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It had been seven years since Hadrian was left at the Dursley's doorstep. He was a handsome eight year old, even if he didn't look like one. Well, he was handsome in his own way. After all the beatings and abuse of his 'family' he was as handsome as one could be. He had scars on his arms, torso and back. His hair was pure black with messy curles; high, sharp cheek bones; a scar on his right cheek, placed from the far end of the cheek bone to his cheek, just before his lips; another scar on the left side of his face that cut through his eyebrow, through his eye (making him blind of that eye) and stopped at his left cheek bone and to finalise, his famous lightning bolt scar on the right side of his forehead. His left eye had turned a greyish-white with a few specks of avada kedabra green, like his other eye. His right eye was still green but with greyish-white specks, the opposite of his other one. 

His left eye was blind due to a bottle of beer that his uncle had thrown at him after getting drunk, and his right eye was blind due to all the punches that he received. The rest of scars where made by glass bottles, sharp metals from around the house and knives that his uncle loved to carve insults in him. 

When Hadrian was five, he discovered the bond with his uncle. Regalus had explained everything to him. The whole wizarding world, why he lived in these conditions, who the Potters are and why he couldn't go and save him yet. Regalus had promised to get him out of that hell hole as soon as he could without people knowing that he wasn't dead after all. 


Everything hurts! 

Hey, kid! Why does it hurt?

Who are you and why are you in my head?!

Relax Hadrian, I'm your godfather. I'm in your head because of a spell that I did on the both of us just after you defeated the Dark Lord.

What are you talking about sir? Godfather? Spells? Dark Lord?

Yes I know, I'm supposed to be dead. Nobody except you knows that I'm alive and I would like to keep it like that.

Okay then, but what spells and Dark Lord? What should I call you?

My name is Regalus Acturus Black, but you can call me Regalus or Reg. And are you telling me that you don't know anything about our world?

I'm calling you Reggie now. I'm sorry I don't know what you're talking about!

Get comfortable Hades, this is going to take a while...

*End of Flashback*

Today was his eighth birthday to be exact and Reggie (he only let Hadrian call him that in exchange that Hadrian let him call him Hades) had promised a big surprise. How would he give it to Hades, he didn't really know. 

Hades had ran away that morning, just before his relatives woke up. It was his birthday and he wanted a bit of freedom, even if he would get a punishment after it, it would be worth it. He had gone to the park and guess his luck when he found some bread in a rubbish bin!!! He quickly ate it all and carried on with his walk. 

Of course he couldn't really see what he ate or where he was going, but he had a walking stick and a very good trained hearing. His walking stick had bumped into a rubbish bin and he emidiatly began to use his hands to see if he could feel anything that smelled edible. And he did. So he ated and continued his walk. 

He could feel the sun shining harder against his skin so he supposed it was around noon, he didn't have a watch as (a) he wouldn't be able to read the time and (b) the Dursleys would never ever buy him anything.

He grew tired of walking so he sat on a bench that his stick had hit. He could hear the breathing of another man on the bench, and decided to started a conversation.

"Good morning sir,"

The man turned to face Hadrian, a surprised look on his face. But he couldn't see it (duh!). 

"Good afternoon to you too,"

"It's afternoon already?" Hadrian asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yes it is kid, can't you see?" poor man, the embarassment he was going to go through!

"Well sir, I can't really see anything. I'm blind, you see," Hades then turned to face the man.

The man's eyes widened, "I'm so sorry!"

"It's not your fault sir,"

"You may call me Regalus-"

"Regalus? As in Regalus Acturus Black?"

"How do you know my name?" to say that the blind boy was giving him the creeps was a very good understandment.

Hey Reggie, I'm sitting next to you!

"Dear Merlin! You're Hadrian Potter! My godson!"

"Yes I am Reggie, but I would prefer you not call me a Potter, they truely disgust me,"

"Okay, we'll work with that later on. How are you blind and have these scars?" Hadrian was lucky that his godfather hadn't seen his other scar, or he would be marching to the Dursleys door to have a chat with them. Well, more like torturing and then asking. 

"I will explain after you tell me what that big surprise is. I haven't forgotten you know!" Hades had a shit eating grin on his face.

"The surprise was that I was coming to get you out of that hell hole!"

"Really?! You aren't joking right?!"

"Nope, now lets go and tell your relatives!" Regalus stood up and had started to make his way to where ever his godson was living.

"Um, Reg? One, you don't know where I'm living and two, they would be very glad that I disappeared so lets not go back there,"

Regalus gave him a frown but walked back to where the kid was still sitting. He held his hand and when the boy took it, he dissaparated the both of them to a private jet.

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