chapter 8

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"tell me chan what did you find out?"...kinn asked eagerly....
chan told him about robart, and how Porsche pachara kittisawat was acquainted with him.. how Porsche killed him after the incident.. "
Kinn's blood started boiling... He clenched his jaw and slammed the table infront of him...
"That bastard.. first he kidnapped my winny... And now this .. this time .. i will not let him go..."
He paused.....
" I want all the details about this Porsche pachara kittisawat..."

Chan nodded in acknowledgement
" Khun kinn.. don't take stress.. please take some rest you need it ..." Seeing kinn tensed.. made chan worried.. out of 3 theerapanyakul kids . .. kinn was his dearest.. he loved him the most, and he didn't want him to get involve in any dangerous thing. Not again...

CHAN was leaving the room then he stopped and turned around...
" I forgot to inform you that there is a party next week... For your birthday and to celebrate  your return "
Kinn lifted his head up ... With cold expression...
" That's unnecessary " .. kinn rolled his eyes and went towards his bed..
" Welll.... Tankhun and kim.. are organising this party and no one can stop khun ....." Chan says and leave immediately...

After one week


" Porsche, it's not compulsory to go. you should just ignored, moreover i think they might have know that we were involved with robart, because this sudden's all indicate that they know ... about us ..and you need to be careful now and stay away from them" it was the 3rd time David repeated the same thing since Porsche accepted the invitation
Porsche was fixing his tie infront of mirror.. he was wearing the Navy blue suit with white shirt.. looking absolutely gorgeous...
" They invited us . How can we brush it aside.. i think you are overthinking uncle..i will be safe.. and yess you will there too right? Just go and be ready"
David just nodded and left the room

Porsche closed his eyes ( i don't know why... But i just want to see him with my own Eyes, and he invited me himself how can I reject this one in a million offer , uncle) "


"I am not a child anymore, i am not gonna wear your funky outfits... " Kinn rolled his eyes ..
" Kinn you never listen to me" tankhun pouted ..
" Phi khun .. just let him be it's his birthday . .. i think you should wear this one" .. kim interrupted and picked best suit for kinn  
" Mm. It's good .. i am gonna wear this one.  Nice choice kim" kinn patted Kim's shoulder..
"As always" kim gave him mischievous smile and left the room with whining tankhun ..
Now kinn was alone in his room. He was standing infront of mirror " it's my birthday po.. i want you here with me.. " then he closed his eyes..
" i just hope you are happy wherever you are.. i am missing you so much, i... I really want to see you Apo i know you would be the most handsome boy in the world .

At party..

All the big names in Thailand were present.. everyone was enjoying the party , Porsche was familiar with so many people.. but he was waiting for the man of the evening.. so he just went for a drink after a while...
Birthday man came down..
The most handsome among all , glamourous black suit, thick eye brows, his intimidating aura .. everyone was stunned by the beauty of kinn..

When Porsche's eyes landed on him ...he immediately diverted his eyes.. he couldn't see him even for a 5 seconds.. his heart started beating rapidly.. to calm himself down he gulped whole glass of wine in one go.
Everyone wished kinn one by one..
And now it was Porsche's turn ..

Kinn's eyes was on him.. when he came infront and extended his hand and kinn took the offer
" Happy Birthday, Khun kinn" he said
When kinn heard his voice.. just for a second he felt very familiar, he held his hand tightly.. suddenly chan came and told something in his ear .. then he left his hand and gave his devilish smile,
"Thankyou.... Mr. Porsche.. i hope you are enjoying the party". ..
And Porsche smiled in the response then he disappeared in the crowd..
Kinn ordered chan to keep an eye on him

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