Inverted Deck (Chapter 18)

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Chapter 18

"A job... from the Syndicate?? Pffffft, so you pulled me in this alleyway to make jokes huh? Okay fine, I'll play along, what would the Syndicate want with a human like me huh?" I ask to Quinx while chuckling.

"Well for starters, you stole money from Rei's uncle Goldtooth, who also happens to be the nephew of the Boss of the Syndicate of the Red Right Hand."

I immediately stop laughing upon hearing this.

"Then in addition to that, apparently you and that Jotunn buddy of yours, really messed up some Syndicate grunts earlier today, didn't ya? Grunts as they were, they still belonged to the Syndicate, and the boss really hates when people mess with his belongings, a human no less. Not to mention your Pops kicked 'em and his herd out y'all's diner, oh that one really pissed him off."

"W-well, what did The Boss say about me then?" I ask before gulping a large lump of salvia.

Polaris begin's to speak.

"Well, the funny thing is, he ordered us to track you down..." Polaris, Rei, and Quinx all simultaneously take one step closer towards my direction, forming a perfect triangle around me. "...and Kill you."

My hearts jumps from a slow patter to a fast pace violent beat, as I begin frantically looking around me.

"What am I gonna do? What CAN I do!? They've got me surrounded. Sure, I've leveled up and all but I can't take on all three of them at once, especially not in this cramped alleyway." I think. "Was this their plan all along? Would they really be willing to kill me?!"

Suddenly I feel Quinx's left hand firmly grab my shoulder, which immediately grabs my attention.

"Gotcha!!" Quinx exclaims with his battered tongue hanging out his mouth.

Rei erupts into laughter.

"You shoulda seen yo' face man!! HAHA!!" Polaris follows.

As relived and less tense my body has become, my focus from Quinn's hand hasn't broken. I feel no bloodlust present, but the feeling that this hand has spilled blood itself still persists. Maybe... maybe I'm just trippin', maybe I'm just shook is all. Or maybe...

The three continue to laugh.

"Yeah yeah, you got me whatever, now tell me the truth." I interject.

"Oh that WAS the truth." Polaris exclaims.

"Yeah man, he had your face on a kill sheet and everything." Rei says after wiping his tears from laughter. "Oh yeah, don't worry about Uncle Goldtooth either by the way, he can most definitely be a prick sometimes."

"Y-Yeah sorry, about that. Now back to this me being killed thing." I reply.

"Yep, the boss wanted you dead BUT with us being lieutenants now and all..." Quinx says as unbuttons the top of his shirt, revealing the large tattoo of Red Right hand on the right side of his chest.

"Over here." Polaris days behind me, pulling up his short sleeve revealing the Red Right hand Tattoo on his Right arm, while Rei lifts up his metal plated armor and shirt to reveal the Red Right hand tattoo on the center of his stomach.

"... we convinced him that you could be of use to the Syndicate better alive than dead." Quinx finishes.

"Wait, what do you mean?" I ask as I turn back to Quinx.

"We told the boss, that you were a Joker."

"They know I'm a Joker!! Of course they do, Finn and them practically grew up together, I'm so stupid." I think.

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