Mira sat down in the very back and decided to take a small nap.

By the time the bell rang Rin was searching for a vacant seat. To his (mis)fortune the spot next to the slacker was free.

He sat down with an uneasy feeling in his stomach. It was unusual for her to sleep in class, even if she stayed awake the whole night.

The boy's eyes scanned her sleeping figure. His gaze stopped at her soft hair which was covering her face. The long brown hair from 2 years ago was now chopped off.

His hand moved to pull those strands away but he stopped himself. That was in the past, things have changed. Rin thought and instead covered her with his jacket.

He turned his attention to the teacher trying not to get distracted. Once the bell rang Mira slowly stretched her limbs. She noticed a figure quickly walking away, but her vision was too blurry to make out who it was.

She left her seat when the jacket fell from her shoulders. Who's jacket is this? Without further thought she shoved it in her bag and ran to her next class.

"Sooo Kenji's throwing a halloween party you coming right?"

Sarah asked as the brunette removed one of her earphones. "Huh?"

"I said Kenji's throwing a halloween party. We're going."

"Yeah sure as long as I get to drink." Mira replied and continued sipping on her juice box.

She loved parties, college parties were way better than high school ones. It really depended on the person and how rich they were. Like Reo's party was pretty bland and she only knew a few people there.

On the other hand Kenji's parties were always with his tight-knit friend group, which grew each time.

"Should I invite the new kids? Those football players." The male asked making the blonde shrugg.

"I mean sure, it's your party you choose." She replied and suddenly got a text message.

"Oops We got practice, I'll see you later Kenji~"

The two girls walked into the gym with their bags. To their surprise the volleyball players weren't the only ones there.

"What are they doing here?" Makio said with crossed arms. Her red head was tied in a loose ponytail for practice.

"Settle down everyone, I'm just training the football team a bit. You girls just do your normal training." The coach said as the girls gave each other the look. They then headed to the lockee rooms to change.

"Anyone else annoyed by those guys?"

The red-head spoke again making Akari chuckle. "Why tho? They seem kinda cute." She said with a smug look.

Namra and Makio made disgusted looks as Mira threw a volley ball at her. Their new team was far stronger than in high school. All the members had insane skills.

Number 1 was Namra, the team captain and the most responsible one. She played the position of middle blocker cause of her height. Her long white hair often got in way, which is why it was always tightly up.

Number 2 was Makio. The wing spiker and arguebly the one with the most powerful spikes. Her line shots are a sight to behold. She's also quite fierce and loud (anger issues)

Number 3 was Akari. Another wing spiker, tho her wipes are the most impressive ones. She's also really good at defence and recieving. The blue haired girl has quite the flirty personality, she'll hit on anyone, at anytime.

Number 4 was Suma. The new shy girl who played the position of Libero. She was quite clumsy at the start, but she's reliable on the court. Doesn't speak much and prefers to listen.

Number 5 was Mira. The backbone of the entire team. The setter was the best position best for her. She controls all the plays and makes sure the sets get to the spiker. Her jump serves are also deadly.

And lastly Number 6 was Sarah. Another middle blocker and the best scorer. Her height isn't the most ideal for that position, but her reflexes and speed make up for it. She can spike the toss from everywhere and get past the blockers. A bit loud and obnoxious tho.

They exited the locker rooms and started warming up.

"Girls line up, we're having a match against the football team."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Author's note

Please keep in mind that I have no experience with real volleyball or the rules. (Haikyuu knowledge coming inhandy) Feel free to correct me if I get anything wrong. 😽

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