First meet

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8 years earlier, they met at a bar in Louisiana, Rayne was sitting there by herself then Zion kept looking at Rayne, she kept looking at the door like she was waiting for someone to come in so Zion came over asked her for a drink but Rayne never had one because she just turned 18. Zion understood so he suggested that he would take her home after one shot, at first she didn't like the idea but she wanted to give it a try so she took the offer. She drank one shot of tequila a few seconds she pasted out, Zion looked to see if anyone was watching and he took her to his car and drove to his place. Once they got there he took her out of the car placed her on his bed and waited till she woke up. Rayne wakes up frightened she's handcuffed to the bed, she looks around then she sees Zion talking to someone on the phone. He sees Rayne awake he hangs up the phone walks to her
"great your awake" Zion said looking at her up and down,
"What do you want from me? Why am I here?" Rayne said as she tries not to cry,
"You, I want you" Zion said as he sits on the bed beside her "I want to make you mine"
"You know this is called kidnapping right?" Rayne said looking at him crazy,
"Yes I do, but I couldn't help to not know who you are" Zion said,
"Asking me out wasn't enough?" Rayne asked as she tried to take the handcuffs off. Zion stops her, "I'll let you go if you promise to stay" said Zion, Rayne didn't want to die, she could die, he can shoot her and be dead that's the last thing she wanted.
"Fine I won't leave" Rayne said calmly,
"Good but remember if you do, you will have consequence" Zion said, she thought to herself consequences? Does that mean he would kill me? Rayne knew she had to do something in order for him not to kill her. Zion put a key into the handcuffs her hands were free she puts her arm down
"Are you going to kill me?" Rayne shouted, she didn't mean to say that, it just slipped. She didn't want this to be her last night.
"Why would I kill you?" Zion ask,
"Because you people kill" Rayne said,
"I never killed anyone, even if I killed it wouldn't be women" Zion said, "now stop worrying, I'll fix you something to eat. You like burgers?" He asked, Rayne was surprised he doesn't kill women? Then what does he do then just kidnap women? Rayne watches Zion walk into his kitchen. The apartment is not that big he has a lot of things, it's not messy. Rayne looks over at the kitchen seeing Zion cook some hamburgers on a pan, he walks over to Rayne
"I hope your hungry, I make good burgers" Zion said proudly,
"When can I go home, I want to go home" Rayne said,
"Whenever I say you can" Zion said, walking back to the kitchen picking up the pan lid, flipping the burgers. Rayne wanted to cry, she wanted her mom, she was worried no one would find her.
"The burgers are done, come sit in here" Zion said as he puts the burgers on a plate. Rayne gets up walks to the kitchen, she sits at the table. Zion sets the plate on the table
"How long am I staying?" Rayne asked,
Zion kept getting annoyed
"You ask a lot of questions" Zion said,
"Yeah because you kidnap me!" Rayne yelled, Zion looked at Rayne seriously,
"Don't ever fucking yell at me" Zion said as he puts down his burger "now eat the damn burger, I could leave you to starve"
Rayne pick her burger up and throws it at his face. Zion gets up, puts his burger down walks to her he slaps Rayne in the face, he picks her up slams her on the bed, "this is the consequence your going to get!" Zion yelled, as he pulls down Rayne's pants and underwear, he pulls out his dick shove it inside of her. Rayne tries to stop him but Zion was to strong. She tried to scream but Zion covered her mouth as he began to rape her.
