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January 10, 2024

A week after the last housemate entered the PBB house, one of its host, June, was suspended and was issued a TRO. She had an argument with the management on whether to let the housemates know about the epidemic and be given an option to leave the house. On social media sites, there were 2 differing opinions on whether to let the show go on or not. But the argument died down as more and more shocking news about the virus' took over the news and panic gripped the nation.

January 16, 2024

Chie's sister was worried of her entering the PBB house again considering the rumors that there is a virus outbreak and she refuses to send her off but she watches the show still. She was relieved watching how her sister's face brightened up after being saved from eviction. Part of her still wants her out though. There was a loud bang as if from a car and the TV is suddenly garbled. She looks out of the window and sees a lady covered in blood in front of a car which have apparently side-swept a Meralco post. She goes out to help her.

January 17, 2024

Wil's best friend, UE, is getting fitted with a wedding dress. Her fiancé is once again busy so she goes with her mother instead. She goes inside the fitting room and comes out wearing a wedding dress. There was a commotion but a staff reassures them they can be at ease because they will get it under control. She goes inside to try another dress but hears a thud and her mother's fearful shrieks.

January 18, 2024

Aaron's wife turns off the TV in which their 7-year-old daughter is watching her dad on TV. She begs to let her watch the show live but she rejects the request and sends her off to bed instead. In the morning, her daughter gets into the school bus but goes to the PBB house instead. Suddenly, there's a commotion among the fans. To subdue the chaos, more staff were requested to report for work including one infected personnel. The CBS-ABN compound was overrun by zombies in less than 48 hours. Yes, even Kuya was turned into a zombie. 

Meanwhile, the housemates are having a pool party, oblivious to the horrendous events in the outside world.

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