𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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"Don't get the wrong idea, Two," she whispers to him as Matt knocks on the front door. Kevin rolls his eyes, looks down at her. Daisy meets his gaze. "I'm serious. I'm still majorly pissed with you."


The door swings open. Whatever Daisy had expected Randy Boyd to look like, she was dead wrong. One of New York's elite, a retired championship-winning boxer with more belts than she could ever hope to wear at once, stands before them in the form of a five-foot-two woman, skin far darker than Matt's with kinky black-and-white braid trailing over her scalp and halfway to her ass. She wears sweatpants and a half-unzipped velour hoodie, fluffy pink slippers on her feet and a glass of white wine in her hand, despite it being just after midday.

"Matty!" she cries, throwing her arms up and around her son's neck. The wine spills violently, giving everybody standing behind him a nice spray of liquid. "Oh, my baby! I've missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, Mom," Matt laughs. Daisy can see Randy's muscles tense around his body even through her jacket, and she's not sure if she's intimidated or turned on. Or both."

"And these must be your guests!" Randy gasps, as if she hadn't already noticed the small crowd of athletes on her stoop. "Forgive me if I don't remember your names. One too many knocks to the head will do it to you."

"Mom, this is Aaron and Nicky --they're cousins, even if they don't look like it--, and this is Daisy, one of Dan's best friends, and Kevin, who you've definitely seen on TV before," Matt introduces. They all offer a smile or wave to the woman, who considers them all slowly.

"Hmm," she says. "Aaron is the one I bailed out of jail, right?"

"Yes," says Aaron, lips pressed in a thin smile that doesn't reach his eyes. "I'm very grateful, thank you so much."

"I hate a bootlicker," Randy snaps. "No more of that."

"Yes ma'am," Aaron mutters.

Daisy suddenly fears for her life when Randy turns her hard gaze upon the girl. At her spot a few steps below, they're equal in eyeline. Daisy almost wants to step onto her level to intimidate her, but she's almost sure the woman has stared down far worse. "Daisy. You're the one who used to do drugs with my son."

She blinks. This was absolutely not the reception she was prepared for, but she supposes it's the one she deserves. "Uh, yeah. But we're both clean now."

Randy narrows her eyes, looks down at Daisy's shaking hands, and narrows them more. "Mom," Matt urges, nudging his mother's shoulder. "It's chill. Can we go inside?"

The woman snaps out of her suspicion almost as soon as it arrived. "Oh, yes! It's freezing out here, and I need another glass of wine!"

And then she disappears into the depths of the small mansion before them, leaving their luggage and the Foxes outside.

"She's insane," Aaron mutters.

"I love her," Nicky sighs. "Man, if I only I wasn't born the way I am. I want to be Matt's new stepdad."

Daisy rolls her eyes. "Sorry Matt, your mom seems kinda fried."

"She is," Matt beams, turning to face the rest of them. "But she's the best."



𝖋𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗 𝖕𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗 ⋆ 𝕶𝖊𝖛𝖎𝖓 𝖉𝖆𝖞Where stories live. Discover now