"Just behave and you'll be fine," Blaise said.

It sounded easy but controlling myself and my temper has never been easy.

"And what did you do?" I asked Montague who hadn't seemed to talk much.

He looked at me slowly, his arm draped over Daphne's shoulders, "I beat my dad into a coma when I was fifteen." He said so calmly like it didn't faze him. And his jaw clenched like he still has built up anger from it.

"Christ," I whispered. I wasn't surprised, honestly. The guy was built like a warrior ready to fight in battle. I was ashamed as it only made me find him more attractive.

His only response was the smallest of smirks like he was proud.

"And you?" I asked Pansy.

"We're having that conversation over a drink, Arden," she said and then smiled.

"Yes, right," I answered.

"What," Theo bursted out, "So you'll tell her what happened but you won't tell us?"

"I told you," Pansy glared at him, "You wouldn't understand."

Well, that only made me more curious.

"What about me?" Daphne whined.

"I love you, but I don't trust you not to keep your pretty, insane mouth quiet," Pansy told the girl who didn't look as nearly as offended as she should have been.

I laughed, their words fading when I turned my attention across the hall, my eyes averted to the entrance, catching sight of that white hair. He strolled in with his hands in his pockets and the hood of his hoodie flung over his head. I noticed a few students turning their heads toward him but he didn't give any of them a slither of his attention. His height was Godly—he had to be well over six feet.

My, my was he handsome too—

His eyes were dark, not necessarily the color but his gaze. A professor passed him and gestured for him to take off his hood, he scoffed at them and then swiped a hand over his white hair and removed his hood, revealing more of his white, disheveled hair.

My mind went back to the sight of this sinisterly attractive boy in handcuffs and my curiosity wondered what on the hell he did to get himself in here. Just by looking at him, I'd guess murder, he looks capable of mass murder and he'd smile while doing so too.

I watched him slouch down on a table in the corner—the only lonely table. The hall was packed but no one sat at that table. Like it was reserved just for him, or everyone knew it was his table.

His tall figure barely fit in that little chair—

"I would stay away from that one," Theo's voice pulled my attention back to the loud hall and I turned my head, almost snapping my neck, as I looked back at Theo.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"He is bad, bad news," Blaise informed me, shaking his head.

"He's an arse," Pansy added and I saw the hatred in all their eyes.

Montague was staring at the white-haired boy and the hatred was deepest in his brown eyes. Montague had a natural angry look in his eyes but the wrath in his eyes right now was deeper, intense—It sent chills crawling  up my spine.

"The pig used to be our friend," Daphne said and I even saw the same loathing in her lovely sweet eyes.

What the hell did he do?

"What happened?" I questioned and watched all of them give one another a knowing look. The tension was suffocating.

"We are all freaks in this school but he is the star of the freak show," Daphne said.

I turned my eyes back over to him and saw he now had an apple in his hands and a sharp knife carving small pieces of it. He carved that Apple so perfectly and with skill, like he knew exactly how to use a knife. I looked back up his eyes and through the crowd of students, I saw that his dark eyes were on me. Staring at me, an unreadable expression. There was no emotion in his gaze. Nothing.

I tensed but I couldn't seem to pull my eyes away.

"Stop staring at him," Pansy whispered and I saw his face furrow into what looked like hatred, "he'll kill you."

I tore my eyes away from him.

"What?" I asked.

"She isn't kidding, the tosser should be in prison," Theo said.

"He killed someone?" I put the pieces together.

"He did and his millionaire dad paid the judge with his dirty money and got him sent here instead of prison," Blaise said.

My eyes widened.

"Stay away from him," Montague warned me, his eyes frowned.

I looked back over at the white haired boy. The murderer. But when I did, he shook his head, a little grin almost like he knew what they had told me and then he stood and walked away.

They warned me to stay away from him so why did I want to chase after him?


Copyright © Kirsten Enn

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