Blood on your hands

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Rayne gets a call from Zion
"Hello?" She asked,
"Hey baby" Zion said,
"Hey, how are you?" She asked,
"Good actually, want to hear some good news?" He asked,
"Yeah, go for it" she said,
"I get to go home" he said,
"For real?" She asked excitedly,
"Yess tonight" he said,
"That's good, I was going to get something to eat for us and I'll pick you up then" she said,
"Good, you better not get them nasty chicken" he said,
"What no, I'm just going to get Chinese" she said,
"Oh I didn't know but you know what to get?" He asked,
"Yes I know what to get" she said, "I'll be there in 5"
"Okay, I love you, Rayne" he said,
"I love you more, Zion" she said,
They hang up the phone Rayne goes gets Zion from the hospital, she enters the hospital. She sees Zion walking with a shoulder arm cast, Rayne smiles at him
"Hey baby" she smiles,
"Hey, I'm good to go if you are" Zion said,
"Yeah let's get out of here" Rayne said,
They walk out of the hospital, they get in the car.
"I thought you got food?" Zion asked,
"Damn it, I forgot I was just thinking about getting you" Rayne said,
"It's okay" Zion said,
"We can go get it together" Rayne said,
"No just take me home, I want to lay in my bed" Zion said,
"You sure?" Rayne asked,
"Yes" Zion said,
Rayne drove to their house,
Zion gets out, he goes on Rayne's side of the car, Rayne rolls her window down,
"I'll see you when you get back" Zion said,
Zion kiss Rayne,
"I love you, Zion" Rayne said,
"I love you, Rayne" Zion said,
Zion walked in his house, Rayne drove to the Chinese restaurant. Zion laid down, he hear a loud bang in the back door, he gets up to check out the noise. Zion didn't have no weapon with him, he has hurt shoulder, he was unprotected. He looked for something and he grabbed the sharpest knife in the kitchen, he walks to the back door, there was glass broken outside the patio. Zion unlocked the door, walked outside he looked both ways
"What the hell?" Zion turned around and closed the door, but he didn't lock it back. Zion laid back down on his bed. Zion heard another loud noise, he got fed up with it
"Who the hell is it?" Zion yelled, "quit fucking around"
A gun fired in the house, Zion tried to call Rayne but it wouldn't go through. Zion went into the living room to wait for Rayne, then another gun fired again but this time it went through Zion's chest another gun fired and it went to his back, Zion fell over bleeding out. He looked at the front door, he wanted Rayne to find him before he lost his breath. He tried to speak
"" Zion lost his breath and presumed dead.
Rayne came to the house. Thinking of her Fiancé, she unlocked her front door, she sees Zion laying in the floor bleeding out. She starts screaming and cry.
"Do you know this women?" Amelia asked, Rayne kept looking the file
"No I don't" Rayne said looking away, she hand the file back to her.
"When will you find the killer?" Rayne asked,
Nathan looked at Rayne "but your fiancé has done horrible things" Nathan said,
"Doesn't mean I don't love him" Rayne said,
"You know what, if you don't have the killer then I'm just going to leave y'all are wasting my time" Rayne gets up storms off, she gets down to the first floor, she walks to her car unlocking it, she gets in before she puts the key in she starts crying why, why? I should have been at home with him he wouldn't have died. She turns her car on, she looks at her mirror and she sees Nathan running, she rolls her window down.
"Rayne just hold on" Nathan said,
"What Nathan? What is it!" Rayne shouted,
"I just wanted to make sure your okay" Nathan said,
"I'm fine Nathan now go back into your office and don't bother me until you find the killer!" Rayne shouted, she rolls her window up driving off while Nathan stands there then  walking into the building. Rayne starts crying while driving, she goes to the graveyard. Walks through the cemetery she sees Zion's grave she sits on the ground looking at his grave I miss you I really do I want you back, please help me find the person please, you deserve justice, you knew how much I loved you. She gets back up don't worry I will find this person and kill them for you. She walks out of the cemetery, gets into her car, driving to her apartment. She gets out of the car walking to her front porch unlocks the door, opens it and close it back. She looks around sets her keys on the counter she crawls into bed, she falls asleep. Rayne wakes up, she looks at the clock it's 7:00 a.m. she gets up. She puts on ripped pants and a tank top, she opens her door locking it back, goes in her car. She turns on her car, she drives to Nathan's office. Rayne gets out of the car walks to the building, she goes to the elevator presses the button, the door opens she gets in she clicks number 5 it goes up as the door opens no one is on the floor she gets out of the elevator, walks to the big door. She sees no one in the room, she looks through the file cabinet but she couldn't find Zion's file where the hell is it? They should have it, where is it? The door opens Rayne looks back fast.
