We Are Family (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"I can say the same about the Outcasts." Hiccup said

"What do you mean by that, my Outcast are smart." Alvin said

"Oh you'll see." Hiccup said as he smiled

Mildew: What have I done?

"Oh, he now has regrets and becomes guilty over his action." Mala said

[Cuts to Astrid, Fishlegs, and Snotlout flying over the Island of Night.]
Astrid: [spots the fake Night Fury] Night Fury. Let's check it out! [They land in front of it.] Guys, this isn't a...
Tuffnut: Night Fury! [The Night Fury explodes.]

"The twins are stupid if that island had Night Furies on it and that was real they would have been screwed." Dagur said

Fishlegs: [a piece hits him in the face.] But it's very realistic.
Tuffnut: Yeah. Good thing we came along when we did.
Astrid: What were you thinking? If that was Toothless, you could have killed him!
Tuffnut: Yeah, well, if my chicken had horns, he'd be my yak.
Ruffnut: And if I were weak and girly, I'd be my brother.
Tuffnut: Yeah! Wait. What?
[Thornado lands behind them, and Stoick and Gobber hop off.]
Stoick: We saw the Zippleback fire from the sky. Did you find something?
Astrid: We did. A fake Night Fury.
Stoick: Where is it?
Fishlegs: Uh... gone? Blown to pieces, actually. [Stoick glares at the twins. Tuffnut looks sheepish.]
Gobber: Eh. Well, what do we have here? [sniffs] Smell this. [Fishlegs gags.] Nasty, isn't it?Tuffnut: Oh, I wanna smell! Put it near my face.
Gobber: This false head was made of dragon skin then covered with ash from a charred Loki tree.
Snotlout: Loki tree? Never heard of it.
Stoick: That's because it only grows in one place.
Gobber: Outcast Island.

"I knew I should have used something that wasn't on Outcast Island." Alvin said as he saw the other Dragon Riders were coming to rescue Hiccup

Fishlegs: Oh, no. Hiccup is on Outcast Island.
[Scene cuts to Hiccup trying to dig with a rock.]
Mildew: Really, this is so hard to watch.
Hiccup: What now?
Mildew: Well, I just thought Stoick raised a smarter boy than this. You'll never save your dragon by sitting in this cell, digging in the dirt. You need to go get him... and soon!
Hiccup: And how would you suggest I do that?
Mildew: By giving Alvin what he wants.

"Of course Mildew would say that." Mindin said

[Scene goes to Savage and Alvin walking toward the dargons' cage. The Whispering Death is trying to burrow without success.]
Savage: We reinforced the floor with cast iron. And this one only gets enough water to keep it alive.
Alvin: Boy's proven useful already.
Savage: You'd be quite a sight riding into Berk on his Night Fury.
Alvin: I would, wouldn't I? I'll have to change my name. What's worse than "the Treacherous", eh? [He notices that Toothless is unmoving.] What's wrong with the Night Fury?
Guard: He won't eat or drink. He hasn't moved in hours!
Alvin: Well, keep him alive. If he dies, we lose our leverage with the boy.
[Back to Hiccup.]
Hiccup: G-guard, guard! I can't take it! Please! [A guard walks over.] I'll tell Alvin whatever he wants to know. Just let me out of here.
[The guard starts unlocking his cage. When he openes it, Hiccup whacks him across the head with his metal leg. The guard stumbles back against Mildew's cell.]

"I told you, your outcasts were stupid since they believed that I would surrender that easy." Hiccup said

Guard: Rrrr...
Hiccup: That worked a little better in my mind. [The guard starts approaching him, but Mildew grabs him with his staff. The Outcast guard falls over and the keys skid over to Hiccup, who picks up the keys.] Wow. Thanks.
Mildew: Wait! Take me with you.
Hiccup: You're kidding me, right?
Mildew: No! I know how to get around this island. I can help you, Hiccup. Please... let me make it up to you.
Hiccup: Don't make me regret this, Mildew. [He opens his cell, and they both run out.]
[The next scene shows two Outcast guards trying to feed Toothless.]
Guard One: Try a cod.
Guard Two: I-is it breathing?
Guard One: What, the fish?
Guard Two: No, you simpleton! [slaps him with the fish.] The dragon! Never mind. Help me with the muzzle. We have to get it to eat. If it dies... we die.
[They pull off the muzzle. Toothless growls and fires a plasma blast at them. Toothless pulls off his binds and escapes, but not before knocking out the guards with his tail.]

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