Chapter 10: Journey to the Ocean

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Tuck Star is located at the far end of the third galaxy. It takes two interstellar crossings from the first galaxy where Bekenney Star is located to get here. 

The spaceship that several people are traveling on this trip is the private aircraft of the Louis family. The interior is luxurious, equipped with a kitchen, lounge, and spacious hall. 

According to the butler, this is the most advanced and luxurious spaceship on the market, which can minimize the discomfort caused by interstellar crossings for passengers. 

After everyone boarded the spaceship and sat on the sofa in the hall, the spaceship rose in an instant, broke through the clouds, and entered the vast space of the universe. 

The stars outside the window are brilliant, and planets of all sizes are scattered throughout the galaxy. Dazzling meteors occasionally brush past, leaving a white light. 

Odin is reading a book. 

In this era where electronic books have long replaced paper books, Odin still insists on using paper books, unchanged for decades. 

Luo Yaoshuang also once doubted the era in which Odin lived. By observing his habits, Luo Yaoshuang guessed that Odin should have lived in the same era as her parents. 

Noticing Luo Yaoshuang's gaze, Odin blurted out, "Ancient Earth is also in the third galaxy. After you finish the business on Tuck Star, you can go and see it." 

Luo Yaoshuang was stunned, obviously not expecting Odin to say this to her." Okay."  Luo Yaoshuang did not refuse Odin's kindness. 

Just as they were talking, the butler pushed a small cart over. 

"Master, young master, have something to eat. The journey is still long." 

Luo Yaoshuang took a plate of carefully cooked spaghetti from the butler and thanked him. 

The golden spaghetti was covered in dark red tomato sauce and mixed with secret beef cubes, leaving a lingering fragrance in the mouth. 

While Luo Yaoshuang was eating, the butler took out a box of medicine and handed it to Odin, saying, "Master, it's time to take your medicine." 

Odin took the pill without blinking an eye. Luo Yaoshuang pretended to glance over and saw the words "Chlorpromazine" on the medicine box. 

She studied traditional Chinese medicine and knew little about Western medicine. She felt somewhat familiar with the name of the medicine and was very puzzled. She remained calm and planned to look up the medicine on the Star Network later. 

After a simple meal, Luo Yaoshuang made an excuse to take a nap and returned to her room. 

As soon as she got back to her room, Luo Yaoshuang immediately opened the Star Network to search for information about "Chlorpromazine," but found that there was no record of this drug online, as if all traces of it had been deliberately erased. Luo Yaoshuang realized that this medicine and Odin's illness might not be simple, and began to think about how to inquire about the news of this medicine, but found no clue and could only temporarily give up. 

Knock knock knock -

After a while, the door rang. Luo Yaoshuang opened the door and found the butler outside. 

"Mr. Butler, is there something you need from me?"

The butler gave Luo Yaoshuang a vial of medicine: "This is a seasickness medicine. The spacecraft is about to undergo interstellar crossing. The young master is crossing for the first time. Even if he is riding the most advanced spacecraft, he is likely to experience symptoms such as dizziness and nausea. You can take it in advance to reduce discomfort." 

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