You're right and I apologise, but maybe your boss or whatever you call him, will have enough sense and do what I do,send you home early and make you return when it has completely disapeared.

"Do you even hear yourself?", "you did this for you?not caring about the consequences that I could face?"

Darling,you're being irrational now.I would never do something like this to give you a bad rep or to get you into trouble on purpose, you know that very well and I again if my behaviour offended you I would certainly beg for your forgiveness, but I really missed you and I'm not going to apologise for that. "Here",you can always cover it up with my neck scarf. It's couture.

Mon pinched the bridge of her nose and wanted to scream, because Emily's blase attitude was aggravating to say the least.She grabbed the scarf from her hand,picked up her shoes and her bag and glared at Emily. Please,do not beg for my forgiveness,it wouldn't look good.


"On her way to work Mon was still fuming with anger.This kind of behaviour wasn't exactly new to her because there were days where Emily acted out, when she didn't exactly hide her superiority over most people, but just like Sam,that attitude didn't fly with Mon and she quickly started to realize that,she found it extremely irresistible that's why she craved Mon even more.Emily was also well known around social circles,especially the wealthy,she was the middle child of four who came from a long line of drilling engineers,her family owned a well known drilling company and is well known in the oil and gas industry.Emily herself is an Actuary, their paths crossed when Mon and a friend decided to spend the day around Mayfair.Mon was perfectly happy to shop at the local stores even if she was in a position to afford designer labels but her friend wanted to splurge so they ended up at Dior in Mayfair, with Mon purchasing Hypnotic Poison, ironically the first gift that Sam gave her and where she also bumped into Emily who complimented her on her choice and her beauty.The rest was history."

"Is it possible that she could suspecting something?".."No you're crazy, that's impossible", Mon said to herself and quickly laid that thought to rest

                                                                  *****Diversity HQ***

Mon felt tense when she walked into the building,it felt like Emily's scarf was choking the life out her, or was it just angst or paranoia that was setting in.She felt tempted to reajust it a couple of times but stopped everytime her hand came close, remembering why it was there in the first place.

"Nice scarf" Mon,Noi and Yha teased,"You naughty gir"l auntee Mhee whispered, afraid that the rest of the staff would catch on and they did, but didn't bother to tease Mon about it.Anong was showering Mon with all kinds of compliments about the scarf until he saw a glimpse of what was underneath it,he akwardly whispered to Mon that "it" was showing but she didn't catch on so he adjusted the scarf for her because he was sweet like that.Mon and Anong was sitting at her desk  discussing ideas for a new web layout when Mon commended him on his talent.Anong couldn't hide his joy and gave Mon a friedly side hug just as Sam walked in.She gave them just one look as she strutted like a panther to her office and slammed the door behind her.

Mon dreaded this moment and everybody braced themselves for what's about to happen.Noi,Yha and auntee Mhee started counting in unison,5,4,3,2 

Sam appeared at the door.

"Yha can you explain to Mr.Anong what happens when a person disregards my authority" Sam said with a toneless voice, and not waiting for an answer she turned to look at Mon.

Ms.Kornkamon,can you come to my office,Sam spoke as if she had just recieved the Nobel price for Peace.

Noi,Yha,Auntee Mhee all looked stunned,because whoever came out of that office was an imposter, everything seemed totally out of character.

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