57. The CV Part 1

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Authors note: (CV- Coastal Venture)

Ash POV:

I wake up on a couch and I see Sarah asleep. She must've been kidnapped too. I look down at my body and see that I'm in a different outfit. I'm wearing a yellow t-shirt and jean shorts like the ones I usually wear. My yellow shirt has some blood stains on it because of the cuts and bruises on my stomach that no one bothered to clean or cover. I look out the window and see that we're on a boat in the middle of the ocean. My friends, my family, is far away.

I stand up and limp to the mirror, my calf hurts again along with everything else. My face has a bunch of cuts on it. I lift up my shirt and see bruises everywhere. There are bleeding cuts on my sides and on my stomach. My calf isn't wrapped but it stopped bleeding.

I limp over to Sarah as pain fills my entire body. "Sarah, wake up." I say. I shake her and she wakes up.

"What the hell?" She asks. "Rose drugged me."

"Rafe drugged me too. We're on a boat." I say. "Far away from Obx." I say.

Sarah gets up. "You okay? You look like your in a lot of pain." I nod and show her my cuts a bruises. "Did Rafe do this?" She asks.

"Y-yeah. Renfield beat me up and then Rafe... uhh... he raped me." I say, looking down. Sarah hugs me.

"I'm so sorry, Ash." Sarah says. Tears fall down my face.

"It's fine." I say. "I-I just want JJ." I sniffle. "I need him but we're in the middle of the ocean."

Sarah grabs a butter knife and walks over to the door. She tries to unlock it but then I hear footsteps. Then WARD FUCKING CAMERON walks in. Back from the dead? WHAT THE FUCK?!??!!? Like, I watched this guy commit suicide and blow himself up.

Ward tells Sarah and I how he's alive. "We can be a happy family together. Ash can be your new sister. Ashlyn Cameron. It has a ring to it." Ward says.

"You're a fucking phycho." I say. "I will never be your daughter. I'm a Routledge."

"Well, your friends never came for you." Ward says. "We gave them the cross in exchange for you two."

"No! I was fucking kidnapped by your son!" I yell.

"We gave your brother the chance to take you both back but he said that he needed the cross and the money." Ward says.

"What about JJ?" I ask. "He never said anything?" I ask.

"The blond one? He said take her." Ward says. "He said that he doesn't care. He just wants the money."

"No. You're lying." I say. "You're a fucking liar."

"Mhm. Go ahead and believe that, Ash." Ward says. "You'll be better as a Cameron." He starts to walks out but then I yell at him.

"No! I'm a Routledge and I always will be!" I yell. "One day I'll become a Maybank too!!" I yell.

Ward shakes his head in disappointment and looks at Sarah. "Je t'aime." He says.

"No! You can't say that you love me! You are the worst father!!" Sarah yells. Ward walks out and closes the door. My jaw drops. Je t'aime. That's what JJ would say to me. I love you. Holy shit. JJ loves me.

"Ash, you good?" Sarah asks.

"JJ would always say that to me. Je t'aime. I never knew what it meant. But he-he loves me." I say. I sit on the couch with Sarah. Tears fall down my face. Ward locked us in. I'll never be able to tell JJ that I love him back. All this time, I thought JJ didn't love me, but he's loved me all along.

"Sarah, can you stitch my calf back up while we're stuck in here?" I ask.

"Yeah, sure." Sarah says. "I'll wrap your torso too." Rose and Wheezie walk in after Sarah's finished.

"Do you want to play cards?" Wheezie asks. She's so innocent but so clueless.

Sarah nods and Wheezie walks out of the room. Then Sarah stands up and stumbles.

"Woah, Sarah, are you okay?" Rose asks.

"I think I'm getting seasick." Sarah says.

"I'm sure we have something in here." Rose says. She walks into the closet.

"Mhm, medicine from you. Great." Sarah says. Wheezie left the door unlocked so me and Sarah quickly sneak out and run to the deck.

"Fuck." I say, looking around. "I'm never gonna see JB again." I say. A tear falls down my face as I continue. "I'll never be able to tell JJ that I love him."

"You love him?" Sarah asks. "Cause you seem pissed at him."

"I love him so much, Sarah." I say. "I just don't know how to say it. But now that I know what Je t'aime means, I need to tell him that I love him back."

"Ashlyn, we will get back to them, I promise." Sarah says.

"Really?" I ask, tears falling down my face.

"Yeah." Sarah says. "And we will find a way to escape back to the Obx." She says. "My family won't go back now. My dad would be put in jail or killed." She says.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I say. We run around the boat, looking for anything that can get us off.


This container is hot as fuck. I'm stuck in a storage container on this ship. There's no way out. I just want to save Ash and tell her that I love her. I want to give her a hug and tell her that everything's okay, and that everything will be fine.

"Wait, I got it." Kie says. She walks over to the wall and opens the window thingy.

"Holy shit." JB says. "JJ, Kie, stay here."

"Why us? I need to find Ash." I say.

"We'll be back." JB says. "And then you can go find Ash. We just need to check out the boat first."

"I want to check out Ash's body right now." I say, the heat getting to me.

"As soon as I get the chance, I'm getting you some water before you start going delusional." John B says. He climbs out of the container with Pope.

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