87. Surprise

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After JJ and I fuck, we go to the bathroom and we take a shower together. Then I get dried off and I put on one of JJ's t-shirts and a pair of my jean shorts.

I walk into my room and I see JJ laying shirtless on the bed. I go lay next to him and he puts his arm around me. I snuggle into his side.

"Well, that was fun." JJ says. I laugh a little and lay my head on his chest.

"Can I teach you how to make a bracelet?" I ask. "Out of string?"

"Yeah, sure." JJ says.

I get up and look under my bed for the box of string. I grab it and bring it to the top with JJ and I.

"Can we have matching ones?" I ask.

"Hell yeah." JJ says. I smile and I let him pick the colors. He chooses dark blue, night blue, and red. The red matches his shirt.

I show JJ how to knit the bracelets in different spots and he eventually gets the hang of it. After a while, we both finish the bracelets.

"Whoa." JJ says. "I didn't know that I could do that." He says.

"Well, you are great with your fingers." I say. "I've known that since the time on the beach." I say, smirking.

"You wanna walk down to the beach?" JJ asks.

I smile. "Sure."

We both walk down to the beach. We walk far down the beach for a while. Once we get really far, we start making out.

"You sure?" JJ asks.

"Yes." I say. Then we fuck on the beach.

"Ash!" Kie yells. I snap back to reality and I hear her and Pope walk into the Chateau. They walk back to my room and see JJ and I on my bed. I put the bracelets on the bed to put on later.

"Why did you guys get showers?" Kie asks. "And change the sheets? And move rooms?" She asks.

"Do you really wanna know?" I ask.

Kie's eyes go wide. "Ew!" She says. "But I'm happy that you guys made up."

"Oh! And made out!" JJ adds. "Well, a little more than that." He says. I laugh.

Later, we all go outside and turn on the outdoor lights. We all stand around and wait for Sarah. Then she walks through the door.

"Hey guys. Thanks for waiting." Sarah says.

"Hey Sarah." I say. "What's our surprise?" I ask.

"Look who decided to come home." Sarah says. Then John B walks out of the Chateau and my eyes go wide. I immediately run and hug him.

"Holy shit." I say. "Y-you're okay." I say in relief. JB hugs me back.

"Ash, I am so sorry for what I said about dad." JB says. "I just got caught up in the moment."

"Yeah, I understand." I say. "I'm just glad that you didn't have another death sentence." I say.

"Oh Ash." JB says, hugging me. "Something like that will never happen again. I promise."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes Ash." JB says. We hug more and then JB goes over to JJ, Kie, Cleo and Pope.

"Well, I have something else that I want to tell you guys." Sarah says.

"Another surprise?" I ask.

"Yep. I can get us down to the Orinoco." Sarah says.

"Wait, are you serious?" Pope asks.

"Yeah. My dad's gonna let us use the plane." Sarah says. "We lay low tonight and go and fly away in the morning." Sarah says.

"Your dad actually helping us. That's a lot to process." Pope says.

"So we're trusting Ward now?" Cleo asks.

"Trust Sarah." Kiara says.

"Alright." I say.

"I have one more thing to say." Sarah says. "Since we've gotten back from the island, I've done some things that I regret." Sarah says. She looks at John B.

"I think we all have." I say. I look over at JJ.

"Poguelandia." Sarah says. "It's all I've been able to think about." Sarah says. "We were all together on that island. It was a good thing and I don't want to ruin a good thing." Sarah says. "Are we still all in?" Sarah asks. "Because I am."

"Yeah." I say, not hesitating. "I'm all in until the end." I go hug Sarah and then Kie joins in. We all hug each other. But JB isn't in it.

"Let's go get Big John." JJ says. "For John B." He says. He looks at me and I smile at him.

"Fuck yeah!" I yell.

"What do you say there, shit bird?" JJ asks.

JB laughs and joins the hug. Then we all have some beers and go inside. We aren't drunk, just having fun. We are all sitting on the couch together. JJ and I are kissing and laughing. Sarah and John B then go back to his room.

"Oooooh!" I say, teasing. "Have fun, guys." I say. Kie is playing the ukulele and JJ and I just sit on the couch together, his arm around me, I'm cuddled up against his side.

"I love you." JJ says.

"I love you too." I say. We hold each others hands.

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