part sisx oh my gdo

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"I uh.. I have.. wait-"

"What's wrong?" Pear asked, his voice filled with worry and concern, "I.. don't wanna talk about it.. here." He shot me a look of understanding and ushered me to his car, I didn't even notice that I walked all the way here! Oh!

I sat in the passenger seat and he sat in the driver's seat, we put on our seat belts and he turns toward me, "We're going to go to my house, are you alright with that? I understand that you have nephews and you would like to take care of them." He waited for a response, but..

I honestly don't know how to choose. Ripe can take care of Splits and Peel, I KNOW that... but.. they're just KIDS. They shouldn't- "Give me your address, I'll drive to your house. Would you like to play some music on the drive?" He asks.. god.. he's too nice, am I dreaming? This was not the pear who made fun of my show.. he's too.. different. I slowly nodded at the offer and told him where I lived. I picked an album and Pear quirked up, "Oh, you like this as well?" Ah! He has a good music taste! "Yeah! These people are cool, I love their songs! It's honestly really, really comforting for me!" He nodded, silently wishing for me to continue,

10 minutes passed and we were at my house! Guess I ranted all that time huh..? "Why did you let me.. talk, about.. that?" I fiddle with my bow and got all my courage to look at him in the eyes, "You were anxious, and I saw that when you rambled, your anxieties went away, so, obviously, I let you talk. Did it work?" He slowly raised his hand to his face, I nodded and gave him a smile. He sighs, (a good one!) "Well, we should head inside now, don't cha think?" I chuckle and grab him by the hand to lead him to the front door.

I let go of it and reached through my pockets to get my key!! I shoved it in the doorknob and turned it. I quickly put the keys back into my pocket and opened the door. "Come on in!" Why was he staring at his hand? Weird!

"..Uncle..?" A tired Split showed her face in the hallway, she slowly walked to me and pulled me into a hug, ".. Missed ya.." She groggily said. I looked at Pear, who stared at the little lady with bright eyes, ah, he likes my nephews! Neat! I carry Split, motioning Pear to follow me.

We walk into the living room and I quietly tell Pear to just stay put and wait there, "Are you gonna put them to sleep?" Pear sat down, and looked up at me holding my niece, "Yeppers, peppers.. Just gotta put her down, then we can have a talk, or something-! You CAN use the kitchen if you want, make tea or whatever you drink." He nodded and I walked out of the room, through the corridors and started climbing the stairs to the rooms my nephews slept in.

I walk towards the door labeled, 'Splitsie! Please knock!!' I adjusted her weight so that I could reach the doorknob. I opened the door and turned the lights on. The room was fairly messy, a transgender flag, along with the progress flag, was hung on the walls. I smiled, I'm so glad Splits discovered herself..

I laid her on the bed, she wiggled and suddenly started snoring, I can't believe a 13 year old could still be as cute as a toddler! Man, I wish I had my own kids.. but, I threw away that thought for now and tucked her into bed. I closed the door to her bedroom, (Yeah, I put away some stuff to where she always put them, mostly because I got angry about the mess, aha..)

I climbed down the stairs and walked back into the living room. Pear was enjoying a cup of tea, and there also was another cup sitting on the coffee table. "Ooooh, who's this for?" I picked it up and sniffed it, oh, it's hot chocolate! How did he know- Oh right, files, he read me like an open book, got it-

"Yes, I did read that you liked hot chocolate, it was a simple find, really. A barista for a coffee shop that you went to a lot just mentioned it on a public site." Pear sipped on his tea and pat his side, probably meaning that I should sit next to him! I did sit next to him, with hot choco in hand.

"Would you like to talk about feelings, now? Y'know, I also studied psychology and basically the things therapists learn to be.. a professional one. All I need is the title." Pear bragged! I know it wasn't a brag, but he sounds so smart! All I did was just, murder a bunch of people, emotionally and mentally scarring all of them!

"Meh, the moment's passed!" I leaned into his side, he didn't flinch or move away this time! Yay!!! "Wanna watch a movie?" Before I could say anything else, he already stood up and got the remote. Geez, this guy has a 5th sense or something! He handed it to me and we got back to our past positions.

I flicked through Netflix, trying to find a good thing to watch. Eventually I just gave in and watched a comedy show, don't know who this guy is, but he's funny! I felt Pear wrapping his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.

I didn't put up a fight, actually, I snuggled in closer! This is totally what friends do, all the time!

I felt my eyes getting heavier and I..

(Pear time, we haven't seen his view in a wwwwhile)

I chuckled at the sight of the sleeping Banana cuddled up next to me. I put down my mug and get a blanket from the side couches. I put it around him.. Oh, I am trying desperately not to kiss his forehead.. well, he's asleep anyways, not like he's going to figure it out!

I quickly peck his forehead and turn away from him as fast as I can, I felt my entire warmth flood my face, making it appear flushed. Oh dear, I shouldn't have done that-! He.. didn't consent to it! I'm horrible! My thoughts were panicked, but I showed no emotion in my face, (at least I thought so-)

Reaching for the remote, I switched the television off and slowly looked over the sleeping man next to me.. I never thought he could look so.. peaceful.. it's adorable..

I lift my hand and caress his face, he nuzzles into the contact and the action makes my heart flutter. I take the blanket and wrap it around us, I get comfortable as I drift off to sleep as well..

This day started off as.. questionable.. but, I wouldn't mind it ending like this again..

"I love you, Banana.." was the last thing I said before falling asleep..


Haha some good ol' fashioned fluff!!!
And yeah, Splits/Middle Nephew is transgener because i want to!!! My fanfic, my hcs!!!
Btw DB is audhd :]

Hope you guys enjoy this fluffy stuff!!! Adios mi amigos!!!

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