
10 1 22

AAAAA: 0.1.2

BEFORE WE START! The reason this episode took so long is because iwas busy, i wanted to do other things, i had no motivation and i procastinated. (I'll try to post more here lol)

But the episode is very long lol (1200+ WORDS)



(You choose "Draw")

You kinda felt like drawing stuff today... What could you draw now?

You: "I think i want to draw right now...But I'm not sure what i should draw."

Jake: "What if we drew a picture of all of us???"

Jake smiles at you, trying to convince you to draw you and your new friends.

You: "Ok!"

You take out your sketchbook and your pencil then you try to draw Jake first... He has a very dark brown hair with brown eyes. He is, obviously, wearing a school uniform just like yours... Obviously.

Jake looks at your drawing.

Jake: "Hey, that looks very good!"

You smile, you love when people say positive things about your art.

You try to draw yourself... It's been some days since you look at a mirror but you remember how your face looks like.

You try to draw Elliot but you don't really know how they look like...

You look at them, they are drawing on their chair... They have fluffy brown hair with gray eyes. You didn't know their eyes were grey!

Jake: "I'm sure they will like this too!... What do you think about sports?"

You: "Thanks, i think they're cool, but I'm too lazy to play something like that..."

Jake: "Why? Does your leg hurt when you run too much?"

You: "No! I have the strongest leg in town, if i kicked something with force i would instantky break it!" (ZNote: don't forget this)

Jake: "Woah, really? Why is your leg so strong?"

You: "My mom makes me exercise with her somedays... And i get tired of hearing that woman voice telling us what to do, I already told my mom many times sHE ISN'T FAT!"

Jake: "Lol every mom i know thinks they're fat even when they look like a wood plank."

You: "Yeah dude..."

Jake: "Tell me about your father, what does he do?"

You: "He works at an office, like almost every dad, heheh."

Jake: "My father plays football, but i prefer soccer for some reason."


You forgot about the drawing and you looked at Sasha, trying to draw her.

Jake: "What if you draw her holding a flower? I think that would look cute!"

You: "Okay..."

You draw Sasha holding a flower...He was right, it looks kinda cute.

Sasha has a yellow fluffly hair, even fluffier than Elliot! You can't really see her eye color because she's standing in front of you on her chair watching youtube shorts and laughing manically...

Her laugh is creepier than a spider... But Jake and Elliot already got used to it.

You: "Does she always laugh like that?... I didn't know a nice person could laugh like...That."

Zero's dating simulator!! - A multiple ending story lolWhere stories live. Discover now