Parte 5!?

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Banana here.

Soooooooooo...... the last show.. did not go well. At all! It wasn't my fault! The audience was something I haven't seen before! And that's saying a LOT since I have practically seen everything. A very cautious, terrified Lemon and two heckler cherries! It was awful seeing a really good friend of mine, (Announcer) cry!

At the start of the show, I forgot one part of the line and looked at my Oldest nephew,  Ripe, for help. He only gave me a nod and a thumbs up but, I know that's all he could've given. I managed to remember my lines though! So that was neat! But, after Lemon crashed through the WALL? IN A NINE-STOREY BUILDING? We had to immediately stop production because of, well,  their issues!

I paid for her hospital bills obviously,  since I'm the one who provoked him..

We usually do about 6 shows in one day, but due to the accidents,  and the dumb cherries heckling the Announcer-! We just.. had to stop filming for the day. I told and explained everything to my nephews and they understood. Boardy took Announcer home since he was still.. crying.

It's now.. about 10 pm. I'm in a bar. So much things happened today, and I had a meltdown in the employee's only room! Alcohol usually does nothing for me, but when I'm really upset, I think it works. I stare down at the glass of booze infront of me.. I swish it around and sigh.

I felt shuffling around my side, then I felt someone's eyes on me.

"Look, just please leave me alone, I'm not in the mood to have a.. chit-chat." I look down on my drink and frown. It's not working yet. The random person next to me chuckles— I look up from my drink to see who-




He smiled at me, but it wasn't an 'Haha you were wrong and I'm rubbing it in because I'm mean!' grin.. it was.. a nice one. "So.. Are you trying to drink your problems away..?" He looked at me, resting his face on the palm of his hand. I quickly turn and groan, "Oooooooooooh yeahhhhh. I do it. All. The. Time." He nodded and moved his chair closer to mine, "I get that, I used to have an addiction to cigarettes. My brothers told me it was bad, and that they loved me, and will support me no matter what so I.. stopped smoking." He smiled at me again.. God I wanna kiss it off his stupid face..  "Well, alcohol does absolutely nothing for me, since-" He cut me off,

"Yeah, your brain is hyperactive and alcohol is a depressant. Basically,  your head is like coffee so alcohol just makes you.. normal." He explained, Wait, how did he know I was hyperactive?

"Did you read all about me or something?" I snobbishly chuckled and looked at him. He nodded.. which.. uh.. "What? Did you really think I would just.. like someone without even considering who they are, what their status was or, any of their problems?" He gave me an understanding smile, and I worked up a sweat,

That means he knows.. everything. How!? I- I got rid of everything! Y'know— to start a new life! Wh- how- I— "Based on your expression, you're anxious. Yes, I do know everything there is to know about you, but that doesn't  mean I can't form new opinions based on who you are now."

Pear turned to the bartender and asked them for a shot of booze, he paid them and downed the entire thing. He turned back to me, "You did shitty, shitty.. things. And I don't owe you anything,  but I'm willing to do anything to make this.. thing, whatever we have, work." I stared at him, he.. genuinely wants to understand.

I feel tears bubbling up in my eyes, and I quickly blink them away.

"Can I.. rant to you.. about.. feelings..?" I looked down, awaiting an answer,  a cough, a rejection.. anything at this point.

"Of course."


Ok so pear is very out of character here, mostly because pear in this is like, very understanding,  his whole "grumpy crtic" persona is just an act and he has a big fat crush on banana (also his brother, sage, is literally an academic. So.) Also btw he studies in journalism

Lemon uses she/they/he because i can and i will
Oldest nephew,  or Ripe, uses he/she because again, i can.

Another short chapter woooooo sorry about that. I just barely have any ideas and im depressed i think

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