Chapter One: Lemons

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When life gives you lemons, you make a lemonade out of it.

Chapter One - Lemons.

"Rain, would you mind reading the note you were just about to pass Cara, oh-so-subtly?"

I would definitely mind. Mr. Hawks' hawk like eyes eyed the note suspiciously.

Dude, we ain't smuggling drugs. Like I would say that out loud.

"Oh, I could read it myself, couldn't I?" He glared at my scribbled words.

"Mr. Hawks is boring,
Students are snoring.
Tring tring tring
When will the bell ring?" Mr. Hawks read as the whole class who was sleeping just seconds ago, burst into a series of chortles and guffaws.

And the words I was waiting for to come around finally exploded from his mouth like cheese exploding from a cheese pizza, "Detention! Both of you, Cara and Rain!"


"I forbid you talking to me, Rain. We are no longer friends. This is the third detention of the month for me because of you!" Cara tried to act angry. Like she would ever get angry at a person like me who has the world's most adorable sense of humor.

"Hah, like that's gonna happen. You are in love with me, you know that? And people who are in love can't stay away-y!" I say in a sing-song voice.

"Go away, you doofus. He hates us now. It's gonna affect our grades," Cara said panicking.

"Oh poor Crow-crow. Goody-two-shoes," I tease her poking my tongue out as I open the door to detention.

I high-five Mason Everlock as I walk towards the last bench. This was like a home to me. I loved this room, as I was here every now and then. But you can't say the same about Cara. Cara kept staring at the legendary crowd in our detention room.

I scowled as I saw an unexpected guest seated on my bench.

"Lindsay, get up. That's my seat," I tried to speak as calmly as possible.

"Uh, but I don't see your ugly name anywhere over here."

The old school comeback? Seriously? What is happening to the nation?

"Yeah it's right there. On your face. The ugliness is exploding out of your face." I smirk.

"Oh really? You think you are smart?"

"Think? People worship me," I said as I did a bow. Okay that had to an overstatement but yeah. Still a better comeback than hers.

"Oh so you have a hoard of guys out there waiting for you to date them right?" Lindsay laughs her hyena-like-laugh and her minions follow with their awful giggles.

I could feel Cara's eyes on me giving me the look of "don't do anything stupid" but I ignore her.

"At least my outfits don't come with a pole along with it?" I knew I was taking it a bit too far but Lindsay was not a sheep.

Her minions gasped at me and I felt the eyes of the entire detention room at me. Lindsay chattered her teeth as she said, "Oh so let's play a game, shall we? Whoever wins is the winner while the other has to do anything the winner says."

The offer of seeing Lindsay on my feet sounded very tempting.

"Huh, what game?" It wasn't me who asks the question this time. It's Cara.

"What are you afraid now, Ms. Goody-Two-Shoes? And yeah the game is The Boyfriend Hunt."

No one calls my best friend that except me. No one.

"No Ra-," Cara starts but I cut her off.

"Get your ugly face out of here, and yeah, let me show you how to play the game. I accept." I spit out.

"Okay, Bradston's cafe at 6. Tomorrow."


"What is wrong with you?"

"Jeez, what got your knickers in twist, crow?" What's with her yelling at me all the time?

"You don't understand," she said exasperated.

"Okay. Now let me read my book?" What's with her not letting me read my books?

"No, Rain. Fucking listen to me for once. This game that you're playing against Lindsay. Do you have any idea what it even is?"

"Dunno. Probably getting some boyfriend or something."

And when Cara gave me the hard look; it finally clicked.


"I have never dated anyone in my entire life."


"And that's why you need me."

Never in my life have I ever been so ecstatic to hear Tungsten's voice.



I promise it gets better. ;)

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