The help.

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Rayne drove to Zion's house, he walks out of his apartment into the passenger seat,
"Hey" Zion said,
"Hey, you ready?" Rayne's asked,
"No but I'll get over it" Zion said,
Rayne drove to the cognitive-behavioral therapy.
"I don't want to do this anymore" Zion said,
"To late, should have thought of that before" Rayne said, "now come on"
They both get out of the car, they walk into the building
"Hello, name please" the lady in the front said,
"Zion Anderson" Zion said,
The lady looked at her book "hi Zion your session is about to began, they will call when there ready"
They went to sit down in the waiting room
"Have you been to therapy?" Zion asked,
"Yes" Rayne said,
"Why?" Zion asked,
"My father was a mean drunk" she said,
"Was he ever around?" He asked,
"No, he left when I was 10" she said,
"Did you like him?" He asked,
"No, he got into an accident a week ago for drinking and driving" she said,
"Sorry about your dad" he said,
Rayne laughed "he's not dead"
A lady came out of a room "Zion Anderson?"
They got up from the seat and followed the lady to another room. They both sat down
"I thought there would be one" the lady said,
"No umm" Rayne said,
"Please call me Allison" Allison said,
"Yes umm he didn't want to be alone" Rayne said,
"Look lady are you going to help or not?" Zion asked,
"Yes I am" Allison said while grabbing her clip board "tell me about your childhood"
Zion looked at Rayne and back at Allison,
"I'm not doing this" Zion said getting up
"It's okay Zion, just give it a chance" Rayne said,
Zion seats back down "my childhood isn't something I disused"
Allison write down things "you childhood might be your trigger, it could lead up to why your so angry all the time"
Zion hesitates "my father use to hit me, my mother didn't care she just watched as my father beats me, I was 3 he would hit me with a switch every night because I would cry at the dark. I had to eat one meal a day, I got raped by my dad and uncle, they didn't care. I tried to kill myself 5 times but some reason I manage to survive, I tried to leave the house but my father would bring me back and hit me even harder. I was bullied at school, they would kick me call me names, they almost choked me to death, my parents didn't care. My father kept hitting me until I was 17, I had enough and drugged him but I didn't kill him and left everything. That's my childhood"
Rayne felt bad she didn't know it would be that bad, no one really loved him that when she realized she couldn't leave him.
"That's a dark childhood, I'm sorry" Allison said,
"Yeah well it's over now" Zion said,
Allison write in her clipboard "when did you start getting angry?" She asked,
"I noticed my anger was getting worse when I was 19" he said,
Rayne notice Zion felt uncomfortable, she grabbed his hand and held it, she whispered to him "it's going to be okay, your doing good"  Zion looked better and continued his conversation with Allison. After the session they walked out of the building,
"You did good in there" Rayne said,
"Now you know why I hit girls" Zion said,
They get in the car, Rayne turns the car on.
"Do I have to keep coming here?" Zion asked,
"Yes, until everything is okay" Rayne said,
She drove to Zion's apartment,
"Before I go, I want to thank you" Zion said looking at Rayne,
"Your welcome" Rayne said,
Zion lead towards Rayne's mouth, he kiss Rayne on the lips and he gets out of the car. What just happened? He kissed me, what does that mean? Rayne drove away to her house. The next day, Rayne waits for Zion, he gets out of the apartment. He goes up to Rayne's car
"I can't go today" Zion said,
"What why, you were doing good yesterday" Rayne's said,
"Yeah but I can't go today" Zion said,
Rayne's gets out of her car
"Your not giving up now" Rayne said,
"What's the point, all I'm just going to be doing is how my life is miserable" Zion said,
"No it helps talking it out than keeping it to yourself" Rayne said,
"All I have is me" Zion said,
"You've got me, Zion" Rayne said,
"Your leaving remember" Zion said,
"No I lied I'm not leaving you" Rayne said,
"Rayne your making a big mistake" Zion said,
"Was it a mistake when you kissed me?" She asked,
"No it wasn't" he said,
"Then let me stay, I want to stay, I want to be here for you"Rayne said,
"So what are you saying?" Zion asked,
"I'm in love with you Zion!" Rayne yelled, "I know I shouldn't but I am, I don't know what it's about you but I do"
"Your in love with me?" Zion asked,
"Yes!" Rayne said,
"What if I said the same for you?" Zion asked,
Rayne got close to Zion
"Then let me stay" Rayne pleaded,
"I don't want to hurt you" Zion said,
"Then don't" Rayne said
Zion leans in to kiss Rayne, they make out
"Let's go to my room" Zion said as he looks at Rayne
"Yes, take me to your room" Rayne said,
He picks Rayne up and takes her to his bed while kissing. Zion takes his shirt off, he helps Rayne take her shirt off, he undid his pants and zipper, Rayne took her pants and underwear off
"You sure you want to do this?" Zion asked,
"I'm sure" Rayne said
Zion puts his dick inside of Rayne slowly. This feels different than last time, he's more gentle than the other time he fucked me. Is he making love to me? After they got done having sex, they lay down together watching the ceiling without a word I hope he doesn't regret it, I didn't, I actually enjoyed it.
