Transphobia and Grell Sutcliff

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I am an angry trans person and I have some WORDS for the fandom.

Now I'm aware that most people nowadays are on the trans fem Grell train, and that most books on wattpad about her are super outdated from when BB was massive in the early 2010s. But this is more of a retrospective and analysis on how horribly Grell has been treated by the fandom in the past and a big fuck you to the few man grellers out there.

So let's start, we all know Grell is a canon trans woman. It's been stated over and over, there's been a million analysis posts on it, the author herself refers to her as a woman. The only reason she's misgendered in the story is because it's set in the 1800s, when being trans was a big no no. I mean she literally is implied to have KILLED HERSELF because of the transphobia and gender dysphoria she was experiencing as a human. And just in case anyone wants proof

 And just in case anyone wants proof

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Right there, highlighted in yellow. Straight from the manga.

"The thing I want to do the most is have a SEX CHANGE. I'm serious you know?"

Girl wants big tits and a juicy pussy. How much more obvious can you get?

In the past 20 years we've seen a rise in acceptance of LGBT people, but even then the progress has been very slow. The recent past (like 2019-now) we've definitely had a bit of a rapid spike in understanding, but still there's a massive amount of work that still needs to be done. The fact that Black Butler came out in 2009 and had a Trans woman character is already wild enough. 2009 when people thought throwing around the word f*ggot was fun and totally normal, when "that's gay" was still an insult.

And trans women have always had an insane amount of discrimination, as a non binary person I can say that while I've definitely faced some disgusting stuff, the hate toward trans women in particular is especially vile. Mainly by TERFs and radically religious people, who paint all trans woman out to be "sex crazed men trying to g*oom kids" which is total fucking bullshit.

So even though yana wasn't amazing at writing Grell in the early days just the fact she even made an openly queer character in 2009 is pretty cool. Most openly queer characters in anime were from fetishised yaoi back in those days. Black Butler is definitely far from that, despite the rumours. No it wasn't originally meant to be a yaoi, it was always meant to be a psychological horror type show.

But yaoi culture was MASSIVE back in the 2000s anime space, and shipping culture in general. The way Grell was treated by fujoshis was abhorrent. Her identity as a woman was COMPLETELY ignored and cast aside for the sake of having a gay ship. Because god forbid Sebastian/Will kiss a WOMAN am I right? Totally ignoring the fact that since Grell is a trans women would make the ships STILL QUEER. Just because the ship is straight passing doesn't mean it's not queer. She's still trans.

A bi girl and bi boy can be in a straight passing relationship but they're still queer. A trans man and trans woman can be in a straight passing relationship but they're still queer.

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