Special Chapter

136 7 1

Pic of Kurumi-senpaii from Date a Live in the media!!!

Oh, just to let you know, after Erza requipped to her Flame Empress Armor, she passed out, then Jellal brought her inside the cabin. That's what happened. :)

This contains some spoilers from the manga.

Enjoy reading anyway!

Jelly's POV

"Oh, Jellal-kun, why are you here?" Juvia asked as soon as she saw me. She averted his eyes on the sleeping woman I was carrying, "What happened to Erza-sama?"

Juvia once called Erza with the -san, but now, since Erza's currently Fairy Tail's guild master, she's now calling her with the -sama.

"She fell asleep while we were talking," I explained. I was wearing the 'disguise' of some sort that Erza bought for me. I happened to meet Juvia on the way to the guild, to bring the redhead home.

"Oh, that's strange," she said, looking at Erza's sleeping face, "Let's bring her to her room in the dorm."

I nodded as she turned her heels to leave. I followed her until we arrived in front of the main door of Fairy Hills, still with Erza on my arms.

"Please wait here, Jellal-kun," Juvia instructed as she went inside the dorm. It felt uncomfortable to be here, though. This is a girl's dorm, and it's strange for a man like me to be here.

"Zzz... zzz...." I turned to look at the sleeping female knight.

Oh geez, Erza's snoring. But it isn't that loud. It actually sounds like a baby pig... cute...

The door suddenly opened, revealing Juvia with Levy and another woman with long, wavy light-brown hair. They were already in their pajamas.

"Ah, it's nice to see you again, Jellal-san!" Levy greeted. I nodded and smiled.

She walks towards me and slightly poked Erza's cheek, "Aww, the master actually looks so cute when she's sleeping." She squeals.

The other woman came near, her arms crossed over her chest, "Hush Levy, you might wake Erza up. Jellal, we'll be the ones carrying Erza to her room."

"Okay," I said and slowly handed Erza's sleeping body over to her.

Levy slightly punched her shoulders, "Don't worry Jellal-san, Evergreen's a strong woman, she won't drop Erza-san. Hehe."

Oh, so her name's Evergreen. I couldn't memorize the names of some of their guild members.

Evergreen sighs and rolls her eyes, "Yeah yeah Levy. Now come on, we still need to continue or small talk."

"Oki doki," the bluenette said and walked alongside Evergreen, until they were out of sight.

Goodnight, Erza.

Juvia was still holding the door knob, keeping it open. She then flashes one of her cheerful smiles.

"Jellal-kun, thank you for bringing Erza-san here," she said.

I smiled back, "No problem."

"Juvia thinks she should be asking you some questions, though. You look too suspicious," she suddenly stated while eyeing me suspiciously.

I slightly leaned back in surprise, "W-what?"

I'm getting nervous on what questions she's going to ask me. "•_•

"Juvia thinks that something is going on between you and Erza-san. Juvia can see that Erza-san was crying before she fell asleep. Now, spill it, Jellal-kun," she said and looked at me as if she's ready to kill me.

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