I removed the plastic flowers and all the decorative things from the pack and arranged them the way I want then I started decorating.

I climbed a ladder and started decorating the stage but all the decorative items fell on the floor. As I only have two hands, it is getting hard for me take the items from floor then climbing the ladder and decorate.

"You know, everyone has only two hands. Even the president of India or the star of the country, you dumbo", my subconscious mocked me.

"Yeah, I forgot", I slapped my forehead. It would be better if anyone help me, with that thought I was about to climb down the ladder but just like every female lead in movies, I fell down but sadly, I don't have any hero to catch me.

I closed my eyes shut expecting the pain but someone caught me. Who is this hero? But I don't have any hero, right? Ok let me open my eyes and see.

I opened my eyes to see the Hero and that's none other than the handsome guy from yesterday who saved me from falling in the beach.

Why always he is the one who caught me? But he is handsome though.

He cleared his throat when I was lost looking at his handsome features, not intended to get up. Well, it's not my mistake, who asked him to be so handsome.

I stood up on my feet immediately and thanked him awkwardly.

"Who are you?", I mumbled. I think he is the one whom Pooja sent to help me.

"Oh... Pooja sent you here to help me", I asked.

"Yeah", he replied hesitantly.

"I am Naina. What's your name?", I asked excitedly while extending my hand for a hand shake.

"Arnav", he replied quietly.

"Arnav, Nice name", I mumbled.
"Ok Arnav, let's get start with our decoration", I said and he nodded nervously.

I showed him the plan and we started with our decoration.

Arnav's POV

"Sir, we can visit the venue, now", Peter informed me. Yeah, we actually planned an event for our new product launch. I want everything to be perfect so, I like to visit the venue personally to decide it is ok or not.

After half an hour we reached the venue which is a big function hall. I removed my coat and put it in the car then climbed down.
"Why is it so clumsy?", I asked Peter.

"Sir, there is a reception here tomorrow so, I think decorations are ongoing now", he replied. Our product launch is on next Saturday so, its ok if there is a reception tomorrow.

I walked in looking around and saw a mug and a bucket on the way.
"Who put them here?", I mumbled irritated and put them near the tap which is on the corner. I want everything to be in its place and perfect.

I inspected the hall and it was ok. I told Peter to book the venue for our product launch.

While I was looking around, I got a call so, I excused myself to attend the call. I went in while talking in the call and again a familiar figure caught my attention.

She is struggling to get her things from floor and decorating the wall with the flowers. Her things again fell on the floor, she climbed down took her things and again climbed up and started decorating.

"Arnav, are you hearing", Ajay asked in the call.

"No, I will call you later. I am busy now", I said and disconnected the call.

She is cute. Looking at her, a smile made its way to my lips unknowingly.

I walked to her to talk but she lost her balance and about to fall on the floor but I was quick to catch her in my arms.

She didn't open her eyes for a long time and her facial expressions are changing like she is debating with herself.

She slowly opened her eyes and our eyes locked. She has honey brown eyes which are very pretty. I cleared my throat when she is just looking at me not intended to get up. What she is thinking?

She got up and I left her once I confirmed that she was ok, then she thanked me awkwardly.

"Who are you?", she mumbled. What can I tell her now... ok, I will introduce myself and will say that I listen to her radio show every day.

Before I could respond, she spoke again.

"Oh... Pooja sent you here to help me", she asked.

"Yeah", I replied hesitantly. I don't know why I said that but yeah, that slipped from my mouth and for the first time I lied.

"I am Naina. What's your name?", she asked excitedly while extending her hand for a hand shake.

"Arnav", I replied quietly and shook her hand.

"Arnav, Nice name", she mumbled. My name with her voice is incredible.

"Ok Arnav, let's get start with our decoration", she said and I nodded nervously.

She showed me the plan and we started with our decoration.

"Wait a minute, I have to call someone", I remarked and she nodded.

I called Peter after walking far from her where she can't hear me but I can see her.

"Hello sir, where are you? I have been searching for you", he said soon after picking up the call.

"Peter, you can go back to office. I have little work so, I will be late", I replied.

"But sir, you have a meeting", he tried to say but I cut him off.

"Ask Ajay to handle them, if he can't then cancel those meetings", I stated.

"Ok, sir", he responded.

"One more thing", I added quickly.

"Yes, sir", he responded.

"Stop the person who come to the function hall to help Naina who was sent by Pooja and offer him a job depending on his skills", I stated.

"Sir, who is Pooja, Naina and who is this person", he asked.

"I don't know, just do as I say", I replied and disconnected the call.


Hello folks🥰

So, It is the lie... he lied about his identity and you will know more about this lie on next chapter 😇

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