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I was just sitting by the water reading this book called "The love and hate of the boy and girl" It was a love novel about this boy and girl who would go to school together and they could not stand each other but ended up being in love. 

I was reading this one page. "Love is an easy thing to do for a person.. But losing the loved person is the hardest" and that made me think. Until someone snatched my book away from me. Harry Hermione and Ron were standing in front of me. 

"Did you take it?" Harry asked. I looked around. No one was around. "Take what?" I questioned. "Toms diary" He said. "No you had it" I told him. "Yeah and now it is gone" Ron snapped. I stood up. "What do you mean it is gone? Harry this is not just something you can lose" I explained to him. "Yes I know but my room was destroyed and the book was gone" He explained. "Then you need to find it" I suggested. "I have no idea who could have taken it" He said. "Maybe think of the people we seen in the memory or maybe someone who would need to book"  I suggested. "I will but for now I have a match" harry said. "Just keep all eyes out" I told them. They started to walk away but Hermione turned around. "No worries Nessa I told them you would not take it" she said with a smile. "Thank you" I said. 

"Hey can I have my book back?" I yelled as they were walking away. "Never" Harry said. Ugh boys. 

I had a match today it was with Ravenclaw. I heard there team was okay. I made my way to our tent because after the first match we would go on. But in the middle of our prep talk Professor McGonagall came. "The match is closed. You need to go to your rooms immediately" She said. "What you can not cancel quidditch" Marcus told her. "I can and it is cancelled and Nessa come with me there is something I need to show you" She said. Show me? What in the world.

I walked with her. We made it to the hospital wing. I knew it was one of my siblings. I just knew it. "I warn you this may be a shock" She said. I was looking and I seen Harry and Ron standing there. I pushed past them and I seen her. Hermione Granger. I gasped. 

"Hermione?" I said in shock. I felt my eyes tearing up. "She was found near the library .. Along with this.. Does it mean anything to you Manson?" She asked. "No" I told her.

I grabbed her hand. It was so cold. "You can fix her right?" I questioned. "Yes we will be able to" She told me. I felt my tears roll down my cheeks. I was not her best friend or anything but I was her friend and I told her that in first year and I mean it. 

I stayed there a few minutes. I gave her hand a kiss and I left. I need to find who is at the bottom of this. When it comes to my friends I get serious. The common room was filled. People were about to start there partying. I seen Blake. "Ugh today is so shitty" I told him as I got on the couch with him. "Whats wrong?" He asked me. "Everyone getting petrified and then the match got cancelled." I explained. "I feel you I had a fight with Lorenzo today" He said. "About what?" I asked. 

"A disagreement about who can duel better and he won but I was a sore loser and said some horrible things" Blake said. "It happens sometimes with friends, You guys will make up soon" I told him. I was laying there with my legs on him.

Someone busted in. "Snapes coming!" The kid yelled. Everyone started to move and hide the stuff and was doing spells to clear the smell and smoke. It was funny. 

"Attention! Because of these recent events, There has been some new rules in place I have to tell you about. First all students will turn to their house common room by 6:00 every evening. Second all students will be escorted to their classes by a teacher. No exceptions! If you do leave you will be punished! Have a good evening" Snape said and walked out. 

Everyone was yelling and talking about how this was bullshit and we will be fine since we are pure blood. "Blake I am leaving and going to talk to Snape" I told him. "Not by yourself" He fought. "Blake I am fine .. Pure blood" I said. "Okay" 

I was not going to Snape. I was going to see if Harry had the same rules. I was being very sneaky. The first place I went was the medical wing to see if he was with Hermione. I looked and no one was there. "What are you doing out in the castle?" I heard someone say. It was Dumbledore. Shit. 

"I know I should not be out but I just wanted to check on Hermione.. I am really sad about what happened to her and I wanted to see if there was some way she had woken" I lied. He looked down. "I am sorry about miss Granger Nessa I really am. I know how you must feel and I hate to say this but you need to return to your common room. I will give you 5 minutes but then you need to return" Dumbledore demanded. "Yes sir thank you" I said.

I walked in the room and I stood next to her. I was watching to make sure Dumbledore was fully gone. He was and I knew I could not. I was walking then out of thin air I hit a body. But there was nothing there. I seen something move. "Harry and Ron what are you guys doing" I whispered. "Looking for you now come in" Harry said and I got covered in the cloak. 

We got to Hagrid's hut and he invited us in. He was making us a cup of tea but it was going over the rim. "Hagrid are okay?" Harry asked. "Yes fine" he said. "Did you hear about Hermione?" Harry questioned. "yeah I heard about that all right" He answered. 

"Look we have to ask you something" Harry said. "we?" I asked. He cut his eyes at me. "Do you know who opened the chamber of secrets?" Harry asked.  Hagrid looked taken back. 

"What you have to understand about that is-" Hagrid started and someone knocked. uh oh. "Quick under the cloak" Hagrid said. Ron  put the cloak on us.  My fathers boss was here. They said they had to take Hagrid in to Azkaban's. Then someone opened the door. "Already here boss?" I heard Lucius  Malfoy say. Then he walked in with someone behind him. My father. They are saying Dumbledore needs to step aside. 

Then Dumbledore said something that hit my mind in a different way. "However you will find that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it" and then he looked at us?

"well if anyone was ever looking for stuff.. All they would have to do is follow the spiders. Yes. That would lead them right.. Thats all I have to say. And someone will need to feed fang while I am away." Hagrid said and left. 

We took the cloak off. "Hagrid's right. With Dumbledore gone there will be an attack everyday." Ron said. "Look" I said and I seen the spiders on the wall crawling. 

"we need to follow them" I said. "Come on.. Come on fang" Harry said as he grabbed the tourch. 

Whatever these spiders take us I hope it is good. But knowing my luck it will be bad. 

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