"What are you doing here Rayne?" Nathan asked,
"Where is his file, I want to see it" Rayne demanded,
"I'm sorry you can't have it" Nathan said,
"Why the hell not, he's my husband not yours" Rayne said,
"There's nothing yet, we haven't found nothing" Nathan said,
"Are you serious?" Rayne said "it takes this long to know who killed him?"
"Yes Rayne it does, it's not that simple" Nathan said, "we can't just blame it on a person and be done with it"
Rayne starts crying "I just want to know what happened, I want to know why they killed him, I want my damn fiancé back!" Rayne shouted as she bawls her eyes out.
Nathan gets over to Rayne hugging her
"it's going to be okay, we will find this person I promise" Nathan said
I've got it, I can go to the hospital and get his file, they should have it.
"I'm going to head to the hospital, to see something" Rayne said
"Is everything okay, I can take you" Nathan asked, Rayne didn't know how to answer that she wanted to see the file of Zions and see what they said about it but she didn't want Nathan to know about it because he would try to stop her
"Yes I'm fine, I can take myself, don't worry about it" Rayne said,
"Are you sure because I can take you" Nathan said,
"Yes I'm sure" Rayne said walking away, she opened the door walking out of the building, she gets in her car. Rayne drives to the hospital, she parks in the parking lot, stops the car gets out of the car. She walks to the front office, the door opens up. Rayne looks at the front lady at the desk,
"Hi, is there anyone your looking for?" The lady asked,
"Umm yes" Rayne said, she hesitated she didn't know what to say what do I say? What do I say? She looks around "I'm looking for mr. Robins, his my dad" the lady looked for the name,
she lady smile "yes, his on floor 3, room 106"
Rayne was relieved she didn't know if there was a Mr. Robins. Rayne walks as the door opens she goes through the door, she sees a board of where different floors and rooms, she sees the examen room, it was in the 1st floor room 101, so she follows the path. She walks to the stairs so no one would see her go through the elevator. She walks down until she sees floor 1, Rayne opens the door walking through the hallway, she was nervous that someone might catch her and not have her chance so she sped walk to the room, she sees the number that it said. She opens the door, she sees a file of people's death. She looks through it until she sees her fiancé's name on one of the files, she picks it up, she hears someone coming. Rayne puts the file under her shirt, she walks out of the room before anyone sees her. Rayne goes back up stairs, she returns to the front office
"Have a nice day" the lady said,
Rayne looked at her "you too"
Rayne walked out of the hospital she got into her car she looked at the file, she hasn't looked through it yet. She didn't know what she would find out. Before Rayne could open the file, Nathan shows up at her window, she rolls the window down,
"I told you I can take care of myself, Nathan" Rayne said,
"I'm just checking on you" Nathan said,
He looked what Rayne had in her hands
"What's that?" Nathan asked,
"Just old medical history of me" Rayne said,
"Yeah?" Nathan asked,
"Yeah, I got to go" Rayne said,
"Can we meet at my house?" Nathan asked,
"Yeah I can" Rayne said,
Rayne rolled her window up and drove to her house. She gets out of her car, goes in her house and sits on her couch. Rayne looks at the file in her hand, she opens the file, it has the cause of death of him, it has the bullet that has been used. She looks through other papers. There was nothing of who killed him.
They haven't found the person? What the hell?
Rayne gets her things but then someone knocks on the door, Rayne looked through the window, it was Amelia. Rayne opened the door,
"Amelia what's re you doing here?" Rayne asked,
Amelia walks in the house,
"I know who killed Zion" Amelia said,
Rayne's hear dropped, she couldn't think, she felt like passing out.
"Who, who killed him?" Rayne asked desperately,
"Nathan did" Amelia said, "his finger print were on it, he's the one who killed him"
Everything started to spin, time stopped, Rayne's looked around
"Nathan killed him?" Rayne asked,
"Yes, we need to lock him up I need to inform you before you hear it from someone else" Amelia said,
Rayne hugged Amelia
"Thank you, thank you for finding the killer" Rayne said while tearing up,
"Your welcome" Amelia said,
Rayne let's go of Amelia
"What are you going to do?" Amelia asked,
"I have something in mind, you need to leave tho" Rayne said,
"Okay, just don't do nothing stupid, meet me at the office tomorrow" Amelia said,
"Okay, I will" Rayne said,
Amelia walked out of the house, Rayne goes to the kitchen she looks through the cabinets. She looks in her room by the night stand, she finds a gun in the night stand. She picks it up, like I said, their going to pay. Rayne walks out of her house, she text Nathan 'on my way to your house' Nathan text back 'great can't wait to see you.' Rayne arrives at Nathan's house, she goes to his front porch and knocks on the door, Nathan opens the door
"Hey come in" Nathan said smiling,
Rayne felt disgusted, thinking he could get away with the murder. She walks in the house, goes sits on the couch.
