The beginning

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It's late at night Rayne has been thinking about her fiancé all day, she couldn't wait to see him. Rayne gets out of her car walks on her front porch she unlocks the front door as she closes the door she find her fiancé bleeding out of the floor. Rayne burst into tears, cry, screaming. She looks for her phone in her purse she dials 911
"help me my fiancé he's...he's dead please someone come, hurry" Rayne said crying. Three month later, Ryane has been in her room never gets out to eat, to drink, not even to pee. She hears a knock on the door she doesn't get up she stays in her king size bed where her and her fiancé slept, the door kept knock. The knocking made Rayne angry she gets up, opening the door
"what the hell do you want" Rayne says in range, she notice it was Nathan her best friend they've been friends ever since high school
"sorry I didn't mean to make you mad" said Nathan,
Rayne closes the door at his face.
"Rayne wait" Nathan says desperately,
opening the door. Rayne walks back in her room but before she could Nathan grabs her arm
"wait, could you just listen to me for once" Nathan said, Rayne moves her arm out of Nathan's hands
"what do you want from me" Rayne said.
Nathan hesitated
"it's been three months and I never see you no more" he said,
Rayne rolled her eyes "yeah because my fiancé is dead I have nothing no more, he was everything to me, he was my person and you think I should move on to forget him?" Rayne said,
Rayne wanted to hide the tear, she didn't want to break in front of him but she knew she would.
"I'm not saying to forget him I'm saying to live your life while you can, I'm sure that's what he would want you to do" Nathan said with a worried face,
Rayne started tearing up "what would you know, you don't know what he would want me to do" Rayne said as she turned around
"Rayne what can I do is help, I want to help" Nathan said. Rayne stopped she thought to herself I can find out what happened to him. Rayne turned around
"fine you wanna help, then help me find out who killed my fiancé then I'll be fine" said Rayne, Nathan pulled him arms out giving Rayne a hug, she hugged him back but she felt disgusted she didn't want to hug no one just her fiancé, she just wanted her fiancé back where they would see each other everyday kiss, have sex, maybe even have kids but now that he's gone she can't do that with him. Rayne let's go of Nathan, she looks at him
"find out what you can and let me know" Rayne said turning back around opening her door
"before I do, I want you to take a shower get cleaned up and don't stay in your bed when I come back you better be ready to leave" Nathan said,
Rayne smiled a little "okay"
she walks into her room closing the door. Rayne had a pit in her stomach, deep down she really didn't want to know who killed him because she knows it's going to hurt worse than it does now. She looks around her room, looking at her bed where her fiancé used to sleep at, it had a he's scent on it she starts to tear up but she stops it. She knew she could do this, she wanted to do this for him, she wanted justice. After Rayne got done with her shower she walked out the door getting into her car, she turns her car on driving to Nathan's office. Nathan has another friend that is an investigator. Rayne pulls up into a parking lot, she turns off her car, she waits for a second she overthinks things. Nathan knocks on her window telling her to get out of the car. She gets out of the car, closes the door she looks at Nathan's office it's a 11 feet tall tower
"you look better now" Nathan said,
rayne looked at him with a serious face "you going to take me to your office or what?" Rayne said,
Nathan walks, Rayne followed. He opens the door Rayne walks inside, it looked pretty inside, it was white, clear, opened, it felt good. They both walked towards the elevator, Nathan clicks the button, it dings. The elevator opens up they both walked into the elevator, it closes, Nathan clicks number 5. Rayne never liked tall towers they always scared her, she would have her fiancé with her keeping her calm but Rayne started to breathe a little fast, she kept saying you can do this, you can do this. The elevator opens they walk out of the elevator. Nathan leads her towards a big glass door, he opens the door a women with strawberry blonde hair with a pale skin. She was pretty.
"Hi, you must be Rayne, my name is Amelia charlotte" Amelia said,
pulling her hand out to shake Rayne hand, Rayne pulls her hand out shaking hands
"yeah that's me" Rayne said,
Nathan walked to Amelia handing her some papers.
"Please sit down, this might take awhile" Amelia said writing something on a paper. Rayne sits down looking around
"your fiancé, what his name?" Amelia asked,
Rayne hasn't said his name in forever she almost forget his name as she forget how touching him feels
"Zion" Rayne said,
Amelia kept writing in the paper. Rayne kept thinking how could she help? How could anyone help? I just wish this was a dream, please wake up, please wake up.
"Okay what's his last name?" Amelia asked, "Anderson, Zion Anderson" Rayne said, Nathan walked out the room Rayne looked back see where he was going but he was gone before she could see
"how are you going to help me find what happened? Why haven't y'all found out who killed him?" Rayne said confused,
Amelia looked at her sitting on the desk "case like this takes time, I know if this was my fiancé I would want to know too but I promise you who ever did this to him will rot in hell" Amelia said,
that made Rayne smile a little, she wanted that person to pay. Nathan walked into the office again
"sorry I got called" Nathan said looking at Rayne "ready to go?"
