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I fell. 

I knew I was done.

But I was okay?

I got back up and the dagger was about to fall. I ran and grabbed it. Then the snake was back. "Harry If I die tell my family I love them" I yelled down. 

The snake opened his mouth and a last minute choice. I either swipe at him or stick it in his mouth. 

I stuck it in his mouth. He started to scream. He moved back and I had a fang in my arm. Great. I pulled it out.

It was screaming. I felt bad because it is an animal but I had to. It fell to the ground. It died. 

I made my way down with an hurting body.I felt so weak for some reason.  I looked at the blood covered snake and I fell to the ground. "remarkable isn't it? How quickaly the venom of the basilisk penetrates the body? Id guess you have little over a minute to live. You will be with your waste of pure blood brother soon Nessa" Tom told me. 

" He wasnt a waste of pure blood. He did a bold thing for a 4 year old something you could never" I told him. I looked at ginny. I grabbed her hand. Harry came over and put his hand on my back. "Tell my siblings I love them for me Harry.. and my friends. Also tell Malfoy I may have acted like I hated him but I didnt" I told Harry. 

"funny the damage a silly little book can do .. especially in the hands of a silly little girl." Tom said. I looked. Ginny had the book. I took the book and I opened it. "What are you doing?" Tom asked. "You will be with your muggle father soon" I said and I stabbed the fang into the book. "NO" he yelled. Then blood came out on the book. Then a light came out on him.

I kept stabbing. Over and over. Then I closed it and stabbed the front page. Then Tom Riddle broke like a glass bulb. 

Then Ginny woke up. "Ginny" Harry said. " it was me but I swear I didnt mean to. Riddle made me and .. Nessa you are hurt" She explained. I was holding my arm. " Dont worry.. You and Harry need to get yourself out. Harry knows where to go to find Ron" I told her.  

Then I heard the bird again. It came right infront of me. "You were so smart Fawkes.. I just was not fast enough.." I told him. He put his beak to my nose and it fell down. "Do you remember me holding you as a little baby?" I asked him. Then I looked and my wound was healed. "Of course! You have healing powers like me... Thank you Fawkes" I said and patted his head. 

"No worries guys .. It is over" I told them. "Its just a memory" Harry said. Fawkes came and saved all of us. He flew us out of the chamber. I was taken to Dumbledores office but I should have most likely been in the hospital wing. 

"You 3 do realize of course, in the past few hours  You have broken over a dozen school rules?" Dumbledore asked. "Yes sir" I said. "There is sufficient evidence to have you 3 expelled" He said. "yes sir" We all said. "Therefore it is only fitting that you 3 receive.. special awards for services to the school." Dumbledore told us. We all looked up and did a small smile. "thanks sir" Ron said

"Now Mr. Weasley, if you would have an owl delivery these release papers to Azkaban. I believe we want our gate keeper back... Nessa Harry, First I want to thank you Harry, You must have shown me real loyally down there in the chamber. Nessa I want to thank you because it takes a real brave person to defend there friends and defeat a beast for them .. That was a very bold thing to do. It is also bold to defend someone infront of someone who hates them. Nothing but that can call Fawkes to you. and second.. I sense that something is trouble you two.. Am I right?" Dumbledore told us.

"Its just.. You see sir.. I couldnt help but notice certain things.. Certain similarities between riddle and me.. Riddle and Nessa to." Harry answered. He isnt like me dont put that on me Harry.

"I see. Well you 3 can speak parseltongue .. why? Because Lord Voldemort can speak parseltongue. If I am not mistaken.. He transferred some of his powers to you both. The night he gave you guys that scar." Dumbledore explained. "Voldemort transferred some of his powers to me?" I asked. "Not intentionally .. but yes." Dumbledore answered.

"So the sorting hat was right? I should have been in slytherin?" Harry asked. "Its true. You posses some of his most valued traits. Both of you. Determination, resourcefulness, and if I must say so a certain disregard for the rules. You may wonder why you were not in Gryffindor Nessa? Well because you did not tell the hat no for slytherin. The hat is always right but maybe you would have been better in another house. Look at that" Dumbledore said and pointed to the dagger. 

"Godric Gryffindor.. But I am slytherin?" I questioned. "I think this is no coincidence" Dumbledore said. The door opened. It was Lucius and my dad. 

"Nessa?" My dad said. "dad?" I said and I ran and gave him a hug. I started to cry. "Hi angel" My father said. "Hi father" I said. I let him go and he walked up there with Lucius. "So it is true. you have returned" Lucius said. "When the government learned that Author Weasleys daughter was taken into the chamber they saw it fit to summon me back." Dumbledore explained. "Ridiculous" My dad and Lucius said. 

"curiously, Lucius and Dade ,  several of them were under the impression that you would curse their family if they did not agree to  suspend me in the first place" Dumbledore explained. My father gasped. No wonder where I get it from.

"How dare you?" Lucius said. "Beg you pardon?" Dumbledore said. " My sole concern has always been and always will be the welfare of this school. and of course its students. The culprit has been identified I assume?" Lucius questioned.

They wont like the answer to this.

"Oh yes" Dumbledore said. "And? who was it?" 

Dumbledore looked at Harry. Then he looked at me. "Voldemort.. Only this time he choose to act through someone else. By means of this" Dumbledore held the book up.

" I see" My dad said. "Fortunately our young Mr.Potter and mrs.Manson discovered it. One hopes that no more of Lord Voldemort old school things should find their way into innocent hands. The consequences for the one responsible would be.. severe" Dumbledore told him. It feels like shade is being thrown or something.

" Well lets hope that mr.potter will always be around to save the day" Lucius said. "Dont worry I will be" harry said. "well today looks like Nessa was the one to kill the snake and destroy the diary.. Which Dade you will be getting a letter soon about it and we are sorry Nessa got bite by the snake but no worries as you can see she is fine" Dumbledore explained. 

"You were bite by a snake?" My father asked. "yeah it was scary I almost fell high up and then I got the Dagger and I put it inside the snakes mouth and his fang was stuck to my arm and I was told I only had a minute to live and then I took the fang and stabbed the book and Tom literally went up in sparks and he was hot but crazy and then Ginny woke up and I felt my body shut down and Harry was going to have to say my goodbyes and then Fawkes saved me with his tears and here we are" I explained so fast. 

Everyone was looking at me. "Wow um.. I am glad you are safe" My dad said. "Me too.. I think it is time to make our kids change schools" Lucius said. "No need everything is good now" I told him.

I felt my stomach get a little sick. Then my head was spinning. "Dad I don't feel good" I said. 'What's wrong angel?" He asked. "I feel ill" I told him. "How?" He asked. Then I passed out. 

Me and the devil  (Draco malfoy fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now