The next morning Zion walks to Rayne giving her some water
"this might help" Zion said, Rayne grabs the water, she drinks it, she gives it back to him. Rayne couldn't talk, she didn't want to
"I'm guessing that was your first time?" Zion asked,
"Yes" Rayne said quietly,
"How did it feel?" Zion asked, "I'm sorry if I hurt you too bad"
Rayne looked at him "are you kidding me? You think I liked that?" Rayne asked,
"Well you were going to have sex anyways right?" Zion asked,
"Yes but not by you or any kidnapper!" Rayne shouted, her heart stopped, last time she shouted at him she got a consequence she didn't want him to rape her again
"You are going to learn some manners" Zion said, "go take a shower, I got things to do and your coming with me"
Rayne gets up looks at him "I don't have other clothes"
Zion grabbed some clothes out of a dresser "here take these"
Rayne grabbed them, went into the shower. She looked around to see if she could escape but there was nothing, she turned the shower on, she gets in. After her shower she gets out, Zion is standing at the foot of the bed texting someone
"I'm done" Rayne said,
Zion smiled "good let's go" they both walk to the door Zion opens the door, they walk out and gets into his car
"Can I call my mom?" Rayne asked while putting her seat belt on
"Why so you can tell her your being kidnapped, no way" Zion said,
"Please just to tell her that I'm okay" Rayne said, Zion looked at her for a moment he grabbed her phone out of the Center console hands it to her
"You better not tell" Zion said, how much Rayne wanted to but her gut was telling her not to. She had only 3 messages her mom didn't even bothered to text, the only person that texted was Nathan 'what happened to you last night, I thought we were supposed to met up' 'sorry if I upset you' 'hello?' Rayne didn't respond she thought texting him wasn't a good idea but she knew she couldn't, she respond 'don't worry about it, just don't text me I just need to be alone and don't ask questions please' she gave the phone back to Zion
"Did you text your mother?" Zion asked,
"No. She didn't even text me" Rayne said looking at the window,
"Don't worry I'm sure she knows your okay" Zion said looking at her,
"Yeah I guess," Rayne said "can we go now"
Zion cranked the car on, they drove to a grocery store. He parked into a spot, they both got out Zion got beside Rayne holding her hand and he whispered, "your going to hold my hand so you don't go anywhere and you say anything I will hurt you" Zion said as they walk into the store. People were getting things for 4th of July there was decorations everywhere. Rayne wanted to shout 'help' but she wanted to survive so she stayed quiet she looks at people getting food, party stuff. Rayne wanted that, she wanted to leave, she didn't want this. Zion grabbed a buggy and they walked to the frozen food aisle,
"Get what you want to eat" Zion said, Rayne looked she never liked frozen food she always cooked things but if she didn't she would just cooked canned foods.
"How about I cook every night, I rather cook than eat frozen foods" Rayne said,
Zion nodded "you can cook?"
"Yes, I do" Rayne said,
"Fine we'll go to the meat aisle" Zion said,
They walked to the meat aisle to get some hamburger meat and chicken.
"Can we get cereal?" Rayne asked,
Zion nodded, they walked to the cereal aisle, Rayne picked up honey but cheerios
"You like those?" Zion asked,
"Yes, there good" Rayne said "there better than the original ones"
Zion picked up fruity pebbles "these are better"
"You get them for you and these are for me" Rayne said,
"Fine get it" Zion said, Rayne thought it was weird him being nice if I just do what he wants he won't do nothing and I can be free, but why do I feel this way, I'm probably being weird. They went to the check out, putting the food in the bags. They walk out of the store, walking to the car. Zion puts the bags in the back seat, Rayne gets in the car, Zion puts the buggy away getting in the car.
"Have you done this to other women?" Rayne asked,
"Yes" Zion said,
Rayne looked at him a moment "what happened to them?" Rayne asked, putting her seat belt on,
"They kept fighting me so I let them go and I gave them 100,000 to not say nothing but if they did I would kill them" Zion said, he cranks the car on driving out of the parking lot. "But something is telling me your different from them"
"Me? Different?" Rayne asked confused
"Yes your not fight me, the others tried to one tried to kill me but couldn't do it. I'm surprised that they didn't because sometimes I deserve to die" Zion said,
"Don't say that even though you did well are doing a bad thing doesn't mean you deserve to die, I'm sure you just want someone to be loved" Rayne said, Zion didn't say nothing he just kept driving. They arrived at the apartment, they got out of the car.
"Just get in the house, I'll get the bags" Zion said, Rayne walked into the house, she goes sits on the couch, she watches Zion bringing the bags into the apartment. He sets them down on the counter top, Rayne gets up and walks to the kitchen opening the bags, getting things out of the bag
"Where do you want to put the groceries?" Rayne asked,
Zion took the bag "I'll do them don't worry about it"
Rayne took the bags out of Zion's hands "I got it, I can do them"
"Did I ask if you can or not" Zion said snatching the bags back,
"I'm just trying to help but if you want to be a bitch then be one!" Rayne shouted, Zion dropped the bags on the counter table, he grabs Rayne by the arm pulls her he punches her on the ground, slaps her, Rayne starts bleeding out of her mouth. Rayne screams at him begging him to stop but he continues to hit her in the leg, face, arms, and stomach. Rayne pushes Zion with her legs, Zion begins to get angrier, he grabs Rayne throws her in the bathroom. Rayne lays on the floor while she's bleed through her nose and her busted mouth. Zion locks the bathroom,
"Since you want to talk shit, you can stay in there" Zion said walking away from the door,
Rayne starts crying, she curls up in a ball I hate this, I hate him, I want my mom, I want to leave, I want to die.

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