140 1 0

WORDS; 235.


If you're looking for somewhere to place a request, check out the next chapter. Yes, the divider chapter. With the heart on it.

I apologise if the 'TO' and 'FROM' part may become confusing, I just thought it was a more creative twist on setting the perspective as third, second or first person, since I've always disliked simply stating it the way some do. Please do ask for clarification if this system confuses you at all!

I will write about the following;
Alternate Universes. (AU!)
• Content Creators. (CC!)
• Origins Characters. (O!)
• DSMP Characters. (C!)

But that doesn't go into detail about what those mean! When I say 'AU' I mean anything ranging from an alternate version of Content Creators, Characters, or Origins that may act mildly different (example: more confident, more direct, etc) to whole other characters (example: bursonas, less crazy, etc).

And also, I would write crossovers. Which could also count as an AU.

(Most?) Titles will be formatted with the included comforter/s, with an '&' or '/' and lastly gendered information on the reader.
Key: CC! = Content Creator.  C! = Character.  O! = Origins.  AU! = Alternate Universe.  & = platonic.  / = romantic.  FEM! = Female/feminine.  MASC! = Male/masculine.  NEU! = Genderless.

Example: O!James Marriott & FEM!Reader.  May use duo/trio/group names if multiple 'comforters' are written about.

Everything I write about is strictly fictional!


FROM; Myself, The Author.

DREAM SMP 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗧 𝗕𝗢𝗢𝗞 OF 𝗢𝗡𝗘𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗧𝗦.Where stories live. Discover now