Uncontrollably Fond: I

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ring ring

Her alarm rang at 6:30 am sharp. Nabi's daily routine was the same.
Get up
Take a shower
Get ready
Go to her friend's cafe as she had time to spare
Eat breakfast
Go to her boss' house
Accompany him to the office
Maybe, party a bit after that

It never changed.

Nabi was on her way to her friend Lim Sunjoo's Café. Sunjoo welcomed her with a hug and gave an Americano, Nabi's favorite drink.

"Nabi" She looked up at her friend. "Yeah?"
"Are you going to the High School Reunion next week?"
"There's a High School Reunion?" Nabi asked, eyebrows raised. "Damn, I didn't know about it" She chuckled.

"Well, now you do. Tell me if you're going. I'll ask Chaeyoung too." Sunjoo smiled. "Oh, you know what? We can all match like we used to in high school. Her eyes lit up.

Nabi nodded," I'll let you know. Send me the invite." She said, standing up and walking out of the Café.

Lim Sunjoo, Baek Nabi and Hong Chaeyoung were the best of friends. They had been friends ever since Nabi had moved to Seoul, Korea from Jeju Island. They were inseparable. Nabi was really lucky to have them.

In a few minutes Nabi reached her boss' house. She went in and set up his clothes. He got dressed and they were ready to go to their workplace. Nabi was a Secretary to Min Jonghyun, The CEO of Wings Organic Food. She had started interning there and had eventually got the job.

She updated her CEO with his schedule and sat with him in the meetings. After years of working here, she finally understood what the words like 'patent', 'shareholders' etc meant.

In her free time she scrolled around on Instagram and reached a specific post. She recognised one of the people in the picture.

Her eyes widened, "No fucking way" She whispered.

The person was none other than her boyfriend, Kim Yijin. He was standing with another girl and the location tagged was Seoul? Nabi was confused. She pulled up her texts with her boyfriend and read them.

Yijin ❤️

Nabi, I'm going out of town
for a few days.

Oh, where though?

London. I have a conference there.

Oh, okays.
Take care
Love you 😘

Nabi was infuriated. Her boyfriend of three years is cheating on her with some college student. She had to admit, the girl was pretty.
But she wondered why he had to stoop so low.

She packed her bags and rushed to her boyfriend's apartment. Panting, she typed the code and went in. She saw that the bedroom lights were on. She walked closer, preparing herself for what she may have to see.

She opened the door and it saw exactly what she had expected to see. Her boyfriend, with the same girl she had seen in the picture on the bed.

Tears welled in her eyes. "How dare you?" She screamed, startling the two.

"N-Nabi, I-I can explain." The male spoke. "There's nothing to explain. I can see it myself. You cheated on me" She said, now losing her composure.

"I'm breaking up with you" She wiped her tears away. "Come take your stuff from my place."

With that, She left. She called her friends and told them about the situation. Chaeyoung and Sunjoo met Nabi at the Cafe.

"Did you slap him?" Chaeyoung asked to which she just replied with "No".

"How dare he cheat on our Nabi with some college girl? You know what? Give me his address. I'll go kill him." Sunjoo stood up, ready to step out of the cafe.

Nabi chuckled, "It's alright. I dumped him"

"As you should" the pair said in unison.

"Well, anyways" Chaeyoung started "Should we all go to the Reunion party next week?"

"I'm in" Sunjoo replied

"Yeah, Sure. I'll come too since I have nothing else to do"

"Great, I'll text Jaemin." She took her phone out of the pocket. "Joo, you should text Minhyung" Chaeyoung looked up at Sunjoo.

"Yes, I should probably get his brother to babysit Sumin."

Sumin was married to Minhyung, or as he likes to be called, Mark. They both got married and had a beautiful baby girl, Lee Sumin.

Chaeyoung on the other hand was in a relationship with Jaemin. They had been together since their last year in high school.

Nabi was in fact single now. She thought of going to the Reunion and hooking up with someone. But those thoughts eventually went away.

(Yall, since the time line doesn't fit. This takes place in 2026. Idk why I made it like that. 😭😭)

Nabi, Chaeyoung, Sunjoo, Jaemin are the same age: 00 liners

Mark: 99 liner

Sumin: 2023


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