How far can poison travel

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Terrie sat in her little unit as the wing-rat cleans their fur up in their nest. She sat hunch on over a table with booklets and booklets of course that she had to pick. Her clay feels dry and movement hard. Her fire pulse as an overheated steam. Her thoughts are numb as choices upon choices.

A knock on the door disrupts her thoughts.

"Cotta its me, Roddie" follow by a whinny.

"Just a moment!" as Terrie stands as her clay shudder as if two poltanitic plates push together in her knees and pull away at her elbows. They creak as only stone can.

Opening her door to Roddie with a cotton top and chain mail links in strips down the sides. A light protection many people wear in cities as they walk between pipes of hot steam. Terrie when starting on the beat would have to re-direct people from pipe breaking incidents. The cloth and chainmail never did work. Terrie can see wights added to her hooves and a fine sheen to her hair. It was nearly ten in the morning.

"How can I help you?"

Roddie shift her hooves. One of her back hooves stamping the ground "So hey. I was in the area and I had question?" Roddie rubbing her hands together.

Terrie tilts her head, not many people approach golems. Not unless it was for some form of directions in need of completing. "If it possible for to do."

Roddie eyes blink rapidly and for a moment all her constant moving stops. "Okay so I have a garden and it has a big bush with theses lovely pink and yellow flowers and has taken one third of the yard and what's left is dry hard ground and don't know anything about gardening."

"I know how to look after plantations. I don't see how this knowledge will give any advice."

Roddie scratch her head, her eyebrows raise "Do you know how to remove big unwanted plants."

Her time when she toils with removing trees and bush that have complete its fruiting life were remove and many was to dig deep into the soil for big roots. It is common practise with some plants. Many famers cursing with worry.

"How about I come with you."

Roddie clasp her hands to her chest and big smile glows on her face "you would. Oh, thank you. It will be a big help."

The garden has a big bush with small clusters of red and yellow flowers taking up almost half of the yard. Terrie recognises the bush already. It was bane. A famer across town asks for help removing as it stops many cattle to move from getting to other pasters. With all golems from all neighbouring farms took gruelling twenty-six days.

"We will have to dig it out and then keep pulling it up every time it sprouts." Her voice sounds like the grind between a pestle and bowl.

"It's almost noon and it is getting hot."

Rolling up her long sleave shirt "I can start pruning and you start pilling, stop when you need to."

"Are you sure, you don't need too." Roddie eyes large.

"Its fine, I don't feel heat as much as you think."

Roddie rub her hands together and back hooves clop up dust "Oh okay, I just get the prunes."

Roddie kept up for about an hour before she had to stop. She sat under house while she drank cold water from an instant cooler. "You know I did have a roommate. They said they would like to look after the garden. Only they never seem to have any time to do the garden. I tried, but I was never a green thumb. Or had any interest."

Terrie can fill some small cracks among her hands as grit and dust try to make its way in. Tugging at a branch caught in the bush. It held on to its branch as one will hold on to treasure possession. With one mighty tug the branch came to Terrie. With a throw Terrie puts her victory on a pile of cut plants.

"It's been a while and I did not know how much I miss to labour work." Terrie proclaims.

Roddie gives a gentle smile "Its easier to see progress with labour. And thank you."

Terrie sits down beside Roddie looking at the bush as a good quarter or more have been taken from the over grown weed.

"You know, I learnt from Marry a neighbour of mine mention that a weed is only a out of place plant." Roddie smile "being one of the four out of five people in a human town, it was the first time I felt at home."

Roddie eyes glance towards her "what about you? Feel at home here?"

Terrie absently rubs her chest feeling smooth gold under her soak top. As rivets of soil make tracks as dried rivers leave their skeletons behind.

"Not for a while" whisper Terrie.

Roddie open her mouth and close it, scratch behind her ear. "Well, my roommate has left and I was wondering if you would like to share this place? If you like." Taking like at the end.

Most of the grim from working has made its way to the bottom of her shirt. An unknown weight has left from inside her. Her eyes flickering fast.


A large smile bloom on Roddie face "great. I uh will talk to the landlord. You like them."


Louise looks at the court. It is made of very bright amber. It shines as honey would dip from a spoon. The jury with some of it shadow figures sat on pain chairs. Daiki stand in front of them. She wore her armour polish and feather shone black.

"Dear jury of past and present. We are here to hear Mrs Louise Teapot case. Her recognition of justice." Her voice boom as a volcano would rumble.

Daiki goes to stand beside the jury "when you are ready Mrs Teapot."

Louise glances at her cue cards. Her fingers tremble and throat seem dry as crack clay fields. "Thank you for hearing my case."

Her eyes watch the audience. Their backs lean back, many stare empty at her.

"I had been murdered in a cruel way. Currently my murder is walking free without having received their due justice. As a woman of standing and great influence of my community and employer of over three thousand employees. I seek justices and these are reasons..."

Louise continues giving each example of what good she has done. Though for every good she thought she done. There was consequence to her actions that affected others.

Terrie Cotta Tea with DeathOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant