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after ellie had read the third and fourth comic book to winter, ellie took the time to point out any details or cool facts winter might've missed. winter let her talk on and on, even on the details winter already realized. she was so intrigued by ellie's interest in the comic series, she figured ellie had enough time to dwell over the comics given the state of the world, but she was still surprised at how articulate ellie was while being excited. winter watches ellie's eyes as she talks, she was too busy looking at the book and around the room to notice winter. winter was thankful ellie was still enveloped in her comic, deciding to let her eyes linger a bit longer. winter got more and more absorbed in ellie's flickering eyes, suddenly becoming aware of how green the other's eyes would glint when she glances up to the room. her eyelashes looked so defined, touching a few of ellie's freckles when she'd look back down to the book.

winter's hands and feet felt cold as a wave of adrenaline and guilt rushed over her, slightly snapping out of the trance she was in. the guilt obviously wasn't strong enough, winter's eyes not moving from ellie's face was evidence enough. for a moment, she thought of ellie's lips and how they felt earlier, but she refused to let her eyes trickle down. there was still a part of her that didn't completely understand why these urges made her feel so guilty. she somehow felt like she was being unfair to ellie.

winter became increasingly more nervous that ellie didn't want to actually kiss her earlier, maybe she was too pushy. halfway through convincing herself she forced ellie to kiss her she remembers joel's words, pages of drawings of her.. but then why would winter care if she wasn't even a little bit interested in ellie? she obviously couldn't deny her feelings didn't seem like normal friend feelings, but the fear that comes with admitting that is far too intense for her. she was scared of losing the one connection she has, selfishly wanting to keep seeing ellie. ellie walked to her to kiss her, hasn't told her about drawings of her, she visits when she can, she brings winter food, winter continuously tries to convince herself there's a chance ellie thinks of her romantically. thoughts racing through her head clouded enough to let her eyes slip down to ellie's lips carefully, doing a slight glance back up to her eyes to see if she's been caught. if she wasn't so distracted, winter would've laughed at her demeanor, behaving like a child doing something against the rules.

winter nods every once in a while, humming when the pause is appropriate, but she honestly stopped listening about ten minutes ago. she found everything ellie did pretty, her slight smile when talking about the comic, her constantly reaching up to put hair behind her own ear while still explaining, the way her eyes moved even seemed perfect. the pretty, deep pink of her lips entranced winter as easily as her green eyes did. winter jolted a little as ellie looked to her left, locking eyes with winter. winter's eyes were wide with shock, but ellie's squinted a little as she smiles over to winter. it wasn't a smirk like usual, just a small polite smile, making winter furrow her brows. winter just stared back, slowly relaxing her eyes, mentally kicking herself for not listening.

"did i lose you?" ellie giggles, flipping the book closed and setting atop the other on winter's nightstand. "sorry, i never realize i'm rambling." ellie scratches the back of her neck, shifting in her seat.

"no, i was listening." winter blurts in attempt to be less awkward, instead coming off extra defensive. ellie's eyebrows turned up, and she holds a laugh back while turning her body towards winter's. they're now both crisscross, winter starting to smile because of ellie's. "what?" winter asks, nervously laughing and glancing around, avoiding ellie's now burning gaze.

"what is one thing i said in the last five minutes?" ellie slyly smirks, chuckling after winter scoffs. ellie stays quiet, staring back at winter expectantly, causing winter's smile to slowly drop.

"probably that.. starlight did. some.. cool things probably. i don't know, you said a lot, let me process." winter sighs, annoyed at ellie's teasing. ellie chuckles, shaking her head slightly. winter hesitates, but glances at ellie's forming dimple. of course, that leads to winter's eyes lingering on any details that winter thinks deserves acknowledgment. she feels herself start to smile at how pretty she thinks ellie is, choosing now to practically rip her eyes away from ellie. winter hopes the warm ball that seems to be growing in her chest is a good sign, though she's not sure if she cares too much. if being with ellie feels like this every day, she wouldn't mind.

comfortably alone ○ ellie williamsWhere stories live. Discover now