Chapter 15

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I'm walking down the aisle.

There's a bouquet in my hands, and I vaguely feel the presence of Lia and Ada on either side of me, about two steps behind.

Ace is waiting at the end, and I'm standing in front of him far too soon.

I hand the bouquet over to Ada, clasping my shaking hands in front of me.

The officiator says a few words about love and marriage and commitment, but my eyes travel over to the crowd of people watching.

So many people. People in the mafia, who think we're in love. Who think we've found love despite the dangers of being part of this society.

"Theia," Ace's voice is low, but soft.

Almost gentle.

I drag my gaze back to him, worried that I've tuned out the officiator's words for too long and we've come to the part where I say I do.

But the man is still talking.

Ace takes my hands into his own, clasping them firmly until they stop shaking.

I meet his dark eyes, and for a moment, its just us. Me and him, in a world of darkness.

And for a moment, I see light.

I see a spark.

I see a chance.

"Do you, Theia Tereasi, take Ace Usoro to be your lawfully wedded husband from this day forward till death? To have, hold and stand by no matter what?"

"I do," I say, my eyes still holding Ace's.

"Do you, Ace Usoro, take Theia Tereasi to be you lawfully wedded wife from this day forward till death? To have, hold and stand by no matter what?"

"I do," Ace says with no hesitation, his lips curving up slightly in a smile.

I'm not fooled by it, though.

It has to be an act.

"Then I name you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Ace leans forward before I can even process the words, pressing his lip to mine.

He pulls away, then whispers, "Welcome to the family, Tesoro."

The reception is inside, but luckily, there are a bunch of people who want to talk and congratulate us before we have to dance.

Unfortunately, that means walking around.


"Theia," I turn around, recognizing the voice instantly.

"Father," I say, forcing a smile.

Ace places a hand on the small of my back, "Mr. Tereasi, how kind of you to come."

"Ace," Father nods at him. "I was hoping we could speak business."

"It is my wedding day, Mr Tereasi," Ace says coldly. "I will not be talking business here. If it's something important, please feel free to book an appointment with Gavino for some other day."

"Unfortunately I'm leaving in an hour, back to our home and I'd rather not have to fly back down another time just for this," Father says.

"That seems like your problem. Me and my wife need to go greet others," Ace says, then pulls me away before I can think of something to say.

I don't turn around, knowing that if I do, I'll see my Father fuming.

"You looked uncomfortable back there," is all Ace says.

"Thank you," I murmur.

"Here," Ace says, grabbing a glass of champagne from a nearby waiter. "You look like you need it."

I take it gratefully.

"There you guys are," Lia says, walking up to us wit Mom.

Ace drops his hand from my back to give his Mom a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and then do the same to the elderly woman at Mom's side.

"Theia," Lia says. "This is Granny."

Granny gives me a hug.

Her hair is graying, but somehow, she still looks young. She has a lively hint in light hazel eyes, and a seemingly permanent smile.

"It's really nice to meet you," I say, smiling as I pull away.

"Aren't you just lovely," Granny says.

I grin, "Thank you."

"The first dance is gonna start," Ada says, hurrying over to us.

"Go, go, go!" Lia says, grinning.

Ace rolls his eyes at her, but I smile at her enthusiasm, and let Ace pull me over to the dance floor.

It's a slow song.

Ace helps me wrap my arms around his neck, then places his hands on my waist, so that the two of us are swaying slightly to the music.

After the dance is over, things wrap up a lot more quickly.

Ace and I eat dinner, along with Mom, Lia, Granny and Ada, then we talk to a couple other people.

Before long, it's 11:30.

"Mom, Granny and I are gonna stay here the night," Lia tells me, stifling g a yawn. "I'll be home when you wake up in the morning."

"We'll get this all wrapped up," Ada says. "It's time for you and the bride to leave."

So then Ace stands up to make the announcement, and all the guests cheer and laugh as we walk out, hand in hand and get into the car.

Ace drives us back home instead of a driver. The car ride is silent and awkward.

When we get back home, there's no one there.

Ace and I walk up the stairs, and for a moment, I almost say goodnight and move into Lia's room.

But then everything hits me right in the face.

The dreaded part of the night is here.

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