"Make yourself at home" Nathan said,
Rayne looks around the house
"Nice house" Rayne said,
She had to act normal like she doesn't know nothing or he'll find out that she knows.
"Thanks" Nathan said, "what something to eat?" He asked,
"Umm yeah sure, let's get pizza" Rayne said,
"Great idea" Nathan said
He calls a pizza place,
"What kind?" Nathan asked,
"You already know what I want" Rayne said,
"Right" Nathan said,
He gets done talking to the person on the phone,
"So what did you want me to come over here for?" Rayne asked,
"I just wanted to hang out" Nathan said,
"That seems good to me" Rayne said,
"Yeah it does, before the pizza gets here wanna watch's movie?" Nathan asked,
"Yeah sure" Rayen said,
Nathan looks for a movie to watch, a few minutes later, someone knocks on the door. Nathan goes to open the door,
"Pizza delivery" a man said,
Nathan grabs the pizza box and tips the man, Nathan closes the door, he sets it on the couch, he opens the box.
"Smiles good" Nathan said,
Rayne couldn't stand him, she wanted to kill him right there and now but she knew she had to wait for the right time.
"Yeah I guess" Rayne said, looking at the tv
Nathan gets a plate put a slice of pizza on a plate
"Here you go" Nathan said,
Rayne grabs the plate "thanks"
She eats her pizza,
"Let's watch this" Rayne said,
"Okay" Nathan said,
She puts on us, the movie starts
"This movie is messed up" Nathan said,
"I know" Rayne laughed a little,
Nathan gets close to Rayne,
"Rayne?" Nathan asked,
Rayne looked at Nathan "yeah?"
Nathan grabbed Rayne's face, he gets close to her face
"What are you doing?" Rayne whispered,
"Just kiss me" Nathan said,
Rayne grabs her gun slowly out of her jacket and points it at him, she looks at Nathan as he gets closer to her lips then Rayne shoots Nathan in the stomach.
"That's what you get from killing Zion, you stupid son of a bitch!" Rayne yelled,
Nathan falls over the couch, he tries to talk
"How?" Nathan asked,
"Amelia told me you bitch" Rayne said, "this is payback"
Rayne shoots him again in the chest, she gets up. She sees police cars arriving at the house, Rayne looks over to the window, great now the cops are here. Rayne walks out of the back door, she runs off. The police kicks the door in, they see Nathan's bloody dead body on the couch. The looked around the house to find the killer but no sight of Rayne. Rayne runs in the road, she slows down and looks up, she walked through the cemetery. She finds Zions grave, she sits on the ground,
I did it, I killed them for you. There dead now, your justice has been served. You can rest now, all this is going to be over. Police cars showed up at the cemetery, they ran over to Rayne, Rayne gets up
"Ma'am your under arrest for the murder of Nathan millers" a man said,
Rayne's turns around, the man hang cuffs Rayne, they walk to the car, the man opens the door, Rayne gets in. They drive to the police office, they take Rayne out of the car. She sees Amelia standing at the door way. Rayne didn't want Amelia to see what she had to see, but she wanted Nathan dead. They put Rayne in jail,
"Miss Forbes, someone is here for you" a women said,
Amelia walk in,
"Hey Rayne" Amelia said,
"Hey" Rayne said,
"I heard you killed Nathan" Amelia said,
"Yes I did" Rayne said,
"But why, we could have put him to jail, he could have rot in here being alone" Amelia said,
"Because I wanted him to feel how Zion felt, Zion wasn't a bad person he didn't deserve to die" Rayne said,
"I understand what your saying" Amelia said,
"I'm glad I'm in jail, at least Zion got the justice he needed" Rayne said,
"Well I'm going to have to find a way to get you out" Amelia said,
"Don't try, I killed my best friend, there not going to let me out" Rayen said. "I'll just serve my time"
"If that's what you want" Amelia said,
"It's what I want" Rayne said.
They put Rayne into custody, they told her that she serves 10 years in jail. She serves her time, Rayne finds another man, she falls in love with him. She gets a job and has 3 kids. Rayne still thinks of Zion every day when she goes to sleep and when she wakes up. Rather goes to therapy for her anxiety and her depression. Rayne loves her life the way Zion wanted her to.

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