The Witch, The Warden, The Tinkerer

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Eda Pov*
I was waiting for Owlbert to come back when a poster landed by me. I picked it up and looked it over.

I sighed and stuffed it in my pocket

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I sighed and stuffed it in my pocket. That day kept coming back to haunt me with every failed attempt of me and King trying to break him out.
Y/N: "You got to go! Leave quickly before they get you too!"
"We are not leaving here, Y/N!"
Y/N looked down with a smile and looked back at King and I. He held my land with tears running down his face. His hands were so cold and were turning to stone.
Y/N: "What can I say?"
"Y/N? No don't you dare!"
Y/N: "Sayonara mi pequeño búho."
He threw King at me with rubble falling between us. I ran over to it and screaming for Y/N but all I could hear him whistling before he started screaming in pain with his body changing and screaming turned to a massive roar with the sound of guard chasing after him. His palisman took control of his staff and dragged me and King out of there.

I got out of that memory when I noticed Owlbert was back with some stuff from the human world.
"Finally, you're back!"
I grabbed the bag and placed it on my table and opened it.
"Now let's see what we got here."
Owlbert landed on my staff and I turned him around so that he could be my palisman again and not a real owl. I placed my staff next to...Y/N's with his palisman being a snotterbat. I pushed the dread away and went back to the bag.
I pulled out a small device with a glass screen on it and tossed it away.
I then pulled out a diamond ring and rolled my eyes when all my past boyfriends tried to propose to me not realizing that I was already married and tossed the ring away.
I then pulled out a really fancy mug and threw it away.
I kept searching and gasped when I found the perfect thing to sell. I put on glasses with fake eyeballs that dangled around.
"Now this, this will make me rich and help break Y/N out."
I then pulled out a book that was too bright for my taste and held it above a candle.
"And this, eh this would make good kindling."

Out of nowhere a human girl snatched the book out of my hands.
Luz: "Excusemethisisminethankyou!"
The girl went back to the door and I pulled out the key and pressed the eye on it. The door folded itself into a suitcase and flew behind me before the girl went through it. She turned towards me in fear when I took the glasses off.
"You're not going anywhere."
*No POV*
Inside a prison cell was a man who is practically skin and bones was whistling a low tune. A wrench appeared in his hand and started to hit it against a chain that is wrapped around his leg. He has a long dark brown bushy beard with various of nuts and bolts caught in it with his hair tied into a man bun with dark grey streaks on them. He was wearing a white shirt with its sleeves ripped off and covered in oil, brown leather gloves and what looked like to be overalls and a necklace with a gold ring on it. He had a pair of goggles covering his eyes and stopped when he heard a guard walking by his cell. The man stood up and hid beside his cell's wall. When the guard got close enough the man shot his hand out, grabbed the guard by his head and slammed him hard against the bars.

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