Part 1: Hey you,you're finally awake

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Everything is woozy and bumpy before you shift awake of the cart bumping on something,
You here a voice "Hey you, you're finally awake" your eyes shoot to the person who said those words.
???: trying to cross the border? Ran into a imperial ambush.
Y/n: who.. are you?
Ralof: names Ralof fellow kinsman, what's yours?
Y/n: "my names Y/n, I would say it's a pleasure but..." you show your bound hands to Ralof as he chuckles and moves over to the next person rambling on how he shouldn't be here.
Ralof: for Talos, shut up and be a Nord for divines sake.
??? Looks at you at says "you and I we shouldn't be here it's the Stormcloaks they want."
Y/n: honestly, couldn't care less if I am considered guilty or innocent whoever judges that who is not the divines is the guilty one themselves as they should not control the life of others.
Everyone that heard your voice was inspired by what you said you even saw a gagged guy next to you shed a tear in respect... wait who even is that guy?
???: who is he? ,Gesturing to the gagged person.
Ralof: watch your tongue! Your speaking with the next High King, Ulfric Stormcloak!
???: wait...if he's here then where are we going!
Ralof: where do you think end of the line, it's best you think of home ??? And Y/n a Nords last thoughts should be of home.
Y/n: yeah, my home was nice.
??? Huffs before saying he is from Rorikstead, i then found out his name was Lokir.
Imperial soldier: Shut up back there!
Ulfric: *angry grunts*
Ralof: we are going to Helgen, I used to be sweet on a girl from here, funny, imperial walls used to make me feel so safe.
You drive past general Tullius and the Thalmor, you make eye contact with one and they smirk.
Y/n: I know not all elves are bad but the Thalmor piss me off.
Ralof: yes, the Thalmor probably had something to do with this.
The cart comes to a halt where you see an executioner and priestess, which you guess is to give you your last rites.

Ulfric gets off first getting boos left and right from the villagers.
Ulfric moves away from the line to join his comrades.
???: next Lokir of Rorikstead.
Lokir steps forward and says "No! I'm not a rebel, you can't do this!
Lokir begins to run has fast has his legs can take him.
Legionnaire Captain: HALT!
Lokir: you're not gonna catch me!
Legionnaire Captain: Archers!
The archers let arrows loose on Lokir killing him instantly not before hearing him yelp in pain.
???: wait? You there, step forward, who are you?
Y/n steps forward hesitantly before standing a few feet from the captain and soldier who seems nice.
Y/n: names Y/n son of F/N and M/N, I am a Nord.
???: captain, what do we do? He's not on the list?
Captain: forget the list Hadvar, he goes to the block!
Hadvar: by your orders Captain.
Hadvar turns to you with a sorry look and says "I am sorry Y/n at least you will die here in your homeland, to the block prisoner nice and easy"
Y/n begins to shift his legs to join the rest when Ralof of Riverwood gets called out.

General Tullius: Ulfric Stormcloak, you are trialed along with your comrades to death for murdering the high king and usurping the throne by using the power of the voice.
Ulfric: *grunts*
Captain: priestess give them their last rites.
Priestess: As we commend your souls to Aetherius, may the divines-
Stormcloak: for Talos let's get this over with!
Priestess looks offended before saying "as you wish"
Stormcloak: my ancestors are smiling at me imperials, would yours do the same?
His head gets chopped off cleanly as his body flops off the block.
Stormcloak: you bastard!
Citizen: yeahhh
Ralof: as fearless in death he was in life.
Y/n: you can say that again.
Captain: Next the Nord!
Y/n: *thinking* OH COME ON!
You walk over to the block, then forced to kneel.
Y/n: what was that?
Captain: shut up prisoner probably nothing.
Hadvar: it was louder this time.
As your head is about to get chopped off, a Dragon comes into view!
It lands on the tower and say these words that seem to serenade familiarity to you but then you blackout.
You wake up everything is destroyed and Ralof grabs onto you to pull you up.
Ralof: come on brother! The gods won't give us another chance!

Y/n: i'm comin mum! DAMN!

Ralof looks at you with a confused look, Y/n looks back, they continue on to the tower while everyone is distracted by fighting the Dragon.

Ralof: Ulfric could the legends be true?!

Ulfric: Legends don't burn down villages, we need to move now!

Y/n: got it I'm out.

you run up the tower Ralof following, seeing a Stormcloak soldier moving debree to get to the top, before the wall next to him gets crashed down then getting incinerated by fire breath.


Ralof: Jump! i will find you again.


Ralof: JUST DO IT!

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Ralof: JUST DO IT!

Y/n runs and jumps as far as he can to the broken building landing on the railing, then sprinting to drop down the hole to the floor seeing Hadvar and a child and an old man with another man about to be incinerated aswell.

Y/n: oh shit.

Hadvar: Still alive Y/n? keep close to me if you wanna stay that way.

Y/n: well sheeet don't have to tell me twice.

Y/n then speed ran away from Hadvar past the dragon, stuck close to the wall, ran past Tullius and his soldiers then stopped when he saw Ralof.

Y/n: *thinking* this is gonna be filled with drama.

Hadvar: Ralof! you damn traitor out of the way!

Ralof: we're escaping Hadvar, nothing you can do about it.

Ralof: come on! into the keep.

Y/n: Wha?

Hadvar: Y/n this way!

Y/n: the fack? your making me choose?

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