Rayne got up and shook her head
"yeah" Rayne said she turned to Amelia "please don't let me down" Rayne said,
Amelia rubbed Rayne's shoulder "I promise you I won't let down, I'm the best at this job" Amelia said,
Rayne walked out the office. Nathan poked his head out the door
"you sure you can do this?" He said,
Amelia shrugged "I hope so" looking at a paper in her hand. Nathan walked out catching up to Rayne, she clicked the button on the elevator the door opened they walked into the elevator Nathan clicked the 1st floor they went down, the elevator opened they walked out, the door opened Rayne walked to her car unlocking it
"I'll let you know if we find anything" Nathan said,
Rayne looked at Nathan "okay but till then don't come to my door unless it has to do with my fiancé, okay?" Rayne said seriously, Nathan nodded his head "I will do that if you take care of yourself" Nathan said,
Rayne opened her door "I can take care of myself thank you" Rayne said,
closing the door turning the car on, she drives to her house. She gets out of her car she walk to her door before she put her key in the door she didn't want to see Zion dead on the floor but she knew he wouldn't be there but she was afraid to see it again. She puts the key in the door she opens the door while walking in, closing the door locking it back. She didn't see him, she didn't see the blood, she didn't see his dead body. She went to sit on her bed. On the weekday she would wait for Zion to arrive from places he would give her hugs and kisses, they would talk for hours about their day. They were happy Rayne would cook for his favorite meal every Wednesday and if she didn't cook they would have takeout. On the weekends they would go some place to hang out or just have a home date night. Rayne keeps processing about Zion, she keeps thinking all this is a dream and she will wake up from this bad dream. Rayne snaps back into realty, she jumps up start to cook some spaghettiOs. She turns the tv on she goes on the news, she sees her fiancé's name on their with a title that's says 'case reopening' the lady on the news is telling people that they might have some leads but keeping a look out of the killer. Rayne turned off the tv, she had a sudden chill she thought to herself what if the killer kills me next? What I'm I next? Rayne reaches for her phone she text Nathan to meet her at her house. A few minutes in Nathan arrives at her house, Rayne opens the door
"hey what's going on" Nathan said walking inside,
Rayne closes the door, "what if the killer comes back and kills me?" Rayne said looking stressed,
Nathan chuckled "why would anyone kill you?" Nathan said, Rayne thought he was stupid, anyone who doesn't have a heart could kill her
"anyone could, they killed my fiancé" Rayne said,
Nathan got close to her "no one is going to kill you I promise you, I won't let nothing happen to you" Nathan said calmly,
"I have to go back to the office to talk to Amelia, I'll let you know what we have so far, are you going to be okay while I'm gone?"
"Yeah I'll be fine" Rayne said,
Nathan grabs something behind his back he pulls it out in front of Rayne, it was a gun
"Take this just in case they do come back here" Nathan said putting the gun in her hands, Rayne grabs the gun walks to a old box puts the gun in the box
"I never used a gun before" Rayne said,
She lied, she used one twice.
"Places like this your going to have to, for your safety" Nathan said opening the door "I'll text or call you whenever we get done"
Rayne nodded her head, Nathan walked out. Rayne kept looking at the gun, even though she used a gun, she never liked guns they were violent, they killed people, it killer her husband. She didn't like gun but now she might have to use one on someone again. Rayne went to her dresser picking out some clothes to wear for bed, she puts them on. She crawls into bed hoping that her fiancé would beside her, she falls asleep. The next morning, Rayne gets a phone call, she picks it up,
"Hello?" She said tired,
"Can you meet me at the office, we have information and questions to ask" Nathan said seriously,
Rayne got worried what if they found the person? Could they have a lead? She got up put on a white shirt with a red flannel, blue jeans she walks out of the house, getting into her car. She arrives at the office getting out of the car, she speed walks towards the door. She gets to the elevator clicking the button the door opens she walks into the elevator. The elevator closes the door, she clicks the number 5, the elevator goes up and the door opens. Rayne walks out of the elevator, walking to the big door Nathan sees Rayne opening the door
"What do you have? Did you find the person?" Rayne said desperately,
"No we didn't find them, but I have something to ask you" Amelia asked, "did you know your fiancé was a rapist and abuser?"
Rayne's heart stopped for a second she looks at Nathan and Amila
"What are you talking about my fiancé is not a rapist and a abuser" Rayne said, she knew he was abuser and rapist because he abused and raped her
"Apparently on his records his been charged for rape and crime of domestic violence, I don't know how you loved this man, but he is evil"Amelia said, "was he ever aggressive towards you?"
Rayne didn't want to tell them, she didn't care he was abusing her or raped her, she loved him
"Of course I loved him, if I didn't I would be here" Rayne said,
Nathan got in front of Rayne "it's okay, you can tell us has he abused you?" Nathan asked,
"No of course not, y'all are crazy!" Rayne yelled,
Amelia hand Nathan a folder and gave it to Rayne "have you seen that person before?" Amila asked,
Rayne knew who it was. Her name was Kat,  had black brown hair, with dark green eyes. Zion never liked her, he just used her to have sex before Rayne fell for him. Zion had victims he abused and raped 5 girls including Rayne. She never told anyone about it, not even her mom, dad or Nathan. She wanted Zion more than anything she didn't care of the abuse as long she had Zion. There was other girl in the file that had been abused, they've never said anything if they did, Zion would killed them. He gave the girls 100,000 dollars to keep quiet, Zion never did that to Rayne because she stayed for him she fell for him. Rayne felt bad for Zion, she always thought he needed someone to love, so she fell in love with him but Zion didn't like Rayne at first.

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