ellie pauses, it's amusing to her. the small downturn of winter's lips, her eyes focusing on the walls around them, and the faint blush on winter's ears getting darker all made ellie want to giggle. it was probably more so because it's the first time she's seen winter visibly jealous. she didn't want to tease the other too much, even though her first thought was a snarky remark, but she didn't want to make winter too annoyed at her before smoking.

"i'm not sure, do you think she has a crush on me?" ellie feigns, perking up and acting slightly excited. winter turns her head to ellie quickly, eyes round and lips in a straight line. winter tried to seem interested, but after ellie's reaction she just wanted the topic to change. she was still trying to come up with a way to divert attention when ellie chuckled at her. winter felt herself start blushing at the laughing, she felt embarrassed and confused. "i'm just fucking with you, winter!" ellie leans over and gently shoves winter's shoulder. winter furrowed her brows, following ellie's hand as she retracts it. ellie leans back, a smug smirk replacing the smile. "she's like forty five or something, and into joel. that's why i get a discount." ellie nods.

"oh.." winter gave a weak chuckle, a bit relieved but too embarrassed to feel that relief.

"you were so jealous just then." ellie chuckles, her smile and crinkled eyes making winter scowl back at her. ellie was starting to annoy her by dragging it on, her humor was definitely an acquired humor.

"was not." winter grumbles, backed with an annoyed sigh.

"was too. the frowning was cute, though." ellie crosses her arms and leans on to the wall behind her while looking into winter's glaring eyes. she scoffs at winter's expression when she doesn't respond. "are you just going to glare all night, then?" she asks, raising her eyebrows at winter. winter slowly drops the glare, pretending to be thinking, but already knowing she wouldn't be physically able to ignore ellie the whole night.

"it's sounding quite tempting." winter says, a small smiling already forming from seeing ellie smile.

"you're supposed to never give into temptations, winter." ellie lets out a tsk, disapprovingly shaking her head at winter.

"i highly doubt you never give into anything tempting." winter huffs, crossing her arms like ellie. ellie chuckles a little, unfolding her arms to pick up the shirt again. she wads it up and shoves it into her open bag sitting to the side of her. she moves the bag in her lap, hands fishing around in search.

"i never said i don't. i give into tempting things constantly, feels good so why would i not?" she chuckles again, pausing when she sees winter's unintentional smile getting slowly bigger. "just like right now i'm about to give into this tempting bag of jerky-" she holds up her left hand, raising her eyebrows and tilting her head, "- and these steak sandwiches." she holds up a brown paper bag in her right.

"since we're giving into tempting things tonight, i think i'll glare at you all night. sounds like it'd feel nice." winter says, starting to pull her eyebrows together.

"that's actually one you shouldn't give in to. i'm offering you this tempting food, so you pick this temptation instead of that lame one." ellie has a wide smile, moving the bags up and down in front of her. ellie slumps her arms down when winter stays staring at her with a judgy look, she dramatically sighs while looking at her lap. "mary would've already agreed.." ellie mumbles, looking back up to winter. she had to stifle a laugh at winter's instant widening eyes and hanging mouth, her eyes bouncing between both of ellie's.

"just give me the stupid sandwich." winter bites out, holding her hand out in a rushed motion. ellie smirked, unfolding the paper bag and handing the sandwich to winter. winter pulls some of the bread back with a concentrated face, inspecting the ingredients. when she looked at ellie she was interrupted before she could even ask her question.

comfortably alone ○ ellie williamsWhere stories live. Discover now