverted Deck (Chapter 24)

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Chapter 24

"Finn...why don't let's play a game Eh?" My father says to me without turning around.

"Wha-what!?" I ask back still in shock.

"Let's play a game of pretend, and let's pretend that your very life itself, is held within that box your holding onto, Kay? So I want you to stand right there... and do absolutely nothing, but hold that box."

"Wolf or not, it's only one of him, I say we charge the old bastard!!" I hear one of the Orcs yell as the following legion of gray and green Orcs rush from down the street.

"Protect that box and watch... DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?" Father yells as his voice reverberates through the air.

"YES SIR!" I yell back barely getting the raspy words to escape my hoarse, dry throat.

Upon hearing this, my father shoots his arm straight up in the air while slightly turning his body to the left, as the army of tall and exaggeratedly bulky Orcs inch every closer, telling nonsense with their hammer, swords, and axes.

"Way of the Axe..." my father begins to say aloud, as he slowly brings his arm downwards, open-palmed until it returns to his side. "...Heavenly Pillar: Level 2." In an instant, a long and thin, bright red pillar of flames hung suspended in the air where father had let his hand descend.

"What's that Skinny thing gonna' do to us HUH!?" One of the Orcs in the front of the herd yells out, feet away from the suspended pillar of flames.

"IGNITE!!!" Father yells out as and almost immediately a really bright yellow light ensures, causing me to turn my head away from the bright light for only but a second, but as soon as I quickly turn my head back around to see what had happened I was immediately struck with awe.

I look down to see the cracks in the brick road in front of our diner had been turned into large gaping craters, miniature ravines, the road had been reduced to rubble, but then my eyes are instantly gravitated towards the 50 bodies of Orcs suspended in the air, with their battered and broken armor and weapons.

"Way of the Hammer..." I hear my father say aloud sternly shooting both of his fist back.

"...Burning Retribution: Level 2."

Black and Red flames shroud his large fists as that huge black mark on his back, continues to slowly grow larger and larger, spreading around his body more and more.

And then... he just... disappears.

Soon there after, two bright red lights, whizz around from body to body faster than even my Nexus can pinpoint exactly, leaving behind a trail of lingering Red Aether, from everybody the red light touches.

I focus on the red light with my Nexus as hard as possible, pouring in small amounts of Aether into Nexus, catching only a glimpse, a blur of a my fathers black and white dread locks.

"I... can barely keep up..." I think as I continue watch in awe as the bright red lights speed through an army of airborne Orc's before the light disappears suddenly, and my father appears at the end of the road, hands battered and covered in scars, Crimson blood and Dark black flame.

"Ignite." My father utters before clapping his battered hands together.

With Nexus, I see a beam of Aether quickly travel passed me and towards the army of falling Orcs, then I notice it.

Small black and red flames on all of the Orc's and just before they hit the ground, the flames seem to condense into a small red bubble for a second, before I start to see many, many bright lights.

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