"Was it better?" Zion asked,
"Yes" Rayne said,
"Before than I was using you for sex" Zion said,
"What about now are you still using me?" Rayne asked looking at Zion,
"No, like I said your different" Zion said, he kissed her forehead "let's get some sleep."
Rayne woke up, she notice Zion wasn't in the bed with her, she looks around for him but didn't see him. Did he leave me? Did he really mean what he said? The door opens, Rayne covers herself, Zion enters the apartment with a bag of groceries
"Good your awake, I figure I cook for you" Zion said,
"Please tell me it's not them burgers" Rayne laughed a little,
"You must not like my burger?" Zion looked at Rayne while putting thing out of the bag,
"Do I have to be honest?" Rayne laughed,
"No it's not burgers, it's spaghetti" Zion said,
"Do you know how to cook?" Rayne asked,
"Yes" Zion said,
"Just don't burn the house down" Rayne said,
Zion kept taking the bags out
"Do you really mean what you said?" Rayne asked,
"About?" Zion asked,
"By not using me for sex anymore" Rayne said,
"Yes I mean every word" Zion said,
He walks to Rayne
"I know I hurt you before but I promise I won't hurt you again" Zion said,
Zion kissed Rayne on the lips, he walks back to the kitchen and starts cooking the meat. Rayne lays back down this feels good, I love this feeling, I love him, I want this to stay forever. Zion got done cooking spaghetti, Rayne gets out of bed and sits at the table. Zion hands Rayne her plate, she eat it. Rayne was thinking of what happened last time they ate together, it was horrible but she thinks he was changing for him or for her.
"You know what, I think you do make a good cook because this is good" Rayne said smiling,
"Yes I know" Zion said proudly.
They keep eating their food, they laughed, talked. It was a good night everything was great, it's everything Rayne wanted. Rayne and Zion watch tv while eating popcorn, she turns to Zion
"Are you going back?" Rayne asked,
"To rehab? No" Zion said,
"Why not?" She asked,
"Because it's a waste of time" he said,
"You know it's not, you just don't want to talk about your past life, I get that I do but this will help you" she said,
"I'm not going to keep saying it Rayne, no the answer is no" he said,
"Fine but if you start getting out of control, you are going to management rehab" she said
"Okay deal" he said,
Rayne gets a text from Nathan 'your mom is wondering where you are, I don't even know where you are'
"Damn it" Rayne said,
"What?" Zion asked looking at Rayne,
"I got to go" Rayne said,
She gets up puts on her pants back on
"Where you going?" Zion asked,
"My mom is worried she doesn't know where I'm at and need more clothes to be able to stay here" Rayne said, "I'll be back"
She kisses Zion and leaves the apartment, Rayne texts Nathan 'I'm on my way home' she arrives at her house and gets out of her car. Rayne knocks on the door, her mom opens the door.
"Hey mom, I'm sorry, I stayed at a friends house I just forgot to tell you" Rayne said,
"This is the second time you've done this" her mom said,
"Yes know and I'm sorry it won't happen again" she said,
"No it won't because your staying here, your grounded" her mom said,
"Mom, I'm to old for that" she said,
"I don't get a damn I'm not going to be working if you've been kidnapped or killed" her mom yelled,
"Mom you don't have to worry about that I'm staying at someone's apartment" she said,
"Who's apartment, it better be Nathan's" her mom said,
"No mom it's just one of my old friends, if anything happens I'll let you know, I just need to get some clothes to stay for a week" she said,
"I don't think so" her mom said,
"Mom just let me go, Im 18!" Rayne yelled,
She went into her bedroom grabbed some clothes from her closet and dresser. She put it in her bag, she walks out of her room. Nathan shows up at the door, he looks at Rayne
"Hey Rayne" Nathan said,
"Why are you here?" Rayne asked,
"To check on you" Nathan said,
"Look I appreciate but I got to go" Rayne said,
She tries to walk through but Nathan wouldn't move
"Nathan can you move please?" Rayne asked,
"I'm sorry I can't" Nathan said,
"We want to know why your leaving" her mom said,
"Because I want to" Rayne said,
"We care about you, something's changed" Nathan said, "You don't see me no more"
"Because I'm busy" Rayne said, "now move, I've got to go"
"I can't do that" Nathan said,
Rayne pushes Nathan out of the way
"I said move out the damn way!" Rayne said walking to her car.
Nathan follows her "Rayne wait"
"Leave me the hell alone Nathan" Rayne said,
"Where are you going?" Nathan asked,
"To my boyfriend's house" Rayne said,
"Boyfriend?" Nathan asked,
"Yes my boyfriend, don't ask who because it's not any of your business" Rayne said,
She gets in her car and drives to Zions house. She get in the apartment,
"Hey you okay?" Zion asked,
"No!" Rayne said crying
Zion get up and walks to her,
"What's going on?" Zion asked,
"I want to get married" Rayne said,
Zion didn't say nothing for a moment
"Get married? We just started dating" Zion said,
"I want to get married and run away together" Rayen said wiping her tears,
"How much I would love to do that but we ain't go no money" Zion said, he thought for a moment. "Give me two year and we will get married and go wherever you want"
Rayne looked up "yes that seems good" Rayne hugs Zion tightly.
"Come on, lay down, everything is going to be okay" Zion said.

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