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Summary: After Carlos and TK got od they recover together
This One-Shot is a missing scene set in 3x12


"They are out but puls is still there" Owen calls when he checks up on the two men. By now the paramedics arived as well to take care of them and Marjan, making sure they are alive and more or less okay.

Gabriel is there too and so is his team to arrest Sadie, taking her away in handcuffs. Owen doesn't even bother to look at her. No. He sees something else. His son and Carlos regaining conciousness almost at the same time.

The first thing both do is checking up on each other, making sure they are fine. TK sits up straight, reachign for Carlos and pulling him into a tight hug. "You okay? Hurt? Anything?" he whispers to his boyfriend. "I'm okay. You?" the man asks back, holding back shock tears. This was too much at once "I'm okay. We're okay".

For a while they stay just like that, sitting on the floor, hugging and comforting each other. Until their dads both step in, glad that their sons are still alive. "I think we need to get you two to the hospital together with Marjan to check you up and make sure you are really fine" Owen suggests. He gives his son a hand and helps him up while Gabriel helps his son up as well.


Late that night Gabriel drives them back to the loft. Owen wanted to stay with Marjan and thank her for saving the men. Of course he only really was okay with staying when TK assured him at least five times that he and Carlos will be fine.


"We're fine dad" Carlos tells his dad again, his eyes begging the man in front of him to leave. He really just wants to crawl under the blanket with his boyfrined and cuddle and talk. "Okay okay. But call me or Owen if you need anything" the father finally says, hugging his son tightly before leaving.

As soon as his father left Carlos closes the door and turns around. TK already lays in bed with fresh clothes on. Quickly Carlos does the same and lays down next to his boyfriend five minutes later.

"Hey" TK mumbles. He feels sleepy but doesn't quite ready to go to sleep yet. "Hey" Carlos repeats. He pulls the blanket over them both before tangling their legs and wrapping and arm around TK. Their faces are only inches away and for a moment comfortable silence wraps around them.

"How are you feeling babe?" TK asks, his hand playing with Carlos curls. "I'm okay. Still a little shocked and a little strange but okay. Just tired" the cop answers "And you?". "Well I'm back at day one of my sobriety but I'm fine. I know the feeling but I'm sorry that you had to experience that" TK answers and shifts a bit to get even closer to Carlos.

He's really mad that this happened. Yes to him it's nothing new. Drugs and the feeling they give you but he never wanted someone he loves with his whole heart to feel like this. Now it did happened and it makes the paramedic sad, mad and really angry. Being forced to be back at day one of his sorbriety just adds onto that anger but right now all he cares about is Carlos and making sure he's okay.

"That sucks. But you'll be fine right?" the curly haired man asks and TK nods "Yeah. I'll be fine. We both will be fine". He closes the last bit between them, kissing him on the forehead. Carlos sighs, a little smile creeping on his lips "I love you. So much". "I love you too" TK answers. His lips move from Carlos forehead to his nose and then his lips to kiss his softly.

"Dad said we should stay off work tomorrow and rest" Carlos recalls his dads words. It's dark in the room but he knows TK well enough to know he's pulling a grimace. "Would you be fine here? I would like to go still. You know to get out and clear my head a little. I'm just one call away if you need me back here" he says.

"Yeah" the other man says "I'll be fine. But don't work a full shift. You need to rest too TK". "Promise. I'll be out for two or three hours. After that I could go to the market quickly to get us something nice we can cook for dinner and some ice cream" the paramedic says with a smile. "Okay. Good plan" Carlos says, laughing when his boyfriend answers "I know. It's mine".

"Let's try to get some sleep" TK says. He pulls his boyfriend closer and kisses him again. Carlos just sighs again in his arms. This feels good and rest sounds good. "Goodnight TK" he whispers. "Goodnight Carlos" TK answers. After one more kiss goodnight they close their eyes, falling asleep quickly. 

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