Eternity part 1

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A/n: Tw for mentions of suicide.

The worst mistake you'd ever made was falling in love with someone who was already dead. You met the redhead several years back by pure chance while she was undercover at ball for a soul collection. It was when she pushed you out of the way of a falling chandelier to save you from an early death that sparked up the friendship. Soon what friendship turned to a very clear mutual romance. But there was a problem, she was already dead.

A grim reaper stays the age they died for eternity. Grell would forever be in the body of a 27ish year old woman, even though she'd been around four hundreds of years by now. And you? You were still human. You'd age, you'd wither and eventually die.

Both you and Grell knew it'd never work out between you. You'd grow old, you wouldn't be able to keep up with her as she stayed young. And eventually, you'd die. And she'd continue to live her afterlife. It hurt the both of you deeply that you couldn't make things work because of that.

That was until you found out how reapers were made. Suicide.

Grell never told you, you found out via another reaper you'd run into. She knew that if she told you, you'd be inclined to take your life just to be with her forever. And she wanted you to live a full, healthy life. There was a catch to being a reaper, you had to work to the point of exhaustion for centuries until you were forgiven and allowed to live the rest of your immoral afterlife as you pleased. It was rare to be forgiven as well, very few reapers get that privilege.

And so you and Grell continued to exist as a human and a reaper as friends who wished for more, but knew it'd never work. She continued to hide it the way she died from you so you'd not make the same mistake. Of course she wanted to be with you for eternity, but she also didn't want you to make the same mistake she did.

"Well, that's it for me today! I'll be off then"

"What? You got less souls? Unfair"

Ronald just shrugged at the redhead and gave her a teasing look.

"Maybe if you didn't misbehave so much the higher ups wouldn't have it out for you" Ronald replied.

"Shut up, they'll have it out for me no matter what. They're just privileged assholes anyway..." Grell sighed.

Taking her ledger from her pocket she flipped though the pages looking for the next soul.

"Oh, only one more. Guess I'm doing better than I thought tod-"

She froze, starring down at the final page in the days ledger. I'm an instant her whole body filled with dread and the world seemed to shatter around her.

(Y/n) (l/n), suicide.
Gunshot wound to the head, 10:43pm.

"Grell? Hello? Earth to Grell?" Ronald spoke.

"I have to go" Grell panicked, stuffing the ledger back in her pocket and picking up her chainsaw.

"What? No goodbye?"

"No time I have to go, NOW"

Ronald watched her run off at top speed, clearly distressed and didn't have a clue what was the big deal. But he let her go, figuring it best not to interfere. Plus his shift was over anyway.

Grell had never run so fast in her life, let alone carrying a heavy chainsaw and in heels. She had no thought for the people around her, her only goal to get to you before you could do it. As much as she wished for a forever life with you, she wished you a proper happy life more. There was too many strings attached to being a reaper, and she'd never be able to forgive herself for being the reason you died. Even if she did get to spend the rest of eternity with you.

Grell x Reader oneshots • Black ButlerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz