Who is she?

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A/n: hmnnn I'm gay for Grell FFUUCK- please ma'am just a pinch of tiddy.

You were livid, absolutely fuming.

Turns out, you'd been cheated on. For years. After the sadness and betrayal simmered, rage took its place.

You were going to kill him.

And you had a good idea of how to do it without being caught too. So what if you'll end up in hell for this, that fucker deserved to die. He would be at a ball tonight, with his side girl. The girl didn't do anything wrong, she was just as oblivious as you were so you were keeping her out of it. It was him you wanted dead. Thanks to the masquerade dress code you could show up under a mask and conceal your identity, only revealing it when you had him cornered and begging for his life.

So you showed up at that ball, knife under your dress. That fucker was going to die for what he did.

Under the cover of an elegant black mask of lace and feathers, donning a matching black dress and heels you waltzed in as if you were meant to be there. Looking around and quickly spotting the cheating fucker talking to his side girl your eyes narrowed in anger and you sighed in frustration. Of course he had the nerve to wear the suit YOU gave him. Butlers were walking around with food and drinks, and maids stood by if anyone needed help. You'd have to avoid being noticed by them, although with the amount of people here it wouldn't be hard.

Among all the boring colours of black suits and white gowns, there was one thing that stood out. A girl, head to toe in red standing off the the side with a glass of wine in hand. She seemed to be watching the crowd, maybe waiting for someone. But her long hair that hung over her shoulders and her matching red mask made her stick out among the others.

She was bold for wearing red to a black tie. Admirable.

But that wasn't what you were here for, you were here on a mission. A butler passed you, offering glasses of champagne and you took one just to chug it down for a boost of confidence.

You watched from the sidelines, waited, anger brewing inside you thinking of how long that man lied to you, screwed you over. You put everything into that relationship, and he had the nerve to throw it all away as if it were nothing. How could he? No...


Finally around the stroke of midnight, he left the ballroom slightly drunk heading toward the bathroom. You knew now was the chance, following him and slipping through the crowd un-spotted you stalked behind him far enough so he couldn't hear your heels clicking on the ground. Down the winding halls of the mansion the sound of the ball got further and further away. No one would hear him scream this way.

He turned into the bathroom, and closed the door. You stood outside and waited, hand gripping the knife under your dress. As soon as he opened that door you'd push him back in and attack. You felt a little bad for the owner of the mansion for having to clean up a dead body, but your anger for this sack of shit overtook that feeling.

It didn't take long for you to see the door handle turn, and the door to crack open again and all that anger and adrenaline came bursting out. You launched at him, shoving him backward into the ground and pinned him down to the floor. He bashed his head on impact and yelped in pain.

"What the fu-"


"(Y-Y/N)?! What are you-" he stammered.

"You thought you could cheat on me for YEARS and get away with it? REALLY? I put EVERYTHING into this relationship, EVERYTHING! And you just threw it all away for some other girl. Was her pussy really that worth it? REALLY? And she has no idea that you're a cheating whore too huh? BASTARD! UNFAITHFUL MOTHER FUCKER!"

Grell x Reader oneshots • Black ButlerWhere stories live. Discover now