! vii. the horrifying test experience

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! proofread :)

"a f##ing test?! what the f##?" [name] said in horror, as she read the words on the board.

   "yup," itto sighed, taking a seat down next to you. a group of girls walked in and instantly started gushing over him as he ignored them. "the teacher told us yesterday, [name]."

"oh, I forgot," [name] replied, going red.

"can I copy off of your work?" he whispered into her ear, as she grinned at him and nodded.

   [name] put her airpods on as she listened to the south park intro to calm her anxiety, if she got a bad grade, her parents would literally disown her. the music was pretty bouncy, and it never ceased to release her feelings when she got bored.

   "good morning students!" the teacher exclaimed as they walked in. "today we will have a test!"

   everyone in the classroom groaned as the teacher smiled at everyone and told them to be quiet. after they finished handing out the papers, she sat down at her desk and started eating a f##ing bag of [name]'s [favorite chips]. [name] groaned in hunger, staring down at the paper and yawning as she wrote her name down.

my name is craig tucker, she yawned, not giving two sh##s about the test.

"psst, [name]!" itto whispered to her.

"what?" [name] whispered back.

"what did ya get for number 4?"

"I got 36."

   "thanks girlie," itto replied, jotting it down onto his paper and writing about how it was the answer.

"childe?" [name] giggled quietly.

"shut up, the teacher's gonna see you," itto groaned; he didn't want his friend to get in trouble.

   the two of them returned to their test as the teacher eyed them suspiciously. then they went back to eating their bag of chips. suddenly, someone let out a loud, obnoxious fart making the entire class burst into laughter.

   "who did that?!" said the teacher, looking around for guilty faces. it had been itto who had farted, but even he was laughing loudly like the rest of the class. even [name] was giggling.

   "I swear... back to your tests, children!" the teacher yelled. then the class went quiet again as they resumed their stupid assignment.

   [name] soon finished her test and turned it in at the teacher's desk as she went to sit down. itto had just turned his in as well. the teacher smiled as they took the test papers and lay them on a neat stack along with the other tests.

    someone farted again. this time, it was even louder than before, the other classroom had gone dead quiet. then everyone started laughing again; itto had let out an even louder fart. the teacher's ears were practically steaming red in anger as they tried to find out who it was.

"the entire class will have detention after school!" they yelled. "this is not some funny business!"

   that made the class laugh even louder. no one even cares about detention anymore, it was basically free time for phones.

   the teacher sighed, but then the fire alarm came on. "for f##'s sake!" the teacher cursed. "line up, kids, single file line, and NO TALKING!"

everyone filed out of the classroom surprisingly quickly, as they headed outside onto the field.

"what the hell is going on?" said itto.

"I honestly have no idea," [name] shrugged. "oh, hi ayato!" she waved to the blue-haired guy.

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